Great Nobleman

Chapter 1114, Commander, is there anything I can do for you?

Brand thought:

"Given the current situation, we can indeed consider recruiting people.

But it's better to wait until we arrive at [Vasquez].

The current situation of the Kingdom of Mosar is not optimistic. Many people should want to leave, but they just don't have a way.

We don't have to poach people from the legions of the Kingdom of Mosar."

After hearing what Brand said, Catherine also thought:

"If that's the case, although the young and strong men and craftsmen of the Kingdom of Mosar should have been recruited.

We can also focus on young people.

At that time, we can let the territory stay The guards should prepare some devices and potions for detecting talents, and then try to recruit a group of reserve talents for the territory.

In addition, I think there should be many people willing to sell themselves to join our North Holland family and become a member of the family directly.

When more and more people move into the castle in the future, we also need to train more loyal servants. "

Hearing Catherine's idea, Brand smiled and said:

"Then I will ask my butler, Ms. Catherine, to take more care at that time!"

Catherine smiled and nodded:

"Master, just leave it to me, I will definitely satisfy you!"


In the evening, after enjoying dinner.

Brand patrolled the camp and played with the members of the library for a while.

When he was pestered by the members of the library to play cards all night, he was also a little eager.

Master Claude suddenly came to visit.

Seeing this, Brand also regretfully said goodbye to the ladies in the library and went to ask Master Claude about the content of the previous meeting:

"As expected, although Rias has negotiated in advance, Lord Orchi still wants to invite us to stay and assist.

I have politely declined on the grounds that I need to recuperate.

In addition, not only us, but also the two remaining high-level military forces of the Bruns Empire, as well as Franco and others are also preparing to withdraw from the front-line battlefield.

Franco made this clear at the meeting."

Brand nodded and said:

"The Bruns Empire has been doing things in secret, and now that the secret method has been stolen, the superficial work does not need to be maintained.

This is not surprising at all."

Master Claude nodded and said:

"At the meeting this afternoon, Lord Orchi also made public a little bit that can boost morale

I originally thought that after the defeat of the Northern Army, the high-end combat power of the Kingdom of Mosal might be relatively lacking in the short term.

However, according to what Mr. Oruchi said, the royal family of the Kingdom of Mosal has attracted a large number of supporters from the Caesar Empire, the Moon Empire, and the countries of the Bergman Kingdom.

Many strong people will arrive at the Royal City of Mosal through the teleportation array in the next few days.

In addition, the support corps of neighboring countries has now crossed the border and is approaching the direction of the Royal City of Mosal, and more reinforcements are on the way.

Although I don’t know the specific details, it sounds really good.

From this point of view, I think the royal family of the Kingdom of Mosal should have made up their minds to defend the Royal City and fight the orcs to the death. ”

Brand thought:

“If this is the case, King Mosal The Kingdom and the orcs may still have to fight, and the orcs may not succeed easily! "

Master Claude waved his hand and said:

"Never mind, anyway, we are ready to temporarily withdraw from the front-line battlefield.

I heard that some demons have come to the Kingdom of Mosal to help recently. They are temporarily scattered around the royal city and various cities in the south.

Later, I plan to leave the team to find these demons to communicate and see if I can gain anything. "

Hearing the words of Master Claude, Brand couldn't help but frowned and said:

"We still have the defense task of [Vasquez] next.

Uncle Claude is the core of the Mage Corps. Isn't it not good for him to run around casually? "

Hearing this, Master Claude raised his eyebrows and said:

"With your powerful and powerful Library Mage Corps stationed in [Vasquez], I don't What's wrong with that?

I don't think the orcs will leave the Mosar King City alone and send a large army to attack [Vasquez].

And I will leave most of my men to help you at that time.

As long as you, the legion commander, turn a blind eye, who will say anything? "

Hearing this, Brand coughed lightly, and then said meaningfully:

"Anyway, Uncle Claude, our mission has become much heavier now that you are gone.

As a fair legion commander, it is difficult for me to agree with Uncle Claude's behavior that damages the unity within the legion.

And who knows if the warlike orcs will suddenly lose their minds and focus on us..."

Halfway through his words, Master Claude waved his hand and interrupted with an unhappy look:

"Okay, okay, I don't know if you, a stingy guy, want to ask me for benefits?

Just say what you want!"

Brand shook his head and said:

"Uncle Claude, you misunderstood me. I just feel that it is not good to leave the team without permission.

Maybe people in the Kingdom of Mosar will misunderstand you and think you have some bad intentions.

As the head of the legion, I can actually give Uncle Claude an outing mission within a reasonable range.

For example, the direction of the subsequent war is unclear, so we need to send envoys to learn about the relevant information of the cities, fortresses, and fortresses around the Royal City of Mosal, and by the way, establish a good relationship with the defenders.

In this way, it might be convenient for Uncle Claude to visit the demons who are helping him fight, right? "

After hearing Brand's thoughts, Mr. Claude couldn't help but rub his chin with one hand, feeling slightly moved.

Then, he asked:

“Then while I’m out on legion duty.

Legion commander, is there anything you need me to take care of? "

Brand nodded seriously and said:

"I'm sorry to say it, but I do have a small matter that I need Uncle Claude's help with.

Because our Morning Flower Collar has fewer citizens and is short of manpower.

So we are preparing to recruit some talents from the Mosar Kingdom who are willing to join the Morning Flower Leader.

Of course, Uncle Claude doesn’t need to put too much thought into it.

When you go out, you just need to take our morning flower collar staff with you and take care of it a little bit. "

After learning Brand's thoughts, Master Claude frowned and said:

"If the library members leave me, the combat effectiveness of our mage group will also decrease, right?

Although I don’t think the orcs are out of their mind to cause trouble for you, I can’t rule out a small probability event. "

Brand shook his head and said:

"Uncle Claude, don't worry about this. In two days, I will ask Chris to send a group of Free Iris members to help.

The library members and Catherine will be with me all the time. Once the Free Iris members find the right people, we will conduct reviews and interviews remotely using blank screens. "

Upon hearing this, Mr. Claude quickly realized that Brand was preparing to use the teleportation circle to directly teleport a group of people to help!

After feeling secretly sour for a while, Master Claude said helplessly:

"Okay, I'll do as you say!"

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