Great Nobleman

Chapter 1118 The glory of the kingdom is eternal!

When Brand walked out of the tent again, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

The members of the library were enjoying the leisure of the afternoon under the protection of the camp's barrier.

Seeing him finally come out, Janice, who was reading a book not far away, said loudly:

"Master, Uncle Claude is going to leave the team in the next two days. He sent someone to ask when the staff of Free Iris will be in place this morning."

Brand said:

"I know, I'll ask Chris about this first."

While responding, Brand also waved his hand to summon the empty shadow screen light curtain and sent a communication request to Chris.

Brand had already told Chris about the idea of ​​recruiting people in the Kingdom of Mosal.

So if nothing unexpected happens, Free Iris should have been almost ready and would not delay the subsequent itinerary.

As expected.

After the communication was connected and a brief inquiry was made,

Chris responded:

"The members of Free Iris are ready now, I can have them gather at the castle right away.

In addition, our Morning Flower Territory has sent a group of material transport teams to follow the Empire's new batch of support teams.

After the subsequent recruitment is completed, they can return home with the material transport team."

Hearing this, Brand responded:

"Then gather them as soon as possible, Uncle Claude will set off in the next two days.

After they are teleported here, I will take them to meet people."

Chris nodded, then asked:

"By the way, Lord, I heard from Uncle Holland yesterday:

It seems that there are many troops in the Kingdom of Mosar now in the north of the royal city to prevent the orc army from moving south.

When do you think the orc army will arrive at the Royal City of Mosar and then officially launch an attack on the Royal City of Mosar?"

Hearing this question, Brand thought:

"The central plain of the Kingdom of Mosar is still very large.

Unlike the orc warriors, the orc army cannot go south in a straight line like us.

While they are advancing, they must They need to capture the nearby fortifications and towns of the Kingdom of Mosar, and clear a relatively safe transportation route for the supply team in the rear.

So for a while, they should not arrive at the Royal City of Mosar and launch an attack.

As for how long they can delay.

Even if there are strong reinforcements recently, the Kingdom of Mosar is still at a disadvantage in terms of military strength and high-end combat power.

Without a strong defensive fortress and war weapons to rely on.

Even if they can think of a way to delay, this time will not be too long.

In my opinion, the time when the orc army arrives at the Royal City should still be related to their determination to attack.

If they go south with all their strength, it will only take about three days for them to officially arrive at the surrounding area of ​​the Royal City of Mosar. ”

After explaining this, Brand asked curiously:

"Why are you suddenly interested in the war here?"

Chris explained:

"Someone asked for a lot of money, I just answered it for a fee."

Hearing this, Brand quickly recalled that Free Iris under Chris had an intelligence business.

But then again, since they have to pay a lot of money to ask this question, then the other party should not be able to contact the top leaders of various countries and get the war report.

But if it is an ordinary citizen or an adventurer, what is the specific meaning of the answer to this question?

Or is the other party just in the Kingdom of Mosal?

At this time, Chris seemed to have noticed Brand's curiosity and shook her head and said:

"There is a confidentiality contract, and I can't explain it for the time being. Lord, please wait patiently."

Hearing this, Brand gradually realized that the other party might not ask Chris through Free Iris.

It is more likely to ask through the "illegal secret society" that Chris joined in the past.

Thinking of this, Brand skipped this topic and said goodbye:

"Then let's talk about it here for the time being. Contact me after the manpower is gathered. At that time, I will activate the transmission device to send them over."

Chris nodded and said:

"I will do it as soon as possible."

After ending the call with Chris, Brand walked around the camp and chatted with the members of the library for a while.

Then he found Lias and learned about the latest situation of the Kingdom of Mosal.

When they came to [Vasquez] yesterday, strong reinforcements such as Wales and Brunot also set out north to join the legion led by Oruchi and jointly resist the orc army's southward advance.

In addition, the three behemoths and a group of orc warriors who had been following them southward seemed to have discovered their departure.

At present, these high-end orc warriors have left northward to join the orc army further behind and assist the army in capturing various cities and fortresses.

In addition, this morning, Oruchi seemed to have planned an attack on the military supplies of the orc army by his own high-end combat power and successfully destroyed some of the supplies.

Although the destroyed supplies were not much, the orc army's southward advance was not disturbed, but it also boosted the morale of the army, which is a good thing.

After talking about the front-line situation.

Rias then told other related news:

"According to the intelligence passed on by our spies in the Bruns Empire:

The Bruns Empire seems to have held a noble meeting a few days ago.

Yesterday morning, the royal family of the Bruns Empire and various nobles mobilized a large number of troops to the north and further gathered at the border between the two countries.

The specific purpose is currently unknown, but some people speculate that they may be preparing to wait for the fall of Mosar King City to cross the border north and take over the war with the Orc Empire. "

After learning about such a thing, Brand raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"So, the Bruns Empire thinks that the Mosar Kingdom cannot defend the royal city?"

Rias nodded and said:

“With such a large-scale troop mobilization, the Bruns Empire does not seem to be preparing for unexpected situations.

In our opinion, this is more like a proactive attack in response to inevitable events! "

After thinking for a moment, Brand asked:

"Has the Mosar Kingdom made a statement on this matter?"

Rias nodded and said:

“I heard that King Hermann Oberstein sent a communication to the Emperor of the Bruns Empire last night.

He seemed to have questioned the various decisions of the Bruns Empire head-on, and condemned the Bruns Empire's secret actions.

In addition, this morning, King Hellman issued a public declaration in the Royal City.

Relevant magical images have spread throughout the countries, and are spreading in every city in Mosar.

Mr. Brand can use the blank screen to view it in the War Information Room of the Imperial Military Affairs Department. "

Upon hearing this, Brand quickly summoned the empty shadow screen, connected it to the war information room, and found the relevant images.

Immediately afterwards, King Mosar and Hermann Oberstein, whom I had just met just the day before, were seen wearing luxurious armor, standing on a high open-air podium, holding a long sword and shield, and said with a serious face:

“Perhaps I will be the last king of this kingdom.

But until the royal city is overturned and the soldiers and I are killed by the orcs' battle axes, the Mosar Kingdom will always keep its spine straight!

We are grateful to all our friends who have helped us in this war and will not make any compromises with any enemy!

Mighty enemies may defeat us, but the glory of the Mosar Kingdom will last forever!


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