Great Nobleman

Chapter 1139 Franco's friendly visit?

In fact, Brand did not expect that Liyas would act so quickly.

Since arriving in [Autumn Falls City] in the past few days, under Liyas's means, the influence of their Kaya Empire Support Corps has been growing and expanding at a visible speed!

Many surrounding cities and towns have surrendered to them and obeyed their management.

Among them, many dignitaries of the former Mosar Kingdom have even fully assisted their actions.

Inexplicably, they have a large territory and are still expanding to the surrounding areas at a very fast speed.

Brand certainly knows that this will definitely attract the attention of the Bruns Empire.

In order to respond, they had previously held a meeting to discuss it.

Because they are not on the front line of the battlefield with the Orc Empire now, the territory of the former Mosar Kingdom does not belong to the Bruns Empire for the time being.

In addition, their Kaya Empire also has plans for the Bruns Empire and has mastered their black materials.

So Brand and others are not afraid at all, and are ready to confront the Bruns Empire.


How to say it.

Seeing that it was Franco, who was familiar with him, who came to visit, the communication was relatively harmonious.

He was also gentle when asking about their situation, and the smiling face seemed to be asking casually.

Brand suddenly felt that the Bruns Empire, which had always been very strong... seemed to be very insecure when facing them this time?

After thinking for a moment, Brand responded normally:

"Because of the war, the cities and towns of the former Mosar Kingdom are in chaos, and the people everywhere are in a state of panic and riots occur frequently.

So we put in a little effort to suppress the chaos and maintain order in [Autumn Falls City] and the eastern regions.

Because I have received news every day these two days that many surrounding cities and towns have been incorporated into our management, and I haven't had time to ask for the latest intelligence today, so I don't know the exact situation for the time being.

Of course, this is not a military secret.

If you want to know more, I can also ask my men to confirm it immediately."

After hearing Brand's response, Franco quickly shook his head and said:

"Mr. Brand, don't misunderstand.

You should also know that our empire is gradually taking over the war between the former Mosar Kingdom and the Orc Empire.

In addition to continuing to send troops to fight the orcs.

In the past two days, we have also been working hard to protect the surrounding towns that have not been looted by the orcs. Get up.

Mr. Brand, your protection of the people has obviously saved us a lot of effort.

I just came here for routine confirmation this time, and by the way, see if you need help. "

Speaking of this, after a pause, Franco said:

"Most of the people in the former Kingdom of Mosal are now concentrated around the [Central Plain].

The most in the south, followed by the southeast and southwest, and finally the eastern and western marginal areas close to the two kingdoms of Mist and Benigro.

[Autumn Falls City] and further east, all the way to the border of the Kingdom of Mist, this area currently has a lot of people gathered.

After all, your country's support corps has a limited number of people. It may be okay now, but if the management scope is further expanded, there may be a shortage of manpower.

In addition, ensuring the continuous supply of survival materials for these people is also a big problem.

So if there is a need for materials in the future, you can always ask us, and we will do our best to meet it. "

Hearing this, although I don’t understand what Franco means by being so polite.

But after some hesitation, Brand shook his head and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, but it's not necessary for the time being.

Most of the people in the former Mosar Kingdom are actually quite law-abiding, but a few have bad intentions.

It's not difficult for us to manage.

As for the problem of daily necessities, we still have more than enough for the time being.

The current main problem is obviously still on the front battlefield.

We are actually more worried about the subsequent development of the war.

You and I know that the orcs have further increased their troops in the area of ​​the former Mosar Kingdom.

It's hard to say whether the orcs will be satisfied with the central plains of the former Mosar Kingdom that they have already occupied.

Once the orcs choose to expand further, the people will have to abandon and flee again.

In this way, things will become very troublesome."

Speaking of this, Franco also explained solemnly:

"A few days ago, we did have a fight with the orcs.

This is the result of our misjudgment of the orcs' combat effectiveness.

At present, we have gathered our forces and strengthened the defense lines in the existing areas.

The country is also mobilizing further, and a large number of troops and war weapons are on the way to the north.

I think Mr. Brand should have heard about this.

In addition, we are currently contacting support corps from various countries.

If possible, we hope that your country can also join this battlefield and fight with us.

Together, drive the orcs out of our human alliance. "

Hearing this, after a moment of stunned silence, Brand responded expressionlessly:

"I also want to contribute to the human alliance and resist the invasion of orcs with your country.

But I don't have the decision-making power on this matter.

You can go through the formal diplomatic procedures and contact and communicate with the Foreign Affairs Department of our empire. "

Franco nodded and said:

"Our diplomatic department should be taking practical actions now, but we don't know what the results will be.

Of course, no matter what, at the latest one week later, we will gather our forces and launch a counterattack against the orcs.

Mr. Brand can look forward to the battle situation at that time."

After finishing the business and chatting about some unnutritious topics, Franco said goodbye and left.

Soon, his subordinates reported:

Franco and others left [Autumn Falls City] directly and returned to the west.

From this point of view, Franco's trip should just be a preliminary test and contact with them.

Of course, Franco's attitude in visiting on behalf of the Bruns Empire this time is a bit too friendly.

This is obviously not in line with the usual unfriendly relationship between their Kaya Empire and the Bruns Empire.

So they may have some other purposes.

And inviting them to resist the orcs together...isn't this really a joke?

After some thought, he informed others about Franco's visit and asked everyone to be vigilant.

Brand quickly put the matter behind him and began to pay attention to the reports sent by his subordinates every day.

As Franco said, a large number of people from the former Kingdom of Mosal evacuated the [Central Plain].

The number of people in the southeast region where they were located was astonishing.

Rias and others took care of the management affairs, and Brand only needed to take care of the overall situation every day.

As for other things, Brand would often pay attention to the ongoing talent recruitment and precious resource acquisition activities.

Although the nearby area gathered a large number of people from the former Kingdom of Mosal and a large amount of material resources transported from various places.

But not all people and all material resources can catch his eye!

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