Great Nobleman

Chapter 1143 This is slander from the Orc Empire! Dissociation! Conspiracy!

A few days later, when the Bruns Empire focused its main efforts on the central plains of the former Kingdom of Mosar.

They advanced all the way towards the former Royal City of Mosar, and carefully guarded against the high-end combat power of the orcs who "may" have arrived first.

They suddenly found that many countries around the empire that did not have good relations with them began to mobilize troops.

Some of them were stationed at the borders of their empire, and some were stationed around the kingdoms and principalities under their command.

For a while, the atmosphere in the Bruns Empire began to be somewhat tense.

And before they could carefully investigate the situation.

The meeting of the human alliance countries was suddenly held.

When the diplomatic representative of the Bruns Empire went to the meeting with some doubts, he was quickly questioned by the "Anti-Human Alliance" jointly initiated by the countries, and saw many "evidence" that was obtained by someone at some unknown time and was very unfavorable to them.

He knew that things were a bit troublesome.

——The destruction of the Kingdom of Mosar and the defeat in the war with the orcs some time ago officially began to bite back at them today!

When the diplomatic representatives of Bruns Empire figured it out, they immediately informed others and asked them to pass the news to the top leaders of the empire.

At the meeting of all nations, the diplomat of Beniglo Kingdom said seriously:

"In the last war between the Human Alliance and the Orc Empire, we and the Kingdom of Mosal suffered from the conspiracy of your Bruns Empire.

And in this war, you have further cooperated with the Orc Empire to destroy the Kingdom of Mosal.

Next, the next target of your Bruns Empire will not be our Kingdom of Beniglo, right?"

Hearing this, the diplomat of Bruns Empire immediately protested seriously:

"Although I don't know where your conjecture comes from.

But I can clearly respond here:

In the last war between our Human Alliance and the Orc Empire, During the war, our Bruns Empire has been committed to fighting the orcs and supporting the battlefield.

We have never done anything that is harmful to our allies.

It is the same in this war!

As early as the period when the Kingdom of Mosal was not yet destroyed, we had a record of assisting the Kingdom of Mosal in defending the fortress, helping to kill the orc legion, the big orcs, and even the Titan orcs!

Some time ago, we paid a heavy price to reduce the number of orcs! "

As soon as the voice fell, someone questioned bluntly:

"Then please explain the content of these evidences now!"

After a short period of speechlessness and a glance at the diplomatic representatives of various countries who were eyeing them covetously.

The diplomat of Bruns Empire responded with a straight face:

"This is slander from the Orc Empire! Dissension! Conspiracy!

We, Bruns Empire, are currently facing the main force of the Orc Empire's army. The Orc Empire has enough reasons to target us!

Because the [half-orc] undercover of the former Mosar Kingdom was once in a high position, he should have cooperated with the Orc Empire to forge these evidences!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone immediately questioned angrily:

"Empty words are not enough! And the sources of many of the evidence here have nothing to do with the former Mosar Kingdom! Please respond to these contents directly!"

Because he was targeted by the group, the diplomat, whose thoughts were running fast and whose forehead was slightly sweaty, said with a stiff face:

"I said! This is all a conspiracy of the Orc Empire!

I reiterate:

We, the Bruns Empire, are doing our utmost to fight against the invasion of the Orc Empire from the south in the area of ​​the former Mosar Kingdom.

How could we have colluded with the Orcs?

The story of harming our allies is completely false! "

"There have been examples of betraying humanity and joining foreign races in history!

It is an indisputable fact that your Bruns Empire is now gradually occupying the territory of the former Mosar Kingdom!

And what is the situation of the citizens of the former Mosar Kingdom now?

The wealth of the nobles and citizens of the former Mosar Kingdom will not be directly robbed by you, right? "

"We are doing our best to save the citizens of the former Mosar Kingdom!"

"Then why did I hear that it is not the case?"



After a fierce question and answer and tug-of-war.

Because the time is about the same, the pressure exerted is basically enough.

Sonia, who represented the Kaya Empire at the meeting, interrupted and said:

"Since the public defense of the Bruns Empire representative cannot convince the public.

I propose to form a multinational joint review team to conduct a public review of the "Anti-Human Alliance" behavior in the Bruns Empire and the Bruns Empire's current temporary occupation area in the former Mosal Kingdom area."

After saying this, Sonia turned her gaze to the Bruns Empire representative and asked:

"Can the Bruns Empire accept this?"

After a moment of thought, the Bruns Empire's diplomatic representative responded formally:

"With my authority, I can't give a direct answer. Reply."

Sonia nodded and said:

"Then according to the provisions of our Human Alliance's "Agreement of Nations", you will have three days of buffer time.

You can launch another appeal during this period, but if the appeal is not passed, I hope you can take the initiative to accept our joint review.

Otherwise, we will take possible military coercive measures to ensure the overall interests of our Human Alliance. I hope you can understand this.

Now, if everyone has no other better opinions and suggestions, I think we can start voting now. "

As soon as these words came out, after a short period of silence, the voting officially began.

Watching each one of them being held high, they agreed to set up a sign.

The diplomats of the Bruns Empire deeply understand how annoying their empire really is!

And then, what made him feel a little chilly was:

Representatives from the two empires, Munn and Caesar, also raised their consent signs!

Along with them, in addition to the numerous representatives of kingdoms and principalities following these two empires, there were also diplomats from many countries in the Bergman Kingdom camp!

At this moment, he suddenly recalled:

Some time ago, when the two empires of Munn and Caesar were targeting the Bergman Kingdom camp.

Because they, the Bruns Empire, were very interested in the devil's various methods, they came to oppose Munn and Caesar.

After that, they didn't want to waste their energy fighting against Munn and Caesar.

So they ignored the many woos and benefits they had received from the Bergman Kingdom camp and returned to neutrality!

——Now, all this has come to its retribution!

Because the voting process passed smoothly, Sonia reminded:

“I hope the Bruns Empire won’t take any chances in the future.

Well prepared for our joint review! "

The contents and results of the meeting of the nations soon spread throughout the aristocracy of many countries in the Human Alliance.

Immediately afterwards, Brand also received a message from the empire:

——They, the senior officials of the former Mosar Kingdom support corps dispatched by the empire, became members of the [Inspection Team] as expected!

In other words, if the Bruns Empire does not want to annihilate itself from the Human Alliance.

Then after the three-day buffer time has passed, the Bruns Empire will have to provide for these people and accept their "strict scrutiny"!

In the bedroom, watching Brand manifesting [Inspection Team Badges] one by one, Celine said with some confusion:

"After so much effort, the result is just a review of the Bruns Empire. Can we really find out anything?"

Catherine thought:

“If we start from the citizens of the former Kingdom of Mosar, I think we should be able to find out some of the misdeeds of the Bruns Empire.

As for the rest, I think the Bruns Empire will cover it up. "

Seeing that the two ladies were so obsessed with "censorship", Brand shook his head and said:

"You have misunderstood something.

Although it is a fact that the Bruns Empire has caused public outrage.

But we all know that the Bruns Empire did not surrender to the Orc Empire, and at most it probably just did some cross-border things.

Although the countries that raised the issue at the conference all adopted a tough posture, most of them had no real intention to use force.

This time we want to attack the reputation of the Bruns Empire more and force the Bruns Empire to make amends and compensation for their past deeds.

The so-called review will of course be carried out strictly.

But it is more of an ‘extension of negotiation’.

If the Bruns Empire cannot satisfy us and other countries, then no matter what the result of this review is, we will not make it easy for the Bruns Empire.

As for whether we can find out anything.

In fact, there is a lot of black material in the Bruns Empire, and what we presented at the meeting of the nations was only part of it.

If the Bruns Empire can satisfy us, then the black information that has been disclosed will be the conspiracy of the Orc Empire; even if there is any problem in the investigation, it can be discussed as long as it is not too serious.

And if they don't give enough benefits, then another part of the black material will be made public as a supplement to our review results!

If this happens, the reputation of the Bruns Empire in the Human Alliance will suffer a further huge blow.

By then many countries should have severed diplomatic relations with them.

In the worst case scenario, they may even be unanimously isolated by other countries in our human alliance! "

After hearing Brand's explanation, Celine, who felt a little confused, shook her head helplessly and said:

"What a complicated calculation."

Although Catherine also had mixed feelings, she said with a look of admiration:

"Master is so awesome!"

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