Great Nobleman

Chapter 1125 Thunder God Kills!

The orcs' offensive action immediately made Brand and others perk up.

Perhaps because it was the first attack and the intelligence was unclear.

So the orc army did not join the attack, but only sent a small part to follow the six Titan orcs.

The other orc legions were scattered in the outer safety area relatively far away from the King of Mosal.

They gradually surrounded the entire King of Mosal and put pressure on it.

It can be imagined.

In the subsequent attacks, once the defense of King of Mosal was obviously weak.

The orcs could also seize the opportunity to expand the scale of the battle and further increase the troops.

When this thought flashed through his mind.

On the air shadow screen in front of him, several images were disconnected one after another and became dark.

——This is because the orcs discovered and destroyed the air shadow butterflies they arranged.

This situation was also expected, so Brand's face did not change at all.

These air shadow butterflies are distributed very widely, some far and some near.

As long as any air shadow butterfly is not exposed, it will not prevent them from continuing to observe the battle situation.

After adjusting the air shadow screen to make the lost screen disappear.

All the air shadow butterflies' screens suddenly shook and blurred.

——The war weapons of the Mosal King City launched an attack!

Large pieces of extremely fast light spots stretched out long tails in the screen.

They either rushed straight or meandered towards the Titan orcs and the orc army!

But in the blink of an eye, the six Titan orcs and the orc army were submerged in the turbulent ocean of magic, life fighting spirit, the power of the great knight, and the elemental army.

Even the detection spell could not see the whole picture!

Then, a huge sound like dense thunder was captured by the air shadow butterfly belatedly and resounded in the conference tent.

Under the wind and sand, the picture became more blurred.

Brand had to turn down the volume immediately.

And when he looked at the battlefield picture in the air shadow screen again with his eyes flashing with magic aura.

He saw that the six huge bodies covered by dense and bright firelight, after experiencing the initial stagnation.

They began to move forward again, little by little!

And behind them.

The scarlet orc will and totem power were sparsely visible.

——The orc army also followed the Titan orcs and continued to move forward!

"These Titan orcs are as stubborn as ever!"

"Isn't it? Such dense and generally at the same level of weapon attacks as the Great Knights were easily resisted by them.

This is more useful than any war weapon!"

"No way, this is the blessing of the Titan power on their bodies due to their physical inclination.

And if their Titan power also has a strength tendency, it will be easier for them to resist these attacks.

You can see the two Titan orcs in the middle who are obviously walking faster and more easily.

But I think the Royal City of Mosar should have more than the current means."

As soon as the voice fell, the nine high towers of the Royal Palace Castle inside the Royal City of Mosar suddenly erupted with terrifying magic fluctuations!

The vibration in the empty shadow screen suddenly intensified for a moment!

Then, bright blue circular magic arrays expanded in front of the tops of these towers!

The next moment, a huge beam of light appeared in front of the magic array, crossed the distance in an instant, and scattered and hit the six Titan orcs who were advancing.

As the shields were hit at the speed of light and the circular impact continued to explode, the dense fire that obscured the vision suddenly cleared.

The six Titan orcs stopped moving forward and began to slowly retreat!

Although many orc warriors strengthened by the power of totem protection worked together to exert the orc will and wanted to share the pressure.

But in terms of the result.

Under the continuous impact of these nine bright blue beams, the six Titan orcs were never able to move forward.

And this is not the end!

After a while, at the top of the highest tower of the central palace castle of the Mosal King City.

The violent elemental fluctuations flashed by.

Then, without waiting for anyone to react.

A dark lightning suddenly appeared!

It suddenly crossed a long distance, as if tearing the screen apart, and smashed the huge shield in the hands of one of the six Titan orcs, the lizardman!

Then it went through his chest, blasting a huge flesh and blood hole in his back!

The attack of the bright blue beam followed closely, pushing the seriously injured lizardman far away.

The orc army behind him also scattered in an instant!

Seeing this situation, the two Titan orcs on the left and right continued to resist the impact of the bright blue beam, roaring and moving their steps, quickly gathering in the direction of the lizardman.

They raised their shields in front, trying to protect the lizardman and the orc army behind them.

At the same time, inside the Royal City of Mosal, the two champion knights, Wales and Brunot, took off with several knights.

Charged towards the Titan orc closest to the Royal City of Mosal!

Then, one could not help but be somewhat surprised:

The lizardman whose chest was pierced by the black lightning and who was repelled far away by the bright blue beam soon stood up slowly under the protection of his companions.

Under the influence of the scarlet will, the big hole in his chest began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

——Although the black lightning just now was terrifying, it was not fatal to him!

Then, he raised his head and let out a loud and long roar.

Then he took out his shield again and launched another charge towards the direction of the King of Mosar.

At the same time, the orc army that was hiding behind the Titan orcs also dispersed at a very fast speed from this moment, led by the big orcs, and gradually covered the plains north of the King of Mosar!

They charged towards the King of Mosar like a torrent of steel with many long-range strikes!

The three Behemoths also came to the right position at this moment.

They put down the big stone barrels in their hands.

Then, one after another huge stone balls stained with black corrosive liquid were thrown towards the King of Mosar.

For a while, outside the King of Mosar, the battles that broke out in various locations were dazzling!

Everyone watched with a solemn look.

Brand asked Celine with some curiosity:

"Sister Celine, that bright blue beam seems to be similar to our [Wind God Roar]?"

As soon as this was said, everyone around couldn't help but prick up their ears.

Then, Celine explained:

"In terms of power, they are not as good as the [Wind God's Roar] in the library.

It should be a high-level sublimation spell attack specifically used for large creatures.

Its advantage lies in its huge thrust, but not too strong power.

You can see that some big orcs were also hit, but they were not seriously injured and were even able to distract themselves to protect the surrounding orc warriors.

The [Titan Power] of the Titan orcs can only act on their own bodies or weapons in their hands, and enhance their directionality to the extreme.

This gives others the possibility of using huge "quantity" to contain them at all costs.

But this is a very inefficient Means.

In comparison, the power of the "black lightning" just now is remarkable.

If I am not mistaken.

That should be an elemental attack method containing the [Elemental Domain].

A rare lightning element attack, with a very concentrated power, and it seems to have a little spatial nature! "

As soon as the voice fell, Rias said:

"That should be one of the highest foundations of the Kingdom of Mosal, the [Thunder God Killing Crossbow].

It is said that it was excavated from a certain ruin by the Oberstein family.

Although the power is indeed very huge, it takes some time to release it a second time after each use.

In addition, that kind of crossbow is also limited, and the Kingdom of Mosal does not have the technology to make it. "

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