Great Nobleman

Chapter 1192: Very good, we don’t need him to give us face!

A few days later in the morning, the northern waters of the morning flower collar.

The empire and the Elven Forest's huge fleet sailed from east to west.

During this process, the Golden Wheat Field, with twenty-four trial ships, as well as many Elf Forest warships and merchant ships, left the team and gradually approached the direction of Fanhua Bay.

Because this long sea journey is about to come to an end.

Except for Mesa and Cecil, the other eldest men who returned this time packed their things one after another and came out of the cabin, preparing to return to the port and have a good rest.

Although they lost another trial model ship during this outing, overall they gained a lot.

Looking at the beautiful Blossom Bay getting closer and closer, several elders couldn't help but feel happy.

Not long after, we arrived at the port pier, berthed, and walked down the gangway to get off the ship.

Ivy, who was waiting at the dock in advance, quickly brought her people to greet them. At the same time, she also asked her people to go and contact the members of Free Iris and the guests of the Elf Forest who were returning with the ship.

——They, Chenhualing, also took a large share of the harvest from this business.

At this time, after turning left and right.

Mr. Robert suddenly said with some meaning:

"Brand didn't come over again?

He has already become a magician, so he can't be still immersed in practicing every day, right? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Romien smiled and shrugged:

“What’s the point of this question?

Brand is responsible for the territory's military affairs, and he leaves all matters related to commerce and people's livelihood directly to Chrissy and Ivy.

As for us elders, it would be great if this guy can show some respect on the surface! "

Hearing this, Ivy was about to explain and refute.

But Mr. Romien suddenly said again:

"But this is good. When we negotiate with Brand later, we won't need him to give us face."

Saying this, Mr. Romien turned and looked at the elven merchant ship next to him.

After seeing an old elf with long white hair and a long wooden staff walking down from above, and a dozen young elves following him.

Mr. Romien stepped closer, smiled and said loudly:

"Mr. Katrina!

How about it? Fanhua Bay should still catch your eye, right? "

Hearing this, the old elf couldn't help but smile, and then he had a pleasant conversation with Mr. Romien.

After taking a look at the situation at Mr. Romien's side from a distance.

Ivy gradually frowned and asked Mr. Robert beside her:

"Father, you are not thinking of any bad ideas, are you?

The question you just asked seemed a bit strange, as if it was meant to be used in conjunction with Uncle Romine?

Brand just didn't come to greet him. He had done this many times, right?

You don't seem to need to emphasize it? "

After taking an unclear glance at the daughter who had turned her elbows outward before she was married.

Mr. Robert put his hands behind his back and explained leisurely:

"Ivy, you have misunderstood us on this point.

Look over there, the old elf gentleman who is talking to your Uncle Romine is named Katrina Elladis.

He is a well-known elven shipbuilder and has participated in the construction of elven warships more than once.

The elves next to him are all his disciples and apprentices. This time we spent a lot of money to hire him.

He has joined our shipyard in the Morning Flower Territory, even though he cannot reveal the high-end shipbuilding techniques and key technologies of the elves.

But with his help, the performance of the [Trial Type Three] and the [Trial Type Four] currently being developed by our shipyard will definitely be greatly improved.

This is also a good thing for Brand, isn't it?

After all, he also has a share in the dock, and he also has a right to use the ships built! "

At the end, as if he thought of some happy scene, Mr. Robert couldn't help but smile happily.

After hearing this explanation, although Ivy felt something was wrong, she didn't say anything more.

Not long after, Ivy returned to the government tower of the castle and told Chris the story.

Chris thought briefly and then explained:

“We didn’t join in because of the old gentleman’s hiring.

So next, my father and several uncles will probably use this heavyweight old gentleman and his apprentices to join the port dock to dilute our share of the dock.

In addition, since this old gentleman once participated in the construction of warships, it is obviously overqualified for him to stay in a civilian shipyard.

I think my father and several uncles may have the idea of ​​using this old gentleman to lure the lord, and then try to make a big fortune from the lord. "

After hearing this analysis, Ivy suddenly realized.

Then, she clenched her little fists and said with some dissatisfaction:

“I heard Brand say two days ago that he was going to talk to some uncles and his father about transforming the old shipyard and giving up shipbuilding.

Originally, I was worried that my father and several uncles would be dissatisfied.

But now it seems that Brand should keep up his efforts and make them angry to death! "

Seeing Ivy's reaction, Chris couldn't help but smile.

But then, she still shook her head and said:

"I heard from Sister Celine and Catherine that Brand has recently been preparing to propose marriage, waiting for his father and several uncles to come back.

So it's better not to provoke them at this time to avoid complications.

We will go and persuade Brand later. It's better to wait until our marriage is finalized before we talk about this matter. "

Hearing Chris say this, Ivy couldn't help but smile and joked:

"You guys finally don't care about being reserved?

I heard Brand say before that you don't want to marry him so early, right? "

Hearing this, Chris spread her hands and said:

"A 22-year-old magician, if Brand hadn't been in the territory recently, how many nobles would introduce their daughters and nieces to him?

I can guarantee that many people from Uncle Holland must have come to him to discuss Brand's marriage recently.

If I didn't want to save this guy from trouble, I wouldn't agree so quickly! "

Ivy rolled her eyes and said:

"You're just being stubborn!"

After a pause, Ivy said again:

"By the way, is it just the two of us? "

Chris shook her head and said:

"Brand's promotion was too fast and the time was too short, so for the time being, there are only the two of us.

But you also know that we both have families behind us.

There is nothing urgent recently, and the marriage process should be completed to show the deep friendship between our families and the North Holland family.

So in the short term, we should just be engaged to Brand.

I won't be carried to the bedroom by this guy and do it regardless of day or night. "

"Do not distinguish between day and night...Chris, you are here again!"

Looking at Ivy's red cheeks, she complained to her with an embarrassed look.

Chris was in a happier mood.

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