Great Nobleman

Chapter 1185 Brand, a rich guy, should be happy to pay for these craftsmen!

When Brand started to work on his promotion, Morning Flower Castle also strengthened its defenses and refused outside visitors.

The joint maritime corps of the Kaya Empire and the Elf Forest continue to clear out threats to the shipping routes and eliminate hidden dangers.

The middle section of the route is surrounded by many military warships.

The craftsmen and mages officially began to build the floating island military base, and the great knights and magisters also assisted. The whole process went very quickly!

At the same time, many ships from the Kaya Empire loaded with goods and goods also arrived at commercial ports on the northern coast of the Elf Forest.

The elves at the port greeted him enthusiastically and excitedly.

Batch after shipment of goods from the Human Alliance are sold and unloaded from the ships at these ports.

Similarly, batches of Elf Forest products were purchased and loaded onto the ship!

This morning, on the deck of the Golden Wheatfield.

The three eldest men, Holander, Romine, and Claude, who came to the Elf Forest this time, were discussing the trade situation so far.

simply put:

They made another big profit!

The goods brought from the Human Alliance can easily be sold at high prices here.

And because we had already negotiated the cooperation framework with some local elf chambers of commerce in advance last time we came here, the purchase of goods also went extremely smoothly.

After taking a sip of Elf Forest's best-selling drink, Lord Romine said leisurely:

"Yesterday, I led the people to sign a specific purchase agreement with the Elf Chamber of Commerce at the port.

In two days, when the goods are shipped and loaded, we can return.

By the way, how is the construction of the maritime military base going? "

Hearing this, Mr. Holland responded:

“I contacted other people yesterday and the construction of the floating island military base went smoothly.

It is expected that the first floating island military base will be initially completed in half a month.

By that time, the construction of the second and third military bases will also begin at the same time.

In addition, the process of clearing the route was easier than expected. At this point in time, even low-level monsters on the main route have become very rare.

From this perspective, our future resource collection should go smoothly. "

Master Claude smiled and said:

"Our mages have sorted out the exploration images of the waterways along the way and discovered many resource areas that are being born.

To be honest, there are so many opportunities in the endless sea, and I want to keep guarding them at sea to avoid accidents or being preempted by others. "

Hearing this, Mr. Romien couldn't help but joked:

"If you want to guard it, you can guard it. Later, you may be able to receive a garrison mission at a floating island military base, and then receive a generous salary from the empire!"

Master Claude waved his hand and said:

"Then forget it, I'll just say it casually.

But having said that, except for the Golden Wheat Field, our other ships do not seem to be very good. "

As he spoke, Mr. Claude turned his attention to the [Prototype 1] and [Prototype 2] produced by the Chenhua Port Shipyard outside the deck and parked around the Golden Wheat Field.

At this moment, the hulls of these ships are more or less damaged.

It's not like I was attacked by a monster, but I just encountered a little [Elemental Wave] along the way!

After looking at it for a few times, Mr. Claude said helplessly:

“Although their construction cost is not very high, if they break after a few voyages, it is not as expensive as the construction cost.

I always feel like they are a consumable item now! "

After turning his head and taking another look, Mr. Holland shook his head and said:

“As early as the last era, when the Undead Empire was still there, our Human Alliance had already abandoned the coastal areas in the south of the continent and gathered towards the current wealthy inland.

A lot of information about seagoing ships was lost in this process, and the complex construction techniques of some key parts were no longer circulated.

Now if we want to pick it up again, it always requires a process and takes time.

I heard that most of the high-end ships built by His Majesty the Emperor are actually technologies introduced from the elves and dwarves.

And these technologies are not the latest. Craftsmen in the Arms Department and masters in the field of magic are currently optimizing and transforming them again and again.

So this matter obviously cannot be rushed. "

Mr. Romien waved his hand and said:

"Look at it, compared to other people who can only buy tickets from us, we are already much better."

Master Claude thought:

“By the way, Naik, what’s the price of the ships in the Elf Forest?

Can we try to purchase some here? "

Mr. Romien shook his head and said:

“According to the latest survey results, sea-going ship orders from various shipyards in the Elf Forest have been scheduled for two years.

At best we can now only buy some commercial ships that are about to be retired.

The specific performance of this kind of ship is not much better than that of our trial model ships, and it is very troublesome to maintain, and the current price premium is also very serious.

Not much use to us.

In contrast, I now want to see if I can hire some elven shipbuilders to help build ships.

I have already shortlisted several target candidates, and we can go visit them in the next two days. "

Hearing such thoughts, Mr. Holland couldn't help but nodded and said:

“As for recruiting elf craftsmen, I think we can try it.

It just so happens that the reputation of Flower Bay in Morning Flower Territory is loud enough here, and many elves want to settle there.

I think the probability of success should be quite high! ”

Master Romien spread his hands and said:

“That’s right.

But at this point in time, shipbuilding craftsmen are also very sought-after talents and cannot be easily hired.

We must pay them enough!

After all this, I’m not sure whether it’s worth it. ”

Master Holland said:

“This is a simple matter, and it doesn’t matter if the price is a little higher.

I think Brand will definitely want to recruit a group of senior shipbuilding craftsmen from the elves to help him build warships.

When we complete the recruitment and return to Morning Flower Territory, we can use these elf craftsmen to negotiate with him.

I think Brand, a rich guy, should be very happy to pay for these craftsmen.

As for our demand problem, we just need to leave a few craftsmen for the dock at that time. "

After saying this, after a moment of stunned silence, Master Romien could not help but slap the table and nodded:

"That makes sense, let's do it!

Use the reputation of Morning Flower Territory to recruit craftsmen, and then go to Brand to make a fortune!

Just thinking about this process makes people look forward to it!"

When talking about this, Master Claude on the side suddenly recalled something and said:

"By the way, let's talk about craftsmen.

When I asked about the domestic situation a few days ago, I happened to hear Andy say that a group of craftsmen from Morning Flower Territory applied for resignation in our shipyard.

It seems that even the person in charge of the shipyard has left, and now a senior craftsman from the Cheshire family is the person in charge of the shipyard. "

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