Great Nobleman

Chapter 1097: Reinforcements arriving one after another!

The morning after being restrained in [Steel Shield Castle] by strong orcs.

Brand, who looked leisurely, was tasting fresh berries while routinely exchanging information with Rias.

Talking about yesterday afternoon, we were talking about the achievements of the three high-level military forces of the Bruns Empire.

Brand, who has always been gentle and considerate, expressed a very objective view:

“In fact, we cannot conclude hastily that their combat effectiveness is low.

After all, they are just reinforcements and there is no reason to go all out for the Mosar Kingdom. "

Hearing this, Rias smiled and said:

"Although I don't think these three small knights will have much time to hide their strength in the face of the strong orcs who are always good at fighting.

But since Mr. Brand said so, I think they must indeed be hiding their strength! "

After nodding benevolently, Brand began to ask another question:

"I heard that the reinforcements from our empire will be arriving in a teleportation circle soon?"

Speaking of this, Rias nodded quickly and said:

"I am now at the military camp south of the Royal City of Mosar. The mages of the Imperial Palace Mage Corps have just begun to set up teleportation devices in the school grounds.

At noon today, several great knights, magisters, their followers, and some intelligence personnel from our empire will be teleported over with supplies and equipment.

If Mr. Brand has anything he wants to convey, he can tell it now.

At this time, I can also help you make arrangements.

In addition, Count Claude, who is close to Mr. Brand, is also on the list of people supported this time. "

Brand shook his head and said:

“The various supplies our library carries are relatively sufficient, so there is no need to carry extra supplies.

I also know that Uncle Claude is coming to support.

The Claude family has already sent mages to support them, and if they spend a lot of money to invite Uncle Claude over, it will barely be equivalent to having an extra mage group.

The Mosar Kingdom made a good calculation.

All in all, after they come, just go north to meet us.

By the way, one more thing.

Regarding the fact that some time ago, the northern army of the Kingdom of Mosar was defeated in consecutive days, especially the [Chongyan Castle] fell at an unimaginable speed.

A local noble happened to come to visit before, so I asked him about it. "

After a brief pause, he recalled the speeches of several local nobles yesterday.

Brand continued:

“Regarding this matter, the Northern Legion and the nobles of the Mosar Kingdom also conducted an investigation.

However, because many strong fortresses including [Chongyan Castle] have fallen, many defenders have been dispersed or died in battle.

The results of their investigation were not ideal, and the only useful information that could be confirmed was obtained from a team of demon warriors.

According to them:

In most of the defensive nodes where abnormal situations occurred, a force that made them feel "cold" seemed to appear inside the defensive fortress.

Because most demons are good at using the element of fire, they are more sensitive to this opposite power.

In addition, this news was also confirmed by some surviving soldiers.

Comprehensive analysis based on this information.

They believed that the orcs had used some brand-new infiltration method, which caused problems with the defense force in key areas inside the fortress, causing the orc army to march in. "

After hearing Brand's words.

Rias asked doubtfully:

"So the orcs used some special method to bypass various protective barriers and sneak into each fortress.

Then accurately attack the important defensive forces inside the fortress, providing huge convenience to the attacking army?

And this kind of thing keeps happening, and the Mosar Kingdom still doesn’t know exactly how the orcs did it, or what exactly they did? "

Brand shook his head and said:

“Whether these things were done by orcs has not yet been completely determined.

As far as I know, at least the various magic barriers in [Chongyan Castle] are powerful after all. Most of them are purchased from Caesar or the Munn Empire.

It is not an easy task to sneak in without destroying the barrier.

In my opinion, the possibility of a traitor is greater.

Based on this possibility, the Northern Army of the Mosar Kingdom has also secretly made some preventive arrangements recently.

But now that [Chongyan Castle] has fallen, the entire northern border is in pieces.

Whether there are these arrangements or whether there is a traitor is not very important for the time being.

After all, in a series of previous events, the orcs had already gained a great advantage in the northern border of the Mosar Kingdom.

We will pay attention to the follow-up. "

At noon that day, the military camp outside the royal city of Mosar.

As the transmission device started to operate, a blurry area suddenly appeared where the transmission platform was located.

Wait for the "curtain" of this fuzzy area to be lifted.

Led by five luxuriously dressed figures, a team of hundreds of people appeared on the teleportation platform.

——The Mosar Kingdom welcomed the second batch of strong reinforcements.

Then, two days later.

Led by the Kaya Empire and supported by land, the army arrived at the southeastern border of the Mosar Kingdom.

After a short rest, they marched straight towards the northern border of the Mosar Kingdom, striving to support the battle as soon as possible.

On the same day, the first batch of royal city guards from the Mosar Kingdom began to move north from the area surrounding the royal city to assist in the battle.

——The entire Kingdom of Mosal officially began to prepare for the counterattack plan in the North!

The morale of the Northern Army gradually recovered and rose.

The old marshal of [Steel Shield Castle] also invited Brand to discuss the counterattack many times.

In the past few days, because the reinforcements have arrived one after another, the morale has recovered, and the orcs' attack is not as fierce as before.

So although they still lost some fortifications, the speed has been greatly slowed down compared to before.

If other reinforcements from the rear arrive in the North with war weapons and supplies.

With the joint efforts of all parties, the Kingdom of Mosal will truly have the power to fight the orcs head-on!

Then, on the second day.

Perhaps the orcs noticed some problems from the gradually increasing strength of the Northern Army.

In the northern border of the Kingdom of Mosal, the major orc legions that were fighting in separate forces began to return to the location of the main force of the army.

In addition, the orc strongmen who were blocking the door outside the Steel Shield Castle also evacuated northward to join the main force of the orc army.

When the orcs made such a move,

The entire northern border of the Kingdom of Mosar has welcomed its first day without war since the orcs moved south!

In addition, that afternoon.

The orc army that had gathered together began to retreat further to the north!

After that, for three consecutive days, the orc army did not make any movement.

A speculation gradually spread in the Kingdom of Mosar:

The orcs are ready to abandon their battle plan in the Kingdom of Mosar!

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