Great Nobleman

Chapter 1222 The Devil's Expedition

After hearing Chris's words, Brand couldn't help but be surprised again:

"The [Secret Realm Key] finally fell into the hands of the Anweil ​​family?"

Chrissy nodded and said:

"Yes, although many other people, including some elves, went there to try their luck.

But [Yao Deng Harbor] is the territory of the Anweil ​​family after all.

It was perfectly normal for the key to fall into their hands. "

After hearing what Chris said, Brand thought about it too.

He originally thought that Mr. Romien had a chance to succeed.

But now it seems that everyone is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After shaking his head regretfully, Brand gradually put the matter behind him and refocused his attention on the documents in front of him.

At this point in time, the blacksmith town in the eastern part of Morning Flower Territory is already on the right track.

They, Chenhua Ling, could complete the entire process of mining, refining, and subsequent creation of ore on their own.

The next step is to expand the scale of the industry to an appropriate level and let the blacksmiths continue to hone their skills.

Unknowingly, all areas of Nuoda's Morning Flower Collar are gradually getting on the right track.

Now only the west has not determined its development direction.

Thinking of this, he turned around and looked at the latest map of Morning Flower Collar [Morning Dew Rose] on the wall beside him.

I saw that the west side of the territory is now a large area of ​​dense snow forest that has been specially marked.

With several of the [Dew Drop Areas] as the core, many animals that can adapt to cold weather and docile monsters live there.

Library members and little Kaiya would go over from time to time to take a look around and see the living conditions of the Warcraft and those animals.

From the current situation.

They might try to develop the domestication industry of Warcraft, or the domestication of animals with Warcraft bloodline.

With Xiao Kaiya, a top-level monster, Brand feels that this matter should not be difficult.

Thinking like this, after finishing the official business.

Brand headed all the way to the library tower, preparing to have a chat with the library senior in the Warcraft Taming Department and little Kaiya.

However, when he walked to the Twin Towers Square, he found that several elders were gathering by the Crescent Lake to chat, looking unhappy.

Recalling the news brought by Chris, after thinking briefly, Brand also went over to ask.

Soon, Mr. Romien explained to him with an unhappy look:

“Yesterday afternoon, the Elf adventurers I invited over were almost found.

However, the city guards of the Anweil ​​family suddenly came out and stopped them, saying that there was something important that required their cooperation in the investigation.

After they completed their investigation, the [Secret Realm Key] was immediately seized by the Anweil ​​family!

The old guy DeVos is still as ungrateful as before! "

Hearing this, Mr. Robert waved his hands and said while drinking wine:

"Okay, okay, didn't they even send an apology after completing the investigation?

After all, [Yao Deng Harbor] is the territory of the Anweil ​​family, so it is easy for people to do something.

If the [Secret Realm Key] lands in Morning Flower Port, Brand might just close the port. "

Mr. Holland shook his head and said:

"It is not necessary to close the port. The Chamber of Commerce of the Elf Forest is coming to trade, so the impact of this will be too great.

However, it is completely fine to temporarily block one or two streets. As long as the compensation is in place, you can find any reason. "

After learning what happened, Brand couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Then, he asked:

"Now, does this secret realm have nothing to do with us?"

Mr. Romien spread his hands helplessly and said:

“It depends on whether the Anweil ​​family and the Trial Department can take over this secret underwater realm on their own.

If possible, I think it has nothing to do with us. "

Because the key to the secret seabed finally fell into the hands of the Anweil ​​family.

After two days of regret, the elders finally accepted this reality and turned their attention to the matters at hand.

The construction of seven major military stations in the first phase of the maritime route maintenance plan has now been completed.

Some troops and ships are already stationed there, patrolling the surrounding areas and maintaining the safety and stability of the waterway.

The subsequent second phase of the plan is to build more small floating island military bases on the surrounding shipping routes around these seven major military stations.

The third stage is the stationing and patrol planning of the maritime fleet.

Worth mentioning are:

The second phase and the third phase are not in any order and will basically be carried out simultaneously.

At this time, because the empire's fleet is still under development and construction, after discussing with the Elf Forest, they have decided to slow down the next two phases of the plan.

Therefore, for the empire, the most important thing at the moment, besides continuing to trade with the Elf Forest, is to develop the ocean ship construction industry as soon as possible.

Only with more sea ships can they improve the security of the empire's waters and sea routes, and gradually begin to develop the resources of the Endless Sea.

And because the construction of sea-going ships is currently basically monopolized by Linhai lords and the imperial royal family.

After joint discussions among various forces, a bill was submitted to the Noble Council.

——"On the Opening of the Opening and Operating Rights of Ports and Dockyards in the Empire".

Specifically, this bill hopes that the ports of the empire will open up and operate docks to the imperial nobles.

Allow other nobles in the inland of the empire to purchase or lease coastal land in various ports, and then build docks and sea vessels.

In fact, this proposal was mainly proposed by many inland nobles who had no relationship with the coastal lords.

For example, in Chenhua Port, several masters had already invested in the old dock in Chenhua Port.

However, because their shipbuilding ability was not good enough, the old dock has now transformed and started to make ship equipment.

Of course, because this proposal violated the [lord’s supreme right to his territory], it was directly rejected and not accepted by the noble parliament.

However, in the Kaya Empire, the majority of nobles had ordinary relationships with the coastal lords and had no channels.

So once the content of this proposal was spread, the noble class of the empire also talked about it.

A topic became hot in a short time:

The monopoly of dock operation rights has effectively affected the development of the empire’s sea ship manufacturing industry!

So, after several departments of the empire discussed and reported to His Majesty the Emperor,

The Royal Port issued a formal notice document, which detailed the application process for opening a dock in the designated area around the Royal Port.

——The wise and powerful emperor met the expectations of the nobles and marked out an area around the Royal Port for the imperial nobles to build a dock!

As soon as this news came out, the management department of the Royal Port directly welcomed the visits of many inland nobles.

The nobles excitedly joined forces to prepare for the construction of the dock, and the Kaya Empire officially began to develop the construction industry of marine ships at full speed!

And in this context, because the January deadline has arrived, Brand opened the sacrifice ceremony on the Frost Star in the simulated world as usual and contacted Viriana.

Then I learned a somewhat intriguing news:

"According to the latest intelligence I have obtained, the demon force that is collecting sea ship construction information belongs to the Fantimsi continent, called [Yaohuo Temple].

They seem to be preparing for a huge expedition across the Endless Sea."

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