Great Nobleman

Chapter 1109 Sir Brand temporarily took over the command!

At noon, Mosar Palace, conference hall.

Because the Northern Army had a huge change during its retreat, the entire Army fell into a chaotic situation without a leader.

With the authorization of King Mosar, Oruch Coleman, the supreme commander in charge of the "King City Protection Plan", convened an emergency meeting.

Many nobles from the southern part of the Mosar Kingdom, representatives of the foreign support corps, and senior military leaders of the royal city guard corps were all invited to participate.

It is worth mentioning that:

Although the main content of the meeting was to discuss how to respond to the retreating Northern Army.

However, as soon as the meeting began, the participating representatives of the Bruns Empire Support Corps sent a message for help to others:

"This morning, our empire's Rosenkar Knights, who were supporting your country, were ambushed by a Leopard assassination team during their march.

All members of the Knights, including Mr. Franco Rosenkar, the head of the Knights and the heir of our Rosenkar family, were dispersed.

Up to now, they are still in danger of being chased by strong orcs.

I hope that your country will send people to rescue as soon as possible for the sake of the Rosenkar Knights participating in killing the Titan Orcs in the Battle of Steel Shield Castle. "

Upon hearing this, Oruch, who was the initiator of the meeting, quickly shook his head and said:

"Mr. Cesar, I fully understand your concerns about Mr. Franco and the members of the Rosenkar Knights.

But the current situation is more troublesome than you think.

In fact, we have now cut off most of the contacts with the Kingdom's Northern Army Corps in the north, which is evacuating southward.

Since yesterday afternoon, the top leaders of the Northern Army were assassinated and their whereabouts remain unknown.

Last night, the orcs further attacked the Northern Legion.

Many subordinate legions of the Northern Legion with magical communication devices have all lost contact with us.

The last time they used their magic communication device to communicate to us was shortly after nightfall last night.

From that time until now, we have not been able to receive any information from the Northern Army!

Several knights had very brief contact with us, but they soon lost contact because they were attacked by the orc pursuit team.

They themselves are very confused about the current situation. "

Hearing this, the representative of the Bruns Empire reinforcements named Cesar frowned and said:

“But before attending the meeting, I received part of the battle report from your Northern Army this morning.

Many legions in the northeastern region of the Central Plains have given up their original march plans and are currently moving closer to the Kaya Empire's support legions, aren't they?

Judging from this, your country should not have completely disconnected from the Northern Army. "

Speaking of this, Rias, who participated in the meeting on behalf of the Kaya Empire Support Corps, said:

“It’s up to me to explain this matter.

Yesterday evening, after receiving the news that the command system of the Northern Army was attacked.

The commander of our Kaya Empire Support Corps, His Excellency Brand Holland, immediately sent a large number of scouts to contact the legions surrounding them.

After it was confirmed that the Northern Army's command system could not be rebuilt in a short period of time, and the intelligence network also suffered a serious blow.

Lord Brand temporarily took over the command of the Northern Army of the neighboring Mosar Kingdom, deterred the orc assassination team in a small area, and rebuilt the command system and intelligence network.

In other words, the information you received before was actually passed back by our Kaya Empire Support Corps.

Right now, His Excellency Oruch has no way to immediately contact the manpower to rescue the Rosenkar Knights. "

Hearing such things, Cesar gradually froze on the spot.

He opened his mouth to say something, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

——How come the Northern Army of the Mosar Kingdom is commanded by someone from the Kaya Empire?

——Should he ask for support from the Kaya Empire?

At this time, Oruchi said:

"On behalf of the Mosar Kingdom, I would like to thank the Kaya Empire again for its support, thank everyone who came to the Mosal Kingdom to assist us, thank the North Holland family and Mr. Brand!

If we follow the traditional method of sending people from the vicinity of the royal city northward to reestablish contact with the Northern Army, it will still take two to three days.

And with the orcs' terrifying action speed exceeding expectations, we obviously don't have so much time to waste.

The next thing we have to do is to fully help the Northern Army to evacuate and move south.

Based on my contact with Mr. Bland this morning.

They will gather as much strength as possible from the Northern Legion and evacuate southward.

As for us, we need to send manpower northward for support as soon as possible, and choose a suitable city to focus on strengthening defense.

Then use it as a basis to resist the infiltration of the Orc Legion southward, and at the same time respond to the retreating Northern Legion..."


A somewhat "quiet" combat meeting came to an end.

Oruchi announced the end of the meeting with a heavy heart.

Throughout the meeting, it was easy to see:

Regarding the matter of "going north to support", everyone attending the meeting, especially the nobles in the south, was obviously very hesitant and resistant.

The reason why they did not express any objection was obviously due to the library's actions.

——The powerful reinforcements from the Kaya Empire are continuing to fight for them in the north. In order not to antagonize the Kaya Empire and the library, they "have to" make such a statement!

Thinking of this, I recall the current complicated situation in the country.

Oruchi stood up helplessly, ready to meet the king immediately.

When Rias also stood up with a serious look on her face and prepared to leave the meeting room.

Cesar, the representative of Bruns Empire Support Corps, came over and said:

"Ms. Rias, I wonder if we can have a chat.

Mr. Franco is the heir of our Rosencar family and holds an important position in Bruns Empire.

If your country's support corps can lend a hand, whether it is our Bruns Empire or Rosencar family.

We are willing to repay with sufficient compensation."

Hearing this, Rias responded formally:

"I will tell Captain Brand about this matter, but because the situation on the front line is very tense, the orcs are chasing us.

So I can't guarantee that our corps has the spare capacity to rescue Mr. Franco."

Cesar nodded and said:

"No matter what the result is, we will thank Ms. Rias and your country's support corps.

I will send someone to present the gift later. If Mr. Franco returns safely, we will present more gifts in the future.

In addition, if you need anything, you can always ask us."

It must be said that Cesar is very sincere.

However, the relationship between the Kaya Empire and the Bruns Empire is not good after all.

A little gift can't make them help!

Thinking of this, Liya asked meaningfully:

"As far as I know, Mr. Cesar should be a member of the Rosencar family, right?

I wonder if Mr. Cesar or the Rosencar family knows the specific attitude of the Bruns Empire towards the Kingdom of Mosar?

In addition, you seem to have had dealings with many nobles in the Kingdom of Mosar during this period.

Do you have detailed information about the current thoughts and positions of the nobles in the Kingdom of Mosar?

Mr. Brand has asked me to pay attention to these things recently."

Hearing this, Cesar's eyes quickly swept around.

After seeing that no one was paying attention to this side, he said:

"To show my sincerity, I can give you some non-secret information for free!"

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