Great Nobleman

Chapter 1164 I can still be a county governor nearby?

The ceremony stopped and the communication with Viriana ended.

Celine asked:

"Are you going to try the [Sacrifice Ritual] every day like before?

According to Viriana, this seems to be a bit of a trade-off. "

Brand thought:

“We have to continue.

There are many things that you can't just listen to Veriana's family's words.

In addition, although she is said to be a powerful person, I always feel that this lady's family background seems a bit weak.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is the general situation in Rios continent, or Ms. Veriana's recent poor situation. "

After saying such words, she seemed not satisfied with seeing her sister Celine.

Brand took him over to comfort him, and then promised to reduce the frequency of the [Sacrifice Ceremony].

A week later in the morning.

Brand, who did boring training and [Sacrifice Ceremony] every day without getting any response, received a letter from the empire sent by Hisari.

Hisari explained:

"Not long ago, an imperial palace official came to the castle gate and delivered this letter.

Since I happened to be free, I sent it directly. "

Nodding, he took the letter, opened it and looked at it.

Brand discovered that it was an invitation to attend a meeting of imperial nobles.

The meeting time is set for half a month, and the agenda for this meeting is also attached.

Seeing these things, Hisari was a little surprised and said:

"I remember that in the past, didn't noble meetings use blank screens to notify the young master directly?"

Brand explained:

“The notice of the meeting of nobles is originally sent by the palace official to the permanent residence of the honorary nobles or the castle of the fiefdom nobles.

Previously, it was only because the northern border of the empire was still under construction and the ceremonial department of the imperial palace had not yet stationed nearby, so the empty screen was used to notify.

But after such a long time, the construction of many territories in the northern part of the empire has been basically completed.

Many matters that were not formal enough will gradually become more formal.

A few days ago, I also received applications from Chris from several departments of the empire to station here.

I also gave them a discount on their rent. "

While talking, Brand also opened the bills of the noble meeting and looked at them one by one.

Soon, Brand raised his eyebrows and said:

“I didn’t expect that our northern border would also start planning administrative areas.

There are not many lords nearby, and none of them are as good as our Morning Flower Leader, nor do they have enough titles.

Looks like I could still be a Sheriff around here? "

Within the Kaya Empire, administrative regions at the [provincial] level are divided according to their general directions.

For example, the Viscounty of Holland is located in the [Southern Province] in the southern part of the empire.

And because the scope of [Province] is very vast, in order to facilitate the cooperation between various regions within [Province].

[Province] is divided into [counties], and the lower level of [county] is the large and small territories of the nobles.

Of course, because the highest authority in the Kaya Empire is the Parliament of Nobles, not His Majesty the Emperor.

Therefore, the actual benefits involved in these geographical divisions are not much.

Positions such as "county chief" are more of a symbol and have no actual authority to dictate in these areas.

At most, it's just that we can occasionally get everyone together to have a banquet and exchange information.

For many small nobles with insufficient strength, this kind of communication circle in nearby areas is still very important.

Because of the many businesses in their territory, the distance to the surrounding areas is relatively limited.

But for a middle-class noble with Brand's strength, these exchanges are not very important.

After all, his business has gone abroad.

The same goes for higher-level nobles.

In addition to the division of administrative regions, the noble meeting also involves some matters on Brand's side.

Currently, the scale and intensity of the war between the Human Alliance and the Orc Empire has increased to another level.

Additional troops are needed on the battlefield in each area.

As one of the four major empires of the Human Alliance, their Kaya Empire obviously needs to send troops for assistance again.

In response, His Majesty the Emperor launched another call, and this time he even used territory as a lure!

——There are still many places in the northern part of the empire that no one can redeem!

After carefully reviewing the details of this project, Brand discovered that he could also redeem territory!

Previously, they went to the Mosar Kingdom to assist in the war, and the empire distributed a certain amount of [meritorious service] based on their performance in the war, as well as [special war contribution] for this war.

The rules for redeeming military exploits in the previous pioneering war are similar.

After this war is over, the empire will also provide an [exchange list].

Participants in the war can use the above two to exchange for military merit.

His Majesty the Emperor is obviously planning to include some of the areas in the north that are not redeemable this time into this list of merit exchanges.

However, according to the preliminary details, it is more difficult to redeem territory in this war than in the expansion war, and there are not many areas to choose from.

——Of course, it’s okay to choose to expand the existing territory in the north to the surrounding areas!

Seeing this, Brand was ready to go back and discuss with Chrissy to see which direction would be most beneficial to them in terms of expanding their territory.

In addition, the library members can also take time to explore the surrounding areas of the territory to see if there are any valuable resource areas around after the magic tide recedes.

After taking out the feather pen and marking the relevant items with a focus symbol, Brand continued to read.

The issue of conferring the title of the eldest princess of the former Mosal Kingdom as the Imperial Baron and the corresponding territory is of course one of the proposals of this noble meeting.

——If it is just the canonization of the baron, it is naturally not a big deal, but if the fiefdom is to be conferred, then it is obviously necessary to discuss it.

Of course, this is just one of the many small matters of the noble meeting.

Brand casually marked it and skipped it.

Soon, Brand saw another important proposal related to them:

"Maintenance and development plan for the maritime trade route between the Empire and the Forest of Elves".

The initiator of this proposal is the Imperial Military Affairs Department.

After checking, Brand realized that the Emperor was ready to set up military stations along the sea routes with the Forest of Elves to maintain the sea trade routes and develop the sea resources in the relevant areas.

Thinking about it carefully, the sea trade between the Empire and the Forest of Elves has been going back and forth for several times, and now it is indeed time to do this.

In this way, the threshold for sea trade between the two sides will be lowered, and the trade will become more frequent and enthusiastic.

Of course, for them, it is obviously impossible to send troops to join directly.

At most, they can provide support in terms of magic gold coins and supplies.

Given that his magic gold coins are very abundant, he may be able to provide more support next time and try to occupy more shares of the benefits.

Thinking of this, Brand also marked it with a focus symbol.

After finding that there was no more content related to them.

Brand closed the page and prepared to go back and copy it to Chris for her reference.

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