Great Nobleman

Chapter 1123 This is the last chance for the Kingdom of Mosal!

That afternoon, Morning Flower Castle, Library Tower.

After returning to Holland Castle to handle official business for a few days, Master Holland leisurely put his hands behind his back and walked out of the library's teleportation room.

Then he left the library tower as if he was familiar with the way, and asked the servants outside to bring a luxurious carriage.

Then he walked along the newly built stream landscape inside the castle, heading towards the east gate of the castle and Morning Flower Harbor.

Although the weather was gloomy today, the sea breeze blew up the waves, and the [Warm Wind Flowers] on the sea surface were much sparser than usual.

However, all this did not affect Master Holland's happy mood.

According to his rich experience, the stronger the wind and waves, the more active the "fish schools" in the sea.

——Such weather often represents a good harvest!

Thinking of this, while admiring the cloudy beauty of Morning Flower Castle and Flower Bay from the window sill of the carriage all the way.

Master Holland also took out the crystal ball version of the air screen external screen and sent a communication request to the two masters Mesa and Romien who were also in Morning Flower Port.

After a while, the communication was connected.

After just a few simple words of communication, the plan to go out to sea together tomorrow was quickly decided by them.

Master Holland was even happier because of this!

Then, he was about to show off the latest high-end fishing gear customized in the imperial capital.

Master Mesa suddenly asked:

"Have you been paying attention to the war situation in the Kingdom of Mosal these two days?

The situation over there has reached a critical point."

Master Romien nodded and said:

"Didn't King Oberstein make a public speech a few days ago?

I heard that many countries and organizations in our human alliance are preparing to send people to help again these two days."

Master Holland shook his head and said:

"Most of them are just talking. The war damage information disclosed so far in this war with the orcs is enough to make most people retreat.

Not to mention that it is the most difficult battlefield in the Kingdom of Mosal.

And even if they really want to help, they can't get there for a while, right?"

Master Romien said:

"It's really too late to go by land. Isn't there a teleportation array?

I heard that the two empires of Moon and Caesar are in the country They have arranged a teleportation array to the Kingdom of Mosar. They have sent many people who want to join the war to help in the past two days.

Our empire seems to be considering whether to respond as well. "

Master Mesa shook his head and said:

"The distance between our empire and the Kingdom of Mosar is not as close as that between Moon and Caesar. The consumption of the teleportation array is not at the same level.

Moreover, we are located in a remote area, and there are no strong civil organizations nearby. Even if the teleportation array is opened, few people will use it.

Besides, our empire's support corps currently maintains the highest record in the battlefield of the Kingdom of Mosar. Why bother to join in the fun?"

Speaking of the empire's support corps, Master Romien asked:

"By the way, I heard that Brand doesn't seem to be planning to participate in the main battlefield of the Kingdom of Mosar?"

Master Holland nodded, and then explained:

"The Mosar royal family is ready to defend the Mosar royal city.

Because the risk of this decision is too great, Brand has taken the army away in the name of recuperation.

They plan to see the situation on the second-line battlefield first.

According to the latest intelligence, the orc army will arrive at the Mosar royal city tomorrow afternoon.

Under the current situation, the combat power of the Mosar Kingdom is still at a disadvantage.

In my opinion, if the Mosar Kingdom can ensure that the royal city is not lost in the next ten days or so, they will have the opportunity to cooperate with the reinforcements that arrive one after another and turn the situation around bit by bit.

If not, the Mosar Kingdom should become history."

As soon as the voice fell, Master Mesa echoed:

"My opinion is similar.

In about ten days, the vanguard of the new batch of reinforcements of the Human Alliance will almost arrive near the Mosar royal city.

After that, Mosar The Kingdom of Er can gradually have the ability to confront the orc army head-on.

If the Royal City of Mosal is conquered by the orcs before that.

Then the orcs will split the territory of the Kingdom of Mosal in half with one axe.

But then again, if this happens, Brand and his team can actually take away a large number of craftsmen, mages, and knights from the Kingdom of Mosal openly.

Anyway, staying there will be affected by the war, and I think most people should be willing to come here to develop again. "

Master Holland smiled and said:

"Why wait until then, I heard that Chris has sent a group of members of Free Iris over..."

Halfway through his words, Master Holland suddenly heard a voice outside the carriage that shouldn't be here:

"This kind of white deer with the blood of Warcraft is quite docile, and looks much better than war horses.

I heard that they are more suitable as knights' mounts than most war horses with the blood of Warcraft.

In the future, the guards will all ride this kind of white deer, and then we will form a [White Deer Knights], how about it? "

Turning around, he lifted the curtain of the carriage.

After seeing Brand, Catherine, and Sisalie riding a few big white deer and strolling on the street in the open space outside.

Master Holland's expression quickly became strange.

- Is this guy running back to be lazy again?

As if they also noticed his gaze, Brand and others quickly turned their heads to look over.

After a moment of surprise, Brand greeted:

"Good morning, Master!"


That night, at Brand's suggestion, Morning Blossom Castle held an internal banquet after a long absence.

The library, the guards, Chris, Ivy, Heidilin and others all participated.

Little Kaiya also brought a few cute monster cubs that she had just received to recognize people.

In addition, the three masters who happened to be in Morning Blossom Harbor were also invited to the banquet.

After arriving at the banquet hall, Master Holland realized that it was not only Brand who came back to slack off, but also the members of the library who followed their master's footsteps one by one!

Recalling Brand's important task of [Leader of the Legion].

After a moment of hesitation, Master Holland went over to remind them a few words:

"Brand, the other members of the support corps are fighting in the Kingdom of Mosal. Isn't it a bad idea for you, the legion leader, to come back and slack off?"

Hearing this, Brand waved his hand casually and said:

"The [Vasquez] where we are is a second-line battlefield.

Although there are orcs around, the frequency is not high and the number is small.

So our combat power is very abundant.

Next, we just need to keep a low profile and not expose that our Kaya Empire support corps is gathered and stationed here.

I think before the fall of the royal city, the orcs will not pay too much attention to us.

So the high-end combat power in the corps has nothing important to do these two days.

Uncle Claude left the Mage Corps and wandered around the surrounding cities.

The strong men in the corps, members of the Knights, etc., have also been doing their own things these two days.

And I will only come back to rest for a day, and I will go back after the banquet is over.

The next time I come back, our affairs in the Kingdom of Mosal should be over."

After knowing the current actual situation and Brand's thoughts,

Although he still felt that Brand was too relaxed, Master Holland did not say anything more.

Then, he asked about the most popular topic in recent days:

"Tomorrow afternoon, the orc army will arrive at the Royal City of Mosar, right?

I heard that many supporters gathered there, ready to help the Kingdom of Mosar overcome difficulties.

What do you think of the subsequent situation?"

Hearing this question, Brand responded:

"Master, do you still remember the [Battle of Rentria]?"

After giving Master Holland some time to recall.

Brand continued:

"At that time, our Kaya Empire had an absolute advantage in high-end combat power, but in the end we didn't gain much advantage.

If the orcs really want to capture the Mosar Royal City at all costs next time.

What can the already disadvantaged Mosar Kingdom and the Human Alliance Support Corps use to defend?

They have all kinds of trump cards, don't the orcs have any?"

Hearing this, Master Holland asked curiously:

"So you are completely pessimistic about the upcoming [Mosar Royal City Battle]?"

Brand said:

"It can't be said that they have no chance, but the possibility of defending the royal city is indeed small.

The orcs' offensive is too fierce. From his Since they started attacking the Kingdom of Mosar, they have been unstoppable.

They have not encountered any major obstacles, and their army has not suffered any major losses.

In addition to the difference in military strength, the Kingdom of Mosar should not put everything on the [Battle of the Royal City of Mosar] which is just around the corner.

They should use the Royal City as a lure and try their best to drag the orc army into the mud.

In this way, when the subsequent reinforcements arrive, they can counterattack calmly.

However, there is no other way. The internal situation of the Kingdom of Mosar is not stable enough, and there is also the Bruns Empire eyeing them in the south.

So they have to take risks.

This is the last chance for the Kingdom of Mosar! "

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