Great Nobleman

Chapter 1141 Sonia's proposal!

There is no doubt that their Kaya Empire and Bruns Empire have conflicts with each other.

Although they will not go to war with each other, if there is a chance to hold each other back, both sides will definitely not hesitate.

As for the question of whether to [add insult to injury] or [take advantage of the fire].

After some thought, Brand, who has always been friendly to others, still thinks that the latter is more in line with his character!

After all, they only have a small conflict with the Bruns Empire, so they must give each other a chance to "ease the conflict"!

Then, after carefully checking the various recent intelligence about the Bruns Empire.

Brand contacted Jonas and Sonia in the country, explained his judgment and ideas in detail, and then asked for their opinions to see if they could get more assistance and support.

In fact, for what Brand said.

Sonia and Jonas, who are in the empire and have mastered various intelligence, have actually noticed something recently.

After hearing Brand's story, Sonia recalled:

"Two days ago, the diplomatic department of the Bruns Empire invited us to join the war of the former Mosal Kingdom and jointly resist the orcs.

At that time, I felt that the attitude of the Bruns Empire diplomats seemed to be a little low, which was a little different from the usual situation in the past.

Now it seems that everything should be the same as you said. The aristocracy of the Bruns Empire is under tremendous pressure.

This pressure forces them to try to ease relations with us."

As soon as the voice fell, the old gentleman thought:

"Brand, your judgment is indeed very likely to be true.

Based on this situation, it is also a good idea to cause trouble to the Bruns Empire before you return and then seek benefits.

The Imperial Military Affairs Department will support your actions.

But in the same way, You'd better not act too much.

Because I pay more attention to the current macro situation, I can say with certainty:

After the orcs' subsequent reinforcements arrive, if the Bruns Empire wants to resist the invasion of the orcs and expel them with its own strength.

Under the premise that no more unexpected events occur.

Although they will inevitably pay a heavy price.

But at the same time, they should also have great confidence in achieving their strategic goals.

At the same time, they should still have the spare capacity to deal with other external influences. "

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help but frown and said:

"Is the Bruns Empire so strong?

Can they alone resist the invasion of the entire Orc Empire from the south?"

The old gentleman shook his head and explained:

"The Bruns Empire alone is certainly not as good as the Orc Empire.

However, the Orc Empire has developed Although the main purpose of starting this war should be to test their people, we also need to consider the gains and losses.

Based on this point, the Orc Empire will obviously not invest unlimited manpower and resources.

The Bruns Empire also has a lot of background, so I said that they are likely to win in the end.

And if we provoke too much, the Bruns Empire may choose to tear our faces and both sides will suffer.

This is obviously not worth the loss for us.

You also know that we are now busy with maritime trade and recuperation. It is not in our interest to cause too much trouble. "

Brand suddenly said:

"I see, but how to grasp this degree specifically?

Let's try it out?"

At this time, Sonia suddenly said:

"From the perspective of strength alone, Uncle Jonas's analysis is indeed correct.

But from a more macro perspective, you don't have to worry too much.

In my opinion, the tolerance of the Bruns Empire towards us should be relatively high.

In the past, because the Bruns Empire was in an excellent position and there were no equal enemies to continuously involve their energy.

So they were the most leisurely and unscrupulous of the four empires of our human alliance.

And precisely because of their unscrupulousness, their reputation in our human alliance is not good at all.

I think now there should be countries that are secretly dissatisfied with them and are secretly preparing to drag them down.

From various events in recent years.

Before we pioneered the war, in addition to the destroyed Mosal Kingdom, the Beniglo Kingdom also provided us with black materials about the Bruns Empire.

In the last war between our human alliance and the orc empire, this country and the Mosal Kingdom suffered from the conspiracy of the Bruns Empire.

At present, they are obviously in an opposing position with the Bruns Empire.

In addition, there are the surrounding countries of the Moraton Desert.

In the chaos of our human alliance before, they had more than one armed conflict with the army of Bruns Empire.

In comparison, our Kaya Empire and Bruns Empire only had a little conflict.

I think Bruns Empire should not want to deepen the conflict with our Kaya Empire now. "

After listening to Sonia's words, Brand suddenly became clear.

-He was a little conservative before!

They are not the only ones who hate Bruns Empire. Once the situation of Bruns Empire spreads, some other countries may have stronger ideas than them to hold Bruns Empire back!

Unlike those who want to [take advantage of the fire].

Other countries may want to [add insult to injury]!

What's more, some countries may be ready to [lose both sides] with Bruns Empire!

——As long as they involve more energy from the Bruns Empire in the rear, then the Orc Empire can give the Bruns Empire the biggest blow on the front line!

In extreme cases, the Bruns Empire's plan to seize the former Mosar Kingdom may even fail completely!

Thinking of this, Brand couldn't help asking:

"Can we contact other countries secretly?

If there are other people involved in the energy of the Bruns Empire, our actions here can be more calm! "

Sonia smiled and nodded:

“In fact, since the Bruns Empire took a series of actions against the Mosar Kingdom.

Our Foreign Affairs Department began to make tentative contacts with them.

And the Kingdom of Mosar fell, including after King Hermann Oberstein came to our empire to seek asylum.

Our Foreign Affairs Department has begun to strengthen communication with them, and is already preparing to jointly hold accountable and launch attacks on the Bruns Empire based on various black materials.

Looking at it now, it is clear that our efforts can be further strengthened.

In addition, your actions can be synchronized with ours.

During the time period when the operation is unfolding, I think the energy of the Bruns Empire should be greatly affected, and their tolerance for you should also be greatly increased. "

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help but feel excited.

——Sonia’s proposal is obviously very feasible.

And then, savoring Sonia’s words.

Brand suddenly became curious and said:

"King Hellman of the former Mosar Kingdom did not die for his country, but is he now in the territory of our empire?"

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