Great Nobleman

Chapter 1103 Tolerance is one of the virtues, isn’t it?

The war meeting didn't last long.

During the days on standby, they had already discussed and assigned defense plans for various locations in the fortress in advance.

Needless to say, high-end combat forces such as the library are mainly responsible for containing the strong men of the orcs.

And the ordinary combat power of their Kaya Empire auxiliary legion will not directly join the defense of the fortress.

Instead, they serve as a support team, carrying out supporting offense and supporting defense according to the actual attack situation of the orcs.

After the combat meeting is over and everyone goes back to convey the content of the meeting.

According to the previous verbal agreement, everyone also found an open place and gathered together to hold a small banquet.

Not only Brand and Catherine, Franco also joined as promised, and many nobles and officers chatted happily with him at the banquet.

It was as if they had put aside their previous grudges.

While taking Catherine to enjoy the food quietly in a relatively peripheral area, she saw Franco walking among the crowd with a smile on his face from a distance.

Catherine asked:

"Master, does this count as helping Franco establish connections in the Northern Army?"

Hearing this, Brand waved his hand and said:

"We are just giving him a suggestion that will be beneficial for the subsequent battle.

This suggestion may even put Franco in greater danger to a certain extent.

It was him who showed his shining side.

Although many people in the Mosar Kingdom are dissatisfied with the actions of Franco and the Bruns Empire.

But that didn't stop them from admiring Franco's courage and being grateful for his help at this moment. "

After hearing this, Catherine said helplessly:

"I think the young master is too tolerant!

We don't have much of a relationship with Franco, maybe he treats us as mortal enemies behind his back.

When she was in the Kingdom of Cardan, Hisari beat her eldest brother many times! "

Brand said leisurely:

"Tolerance is one of the virtues, isn't it?

And after all, we will fight together for a period of time.

Of course, all this does not prevent us from continuing to stand on two sides and target each other after the incident is over! "

As the orc reinforcements from the north approached, the orc army became more active.

Since the second day, the Northern Army's scouts have encountered many obstacles in their continued exploration of intelligence.

Several of the Shadow Butterflies released by Brand were also discovered and destroyed by the orcs one after another.

High in the sky, Eagle Scouts also appeared from time to time, gathering information while maintaining a safe distance.

A few bold orcs even wander around the fortress from time to time.

——They gradually lost the movements of the orc army and detailed information on the location of the orc reinforcements!

At this point in time, the orc reinforcements may still be on the way, but the strong ones among the reinforcements are very likely to take the lead.

If extreme measures are adopted, such as going out directly to attack the orcs' arrogant behavior.

You might encounter an orc trap and fall into danger that is difficult to deal with.

Two days after the orc reinforcements officially crossed the border.

Under the instructions from the top of the Northern Legion, everyone tensed up and was ready to fight at any time.

They were not made to wait long.

In the afternoon of that day, the defenders of various fortresses around [Steelshield Castle] successively used magic communication devices to transmit the news that "the Orc Legion is approaching".

Immediately afterwards, [Steel Shield Castle] was far to the north.

The two extremely conspicuous Behemoth beasts, which were as tall as mountains and wore heavy armor, slowly moved southward.

An iron torrent of orc hordes followed the ground around them.

Seeing this situation, the old marshal immediately asked someone to blow the war horn, and everyone in the entire [Steel Shield Castle] got into position as quickly as possible.

After receiving the news that the orcs were approaching, according to the previously discussed plan, other members of the Kaya Empire's support corps were on standby at a certain location inside the fortress under the leadership of Lord Claude.

Brand, on the other hand, took Catherine, members of the library, and two small knights supported from home to the inside of the outermost wall of the fortress, an area with dense sloping spiers.

Not only them, but all other high-level military armed forces from [Steel Shield Castle] except the Claude Mage Group came here.

Among them is the knights led by Franco who will be acting with them this time!

In fact, the reason why the Northern Army chose to station its main force in [Steel Shield Fort] is because the perimeter of this fortress has a circle of defense means specifically designed to fight against giant enemies.

Each spire in this spire area has been specially strengthened, and when necessary, their strength can even be further enhanced by consuming resources!

For giant creatures, these dense spiers can only block the road slightly, but it will be different if a strong army is stationed here!

According to the senior leadership of the Northern Army:

When the giant creature is briefly hindered by these spiers.

The strong men hidden in the tower forest can bring great threats to these giant creatures!

Of course, special mention is needed:

In Brand's view, these arrangements should only be "better than nothing" against beings like the Titan Orcs!

After a brief exchange with the leaders of other senior military armed forces.

Everyone turned their attention to the distance to the north.

——The two Behemoth beasts and the orc army are continuing to approach!

Not long after, the attack horn was blown by the orcs, and the orc army began to charge faster!

When the other party entered the range, the war weapons in various places inside the fortress began to roar like thunder!

However, after dozens of breaths, spells, arrows, and crossbows wrapped in magic, elements, and life fighting spirit started from the fortress and covered the orc army heading south from the north like a rainstorm!

In contrast, while the orc army was charging southward.

Two behemoths suddenly stopped in the distance.

Their powerful front paws brushed the ground under their feet.

Under the influence of the great extraordinary power, they each condensed a huge stone ball full of rich earth elements from the ground under their feet.

They lifted it over their heads, grabbed the ground with their feet, and then threw it in the direction of the fortress!

Watching the huge stone ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters break the sound barrier, knock away the weak arrows and crossbows, and shoot towards them at a terrifying speed!

The pupils of many defenders of the fortress shrank unconsciously!

At the same time, outside the fortress.

The well-prepared knights raised their lances together, and the Golden Phoenix suddenly solidified and opened its sharp beak;

The next moment, several huge lances smashed one of the stone balls halfway!

The glorious breath also hit another stone ball without showing weakness, and in an instant, it consumed the extraordinary power in it and smashed the stone ball, and then roared further towards the Behemoth beast further behind!

Under the high-speed collision of the glorious storm, a Behemoth beast that was unable to react was hit solidly and was quickly repelled, leaving a wide and long mark on the ground.

And waited for the Golden Phoenix to stop breathing.

The Behemoth beast that was caught off guard just patted the sand and gravel on its body, and then slowly got up again.

——As if it had accidentally fallen just now!

When Brand was somewhat surprised by the powerful defense of the Behemoth beast.

Among the orc army that was charging towards the fortress with various long-range attack methods!

The six terrifying auras suddenly turned from restrained to explosive!

The next moment!

With the blessing of the Titan power, the six Titan orcs showed a huge body that was not inferior to the Behemoth!

They held two-handed large shields with ramming horns and launched a high-speed charge towards the fortress from all directions!

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