Great Nobleman

Chapter 1195 Come to think of it, we were indeed not thoughtful enough before!

Because Brand suddenly brought up such a thing that made several big men very excited.

Therefore, during the entire banquet, none of the eldest men bothered Brand.

On the contrary, they were even more worried that their original plan might interfere with the marriage and make Brand regret it.

All in all, with the tacit understanding of both parties, the banquet ended in an extremely friendly and harmonious atmosphere.

And on the second day after the banquet.

The three eldest men, Holland, Robert and Romine, gathered in a hurry early in the morning to discuss the marriage.

When the sun rose high, Brand got up to freshen up and taste breakfast.

They have reached preliminary agreement very quickly.

That afternoon, when Brand was immersed in the construction work of [Amber Type II].

Mr. Holland sent a blank screen communication request.

When Brand walked to the edge of the dock to connect, he saw Mr. Holland smiling and saying bluntly on the empty screen:

"Brand, I have discussed this carefully with your Uncle Romine and Uncle Robert.

Considering that more than a month later, we will continue to deal with sea routes.

Therefore, we have decided to let you go through the engagement process in accordance with imperial tradition for the time being.

What do you think of finalizing this matter and announcing it to the public first, and then proceeding slowly with other processes? "

Brand nodded and said:

"I have no objection, but I have been quite busy recently. In addition to needing to adapt to the realm, I also have some territorial matters to deal with.

So if possible, I would like to compress the process a little bit within reason.

In addition, I hope you can come forward on my behalf for many things that require my intervention. "

Hearing this, Mr. Holland couldn't help but said:

“After all, this involves an alliance between families, and there are many things that I can’t do on my behalf.

After all, you are still the head of the North Holland family, not the simple descendant of the Holland family in the past..."

Brand shook his head and interrupted:

“What doesn’t this represent?

The development of the North Holland family has just started, and the marriage involves more family unions with the Holland family.

And if there is anything that requires the cooperation of Chenhua Ling, I will let Chris and Ivy fully cooperate.

You also know that the two of them are now in charge of the civil affairs of Morning Flower Territory, and Chris also has an intelligence force in her hands.

I think this should be enough. "

After learning Brand's thoughts, Mr. Holland couldn't help but said strangely:

"Ivy and Chris are married women, and you are going to ask them to help you, the man, deal with internal affairs within the family? Don't you think it's strange?"

Brand spread his hands and said:

“But they are also my senior managers at Chenhualing.

Although they will go back to get married next, this does not prevent them from helping me complete some work. I am prepared to pay overtime wages.

And I talked to them yesterday and they were very happy. "

Hearing Brand's sophistry, Mr. Holland only felt a twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Holland said helplessly:

"I can indeed help you save some of the less important links or represent you.

However, when it comes to occasions that show the friendly relationship between families to the outside world, you still cannot miss it.

For you and me, or your Uncle Romine and Uncle Robert, these things do have more formal meaning than practical meaning.

But due to information asymmetry, this matter is the opposite for other people in the empire, including the branches and vassals of the Romine and Robert families.

Currently, due to the existence of Blossom Bay and Morning Flower Port, the reputation of Morning Flower Leader in the empire is no worse than that of Holland Leader, and there is even a tendency to surpass it.

Therefore, in the subsequent marriage, in order to highlight the importance of this event to the outside world, the North Holland family obviously needs to occupy an important role.

Even though I am your father, I cannot completely replace you.

As the head of the North Holland family, you, as well as the important armed forces of the Morning Flower Leader, the Library Mage Group and the Guard Knights, have many occasions where you must appear.

As the head of the North Holland family, it’s time for you to get in touch with these things. "

Although Mr. Holland said this seriously, Brand still shook his head and said:

“That’s what I say, but there are no alternatives to these things.

You just don't want to put too much thought into it and want to save yourself some trouble. "

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Holander was a little pleased and a little angry.

——Although Brand could see the essence at a glance, this guy now wants to complicate simple things, and he also wants to push the complicated part onto him!

When Mr. Holland was about to retort, Brand suddenly said:

"This morning, I have sent members of the library to set off from the imperial capital with a portable teleportation array and go south to Holland Territory.

In two days, sister Celine and I will go to Fort Holland to set up a teleportation point.

All you need to do is ask Uncle Robert and Uncle Romine to secretly spread the teleportation method connecting the two castles, and then let them use it a few times.

People outside will naturally know that the Holland Territory and the North Holland Territory are inseparable.

And the Romien and Robert families who can share the use of the teleportation array here are obviously our close allies.

Master, what do you think of my idea? "

When Brand said this, Master Holland couldn't help but hesitate.

Let's not talk about the practical significance of this method. Brand's idea did have a great temptation for him.

However, the reason why few people violate traditions is that they are widely recognized...

Seeing Master Holland was silent.

Brand, who was busy building ships, said dissatisfiedly:

"If I really go to attend those troublesome ceremonies, I may not have time to arrange the teleportation point. If you want to go back to Holland County in the future, you can only take a carriage from the imperial capital. "

When this was said, Master Holland coughed lightly, then nodded and said:

"You just want to save trouble, it's not a big deal!

I'll talk to your uncle Romien and uncle Robert again, and wait for my good news. "

Having said this, Master Holland confidently said goodbye to Brand and ended the call.

Brand also went back to continue building ships with a satisfied look on his face.

According to Ivy, when Yersin got married, all the troubles added up to more than a month.

He didn't want to be as miserable as Yersin!

Not long after, Master Holland said that Brand wanted to shorten the process and reduce the occasions where he appeared.

Master Romien said dissatisfiedly:

"Is this guy a little arrogant? He wants to marry our daughter, but he finds it troublesome to go through the process?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Master Robert also said tactfully:

"Lennart, although I don't mind these insignificant little things, our Robert family still has a large family of elderly people.

As the patriarch, it's not easy for me to directly oppose their traditional concepts. Otherwise, I should go to Brand to talk again? "

Master Holland explained helplessly:

"I also know that this matter is more troublesome, but Brand is going to set up a teleportation point for Holland Castle in two days.

At that time, it will only take a moment to get from Morning Flower to Holland Castle!

Do you understand what this concept is?

I can go to the Endless Sea to fish after breakfast after waking up in the bedroom of Holland Castle in the morning!"

As the voice fell, when the two masters subconsciously produced a strong feeling of envy and jealousy in their hearts.

The elegant Master Holland smiled and spread his hands and said:

"As allies and in-laws, if you also want to experience it, I certainly can't refuse it, right?

So I think it's better to satisfy Brand's idea, so that this guy doesn't want to set up a teleportation point for me again. "

As soon as these words came out, the moved Master Romien quickly coughed lightly, and then said seriously:

"Brand has just been promoted to a mage not long ago, and he really needs to adapt to the realm during this period.

If you think about it carefully, it is reasonable to reduce the number of procedures he needs to attend. "

Master Robert nodded and said:

"That's right, think about it carefully, we did not consider it carefully before!

As for the elders of the family, with me as the patriarch, these are not a problem! "

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