Great Nobleman

Chapter 1136 The End of the Kingdom of Mosal!

After a brief pause, Chris continued:

"Irena is the next leader of the [Silver Hammer Alliance], and her ancestor seems to be a well-known noble in the southern part of the Human Alliance. She is obviously rich.

In addition, the staff in her hand is also a rare and powerful weapon.

But it’s just bound to her bloodline, which is a bit of a pity..."

He obviously still wants to make friends with Irina, thinking that the other person may have great achievements in the future, and the family may benefit from it.

But this guy Chris wants to kidnap people as slaves, and she also covets their identity and property.

——This huge gap made Brand somewhat silent.

We hope that the supporting legions from various countries will cooperate with us to resist the orcs' southward movement, or else not interfere with our actions. "

Having said this, Brand further thought:

"I think that by then we should be able to successfully recruit a large number of citizens to the Morning Flower Leader.

In addition, if it involves the fiefdom nobles of the "original Mosar Kingdom".

In response, the diplomat of the Bruns Empire smiled and nodded:

Their ideas are obviously no different from mine. Furthermore, the empire actually has the same position as mine! "

The entire palace and castle of Mosar Royal City suddenly ignited with fierce elemental flames, burning everything to ashes bit by bit!

At this point, the city of Mosar was declared to have fallen!

"This is the best!"

In response, the diplomats of the Bruns Empire immediately stated with a righteous look:

"The Oberstein family's rule over this land is over."

The group of people left [Waters City] under the cover of night and walked along the road in the direction of Vazquez.

When the orcs retreat, the place they defend and capture will be the territory of their Bruns Empire!

After collecting the totems, Brand immediately took the Library Mage Group, Master Claude, Free Iris, and the recruited personnel to join the army.

I think most of the land in the original Mosar Kingdom will eventually be occupied by the Bruns Empire.

Speaking of this, Chris also thought about it:

“It will take more than a week for the transportation team we sent out with the imperial reinforcements to arrive near the Kingdom of Mosar.

"Our trip is only to resist the southward invasion of the orcs and save our compatriots in the Human Alliance from danger. Of course, we will treat the people of the 'former Mosar Kingdom' well!"

Seeing this scene, Brand couldn't help but said helplessly:

Brand did not refuse.

The two sides may also engage in a series of complex interest exchanges or armed conflicts.

After a brief greeting, the old gentleman informed Brand completely about the contents of the meeting.

So after the return of the beast spirits is over, we will immediately go to meet the others, and then gradually retreat to the southeast direction into the Mist Kingdom.

In addition, according to Rias's intelligence, the Bruns Empire's army is also ready to go north and cross the border to take over the battle.

The diplomatic department of the Bruns Empire also immediately initiated a meeting of the countries of the Human Alliance and publicly announced to all countries:

At this time, a team happened to be leaving from the south gate of King Mosar City.

I hope they can treat the people of the "original Mosar Kingdom" kindly.

Before leaving, many wealthy businessmen, dignitaries, and civilians were preparing to leave with them, seeking protection.

But they took no action.

This seems to be Guang Weizheng’s speech, but everyone knows the follow-up:

Because these troubles are "not bordering", other countries cannot intervene.

If you need any help later, you can always ask us and we will assist as appropriate depending on the specific situation! "

When Mosar King City falls, the surrounding areas will be threatened by the orcs, so there should be many civilians from the Mosar Kingdom evacuating with us. "

The external support legions and high-end experts also had no choice but to leave.

“The Kingdom of Mist is also under attack from the orcs, and their energy is limited.

Afterwards, the diplomatic representative of the Munn Empire spoke:

After ending the communication with Chris, Brand began to connect to the Shadow Butterfly near Mosar King City to check the current situation in Mosar King City.

The new totem re-empowers them with the protective power of the totem.

As the horn of war was sounded, the orc army, led by the Titan Orcs, launched a full-scale attack on the city of Mosar!

“Get ready to evacuate towards the Kingdom of Mist.

A large number of nobles from the royal city of Mosar left with their people, and the defenders were disheartened. There was basically no possibility of defending until the arrival of follow-up reinforcements.

Because all members of the Oberstein family in the Mosar Kingdom were either martyred or missing.

As for the Bruns Empire and so on, they do not have an absolute position to hinder our actions for a while.

We have some dirty information sent by the Oberstein family, and we are looking for an opportunity to chat with them! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the diplomatic representative of the Benegro Kingdom located in the west of the [former Mosar Kingdom] also made similar remarks.

Brand waved his hand and said:

King Hermann's younger brother, Fritz Oberstein, and his family loyalists activated the means of self-destruction in the palace castle.

The lord needs to pay a little attention to this point to avoid misunderstanding. "

Because many nobles withdrew their legions, the morale of the royal city defenders was extremely low, and the defenders were defeated day by day!

After taking a deep breath, Brand interrupted Chris's thoughts and changed the subject:

Just watched these people fleeing in panic like cowards with a disdainful look.

Chris nodded:

Then, the old gentleman said:

"Let's talk about Irina later. The most urgent thing is our subsequent actions.

"Because the regime of the Kingdom of Mosar has collapsed, our Bruns Empire will temporarily take over the land, cities, and towns of the "original Kingdom of Mosar", and also take over the war with the orcs.

They may have been trying to win over and negotiate with the nobles in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Mosar.

The Kingdom of Mosar was officially declared destroyed and became history!

Immediately afterwards, at the southern border of the Kingdom of Mosar, the Bruns Empire Legion, which was always paying attention to the war situation, crossed the border and headed north.

Immediately afterwards, the diplomatic representative of the Mist Kingdom, located in the east of the [former Kingdom of Mosar], spoke and reminded:

"Many nobles in the east of the [former Kingdom of Mosar] sought the protection of our Mist Kingdom.

At noon, a large number of royal city defenders fled the Royal City of Mosar in a hurry.

"If you can defend a part of the area under the attack of the orcs, our pressure will be less.

When the orc army broke through the outer wall of the royal palace castle, everything was powerless.

We have decided to send troops to support at this moment, and hope that the Bruns Empire will not take misleading actions in the future. "

The recruited subjects can also come back with them.

The orcs who were always paying attention to the movements of the royal city also discovered them.

In the afternoon, Brand, who arrived in Vasquez, received a communication request from Jonas Holt, the director of the Military Affairs Department of the Kaya Empire.

The next morning, from the perspective of the Sky Shadow Butterfly, the orc army, which had rested for a whole day, was full of energy.

In addition, I will let other people in the legion pay attention to this matter.

If it doesn't work, we should move faster and stay away from them."

Late that night, the totem light column dissipated.

Try to take as many people as possible during the evacuation and plunder the cities.

The other countries did not express any objection to the self-declaration of these three countries.

But I think the Mist Kingdom further east will probably intervene in the situation of the Mosal Kingdom.

Don't leave them anything useful, let them fight the orcs themselves!

If they come to make trouble, don't give them face.

After hearing this, Brand was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled and nodded:

"Got it, Uncle Jonas!"

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