Great Nobleman

Chapter 1208 The demon tribe is back at the center of the storm!

As time passed, when the cities and towns, civilian affairs and military affairs of Morning Flower Territory were developing normally, Brand led his men to fully assist Catherine in perfecting her path to promotion.

The war situation between the Human Alliance and the Orc Empire also saw some special changes.

At this point in time, the main battlefield of the war between the two sides is no longer limited to the former Kingdom of Mosar.

The scale and intensity of the two small battlefields located in the west and east of the former Kingdom of Mosar are no longer inferior to the battlefield of the former Kingdom of Mosar as both sides continue to increase the stakes!

The two empires of Moon and Caesar, as well as the camp of the Kingdom of Bergman, respectively served as the main forces of these two battlefields, and the Kaya Empire and many other kingdoms and duchies supported them!

Of course, despite this, the battlefield of the former Kingdom of Mosar, dominated by the Bruns Empire, still attracted the most attention of the Human Alliance.

Both sides won and lost in the other two important battlefields, and no one took too much advantage.

Only the battlefield of the former Kingdom of Mosar, where a large area of ​​land originally belonging to the Human Alliance is still firmly occupied by the Orc Empire.

More and more orc fortresses and strongholds are being built in these areas.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the possibility of them taking back these lands is gradually decreasing over time.

The Bruns Empire, which was mainly responsible for this battlefield and watched the fall of the Kingdom of Mosal, began to suffer more and more blame, and there were countless countries that took advantage of the situation!

At this moment, the entire battlefield of the former Kingdom of Mosal was almost completely supported by the Bruns Empire.

And the Bruns Empire did not gradually expel the orcs as expected by the countries.

To this day, they have shown signs of becoming increasingly weak and retreating!

In this context, because the pressure from the country is also increasing.

After careful consideration, the Bruns Empire took the initiative to initiate a meeting of all countries.

Then, under the scrutiny of representatives from many countries, the diplomatic representatives of the Bruns Empire spoke out their proposal:

"Although I am reluctant to say this, judging from the current situation, our Bruns Empire is not only unable to achieve the expected goal of expelling the orcs, but the battle lines in various places are also on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, on behalf of the empire, I am here to ask for your help, and hope that you can send troops to support our main battlefield."

As soon as the voice fell, someone quickly questioned:

"Although for the sake of the overall situation, we have suspended the investigation of the [Murder of the Beniglo Kingdom Review Team Member].

But this does not mean that your Bruns Empire is innocent.

We have reason to doubt that you put forward this proposal Is the original intention out of reality, or is it to interfere with the war situation on other fronts between our human alliance and the orc empire. "


As far as I know, your Bruns Empire still has many military forces that have not been deployed, and it is obviously not yet time to ask for help! "


The Kaya Empire once opened up the current northern border and expelled the orcs on its own. There is no reason why you, who have similar national strength, cannot do it.

Moreover, the territory of the former Mosar Kingdom only has some newly built simple fortifications, which is not comparable to the situation that the Kaya Empire faced at the time.

You obviously have other purposes. "

In response to everyone's doubts, the diplomatic representatives of the Bruns Empire also presented actual information and intelligence one by one.

In summary.

Because of repeated defeats, the Bruns Empire suffered heavy losses!

At this moment, although they have not reached the point of desperation, they are now also full of resentment and bandits in their country.

Unable to send more troops to support the orcs' continued fierce war in the main battlefield of the former Mosar Kingdom.

Regardless of whether this information is true or false.

Because of the arrogant behavior of the Bruns Empire, many countries at the scene directly stated that they were unable to send troops to support.

At most, they could provide some war supplies that were better than nothing.

After repeatedly arguing and being rejected, he looked at the representatives of the other three empires who had never expressed their opinions.

The representative of the Bruns Empire suddenly said:

"Our empire is indeed alone. If everyone really has no spare support, our empire has a proposal."

After a pause, let everyone focus on it.

Bruns Empire said:

"How about we open a cross-continental space gate in the former Kingdom of Mosal and invite our demon friends to come and help us fight?

During this period, we have also talked with our friends of the demon tribe. If we are willing to bear the pressure from other races on the continent.

They can send a large army to assist us in fighting the orcs.

However, in exchange, they hope to use their own abilities to open up a small piece of land in the direction of the Orc Empire for them to recuperate.

At the same time, they are also willing to accept the continued management of our Human Alliance Council of Nations."

As soon as these words came out, after a short period of silence, someone quickly publicly objected:

"Although the demons are our friends, this matter is a public introduction of races outside the continent.

Once implemented, those races on the continent who originally had a bad impression of the demons will inevitably take drastic measures.

And the Orc Empire, as our enemy, will obviously stand on the opposite side.

The nature of this war will most likely change to our disadvantage!

There is also a high possibility that those neutral races on the continent will directly stand on the opposite side of us!"

Then, to the surprise of many people:

Members of the Bergman Kingdom camp quickly spoke out to refute:

"It's not that pessimistic. The idea of ​​the Bruns Empire representative seems to me to be feasible, and this matter is also very maneuverable.

Demons can be hired by us as friends to join the war of 'resisting invasion', and then join us in launching a 'reciprocal counterattack' against the Orc Empire.

After the war, the land they snatched from the orcs also belongs to our human alliance.

We just designated a 'residential area' for our friends on our territory.

In this way, it is difficult for other races on the mainland to blame them.

Because this process does not happen overnight, we can also break down the pressure from other races on the mainland bit by bit. "

"Do you think other races are fools?"

“But it sure works, doesn’t it?

We were originally preparing to conduct cross-continental exchanges with Fantim Continent.

Now that the demon friends have shown their friendliness and sincerity, I don’t think we can’t go further.

As long as it works well, the pressure on other races can also be controlled within a reasonable range.

And if there are demon friends standing between us and the Orc Empire, we may not have to face the threat of the Orcs in the future! "

"But what if the demons have other ideas?"

“Let’s make an agreement with them first and specify strict terms in the contract.

At the same time, they are restricted from opening cross-continental space formations on their own, and we jointly monitor every cross-continental exchange. "

"The risks are too great, there are too many uncertainties, and there is not enough insurance in the contract. We cannot agree to such risky behavior!"

At this moment, he glanced at the diplomatic representatives from various countries who were arguing with each other.

The diplomatic representatives of the Kaya Empire, the Moon Empire, and the Caesar Empire secretly exchanged views.

Finally, they jointly proposed that the meeting be suspended.

Representatives from many countries quickly seconded their ideas.

Immediately afterwards, the initiator of the meeting and the diplomatic representative of the Bruns Empire also nodded in agreement.

This meeting of the nations was therefore temporarily suspended.

After that, the top leaders of the Human Alliance countries began to carefully examine the idea of ​​​​the Bruns Empire and the Bruns Empire that proposed this idea.

There are also the Bergman Kingdom camp countries that are secretly cooperating with the Bruns Empire, and the demon clan who are back on the forefront!

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