Great Nobleman

Chapter 1167: Marine Military Port!

As the noble meeting continued.

While everyone was discussing various topics, the proposals of the meeting were also discussed, and some proposals were revised and improved.

As time passed, the meeting gradually entered the final voting stage.

The first important matter to be voted on and confirmed was the specific division of the administrative areas in the northern part of the empire.

This is a major event for the empire, representing that their Kaya Empire has truly digested such a vast land snatched from the orcs into the territory of the empire!

After the voting confirmation stage of the noble meeting ended, the empire officially added three provinces, and each province was divided into many counties.

And what was not unexpected was:

Under the vote of everyone, Brand naturally became the [County Governor] of the surrounding areas of Morning Flower Territory.

Morning Flower Territory also has a series of official prefixes:

Kaya Empire-East Sea Province-Flower County-Morning Flower Viscount Territory!

In the future, Brand will take on the task of communicating and exchanging information between the lords in Flower County.

This is a simple matter. Just hold a banquet in the banquet hall of the port every once in a while.

In addition to this matter, as the voting process continues.

The maintenance and development of the sea route was also passed by the meeting.

Next, the empire will communicate with the Forest of Elves.

They will first eliminate the various dangers of the sea route, then select a location to build a military base, and finally station the maritime army there to maintain the safety and stability of the route.

According to the results of everyone's discussion.

The specific location of the military base will not be in the Snowy Mountains, but in the northern part of the Snowy Mountains, in the Endless Sea at a suitable location!

——The empire will join hands with the Forest of Elves to jointly build a "floating port" type of maritime military base!

In fact, after carefully looking at the maritime military base construction plan proposed by other people in the empire, and then thinking back to the "floating ports" of the Forest of Elves.

Brand gradually became a little excited!

——Their future naval military port seems to be a "floating port" on the sea as well.

If they can build a "floating port" type of maritime military base in the area north of the coastline.

Then the security of the territory's coastline will be greatly improved!

After telling this idea to Chris.

Chris nodded and said:

"Building a floating port is of course the best.

Not only can we defend the enemy outside the coastline, but we can also collect marine resources more conveniently.

But there is a question: Do we have such capabilities in the short term in the Morning Flower Territory?

Even the Empire has to cooperate with the Forest of Elves to build a military floating port?

So I think we may not take too big a step. First of all, it may be more appropriate to build a military port in the coastal area.

The floating port can be tried later."

After listening to Chris's words, Brand also found that he was a little too anxious.

This matter should really be done slowly.

After concentrating his thoughts and focusing on the noble meeting again.

Brand found that most of the nobles in the empire voted in favor of granting the baronial title and fiefdom to the former princess of the Kingdom of Mosal.

The noble meeting finally passed this motion, and Ms. Flora Oberstein successfully integrated into the noble circle of the Kaya Empire.

Seeing this situation, Brand also unconsciously recalled the design album of the [Thunder God Killing Crossbow] that the other party gave him.

This design album has been included in the special research project of the library and has just started.

It is worth mentioning that:

Although this thing is an elemental war weapon, it is not a simple magic creation, and it also involves some special means of the dwarves.

In the short term, it is obviously impossible for them to be distracted to study the heritage of the dwarves.

Therefore, they are only prepared to study the design ideas of this top war weapon to add to the library.

In addition, if we talk about research.

Recently, the members of the library have a kind of knowledge that needs to be learned and the items that need to be studied are getting more and more confused and numb.

When they have dinner together, there are often members of the library who complain to him.

In fact, Brand also feels the same.

After he becomes a mage, his sister Celine will give him various learning courses for the mage stage.

——The textbooks have been sent to him!

Thinking of this, Brand couldn't help but sigh deeply.


After the noble meeting ended.

Because it has been decided to cooperate with several masters to build warships and participate in the empire's subsequent maintenance and development plan for sea routes.

So after informing the idea, several masters quickly gathered in the Morning Flower Territory and prepared to carry out relevant matters as soon as possible.

Brand also took some time to discuss the details of subsequent cooperation and profit distribution with Chris and several masters in detail.

So far, their cooperation has officially started, and several masters have officially invested in the dock of Morning Flower Port.

After the discussion with several masters, Andy, who listened to the whole process, was a little curious and said:

"Finn and I thought you wouldn't let others intervene in the dock for the time being!

After all, your Morning Flower Territory obviously also needs to build a maritime fleet."

Brand did not hide this issue and explained:

"The shipbuilding capacity of the Morning Flower Port dock does not meet my requirements, so it doesn't matter if you want to invest and join me.

I am now preparing to form the morning flower collar fleet through other channels. "

After hearing Brand's words, Finn rubbed his chin with one hand and thought:

“It’s not impossible to buy warships directly from the Arms Department.

Although it is more expensive, the advantage is that it saves trouble.

In this way, you only need to do maintenance. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Andy shook his head and said:

“Purchasing a war-grade ship in the Weaponry Department requires not only magic gold coins, but also meritorious service!

It's okay to buy one or two ships from the Ordnance Department to use as flagships. You certainly can't buy too many.

I think Brand is more prepared to purchase a high-end civilian ship like the Silver Phoenix and carry out high-end transformation in the magic field.

Compared with similar small warships built by the Imperial Arms Department, the performance of the Silver Phoenix is ​​completely outstanding! "

After hearing the two people's guesses, Brand shook his head and explained:

"Of course I can't buy too many warships from the Arms Department, but I don't really want to upgrade it with civilian ships like the Silver Phoenix.

From a war perspective, the basic performance of a ship like the Silver Phoenix is ​​still somewhat deviated.

I feel like it’s a waste to draw a high-end rune circle for it. "

Hearing this, Andy couldn't help but said curiously:

"Then what are you going to do?"

Brand shook his head and said:

"I haven't fully thought about it yet. For the time being, I'll just take it one step at a time. There's no rush on this matter."

As you speak, the world is simulated.

After looking up at the [Sacrifice Ceremony] that showed no response.

Brand lowered his head and continued reading the heavy book in his hand.

——"The Construction of the Veronica Small Marine Vessel".

In addition to the one in his hand, there are more than ten books on building ocean ships placed on the table next to him.

And these are only part of it, there are many more in the magic pocket on Brand's waist.

——After being a blacksmith, Brand is ready to get involved in the construction of sea-going ships!

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