Great Nobleman

Chapter 1230 The legendary creation, the Sun Lighthouse!

Chapter 1230 The legendary creation-Sunshine Lighthouse!

A few days later.

Although rehearsals are still going on, the wedding has not yet come.

However, the January period with Viriana came first.

It is also the scene of the sacrifice ceremony of Star Frost.

As the ceremony began, Viriana quickly responded, and the space cracks expanded as before.

Immediately afterwards, Veriana, who was in the [Dead Night Tower] laboratory, smiled and greeted Brand. Brand immediately responded and invited the other party to come over for tea and ask about the current situation.

As for Viriana, after accepting Brand's invitation, she walked through the space rift and came to sit in front of Brand.

She also responded:

"The weapons and equipment that Mr. Sir gave me last time are still being processed, and an auction will be held to sell them in half a month.

When I contact him again next month, I should be able to bring him satisfactory results.

In addition, through these weapons and equipment, I have recently established some friendships with many forces.

As expected, many people are now inquiring about the power behind me.

With my husband's permission, I also informed the name Frost to allies who have a certain basis for cooperation.

Now, several friends are trying to use my channel to contact the masters who build high-end weapons and equipment and customize weapons and equipment.

It all depends on what Mr. Bernard thinks. "

Upon hearing this, Brand responded directly:

“It’s not impossible to customize weapons and equipment, but the price must be high enough.

And if it involves some special requirements, they need to bear the materials themselves.

You can first collect their needs and forward them to me, and I will make a judgment later. "

Viriana nodded and said:

"Understood, I will respond to them according to what sir thinks.

In addition, I got a special architectural design album this time.

Sir, I have been paying attention to the construction of sea-going ships before. I think it should be of great help to your future plans. "

With that said, Viriana took out a heavy book and handed it to Brand.

After taking it over, the picture on the cover caught his attention: a magic lighthouse!

Veriana explained in due course:

"This is the design album of the [Sunlight Lighthouse], a legendary creation that has been lost for several eras in Rios continent."

After hearing this, Brand quickly became curious and said:

"Legendary creation?"

Viriana nodded and said:

"Yes, it is a legendary creation.

It basically reached the pinnacle of professional magic disciplines in Rios continent at that time.

It was also because of the expansion of the power of [Dead Night Tower] that I obtained it from a gray elf tribe who came to seek refuge from afar.

Ships traveling in the endless sea often lose their way for various reasons.

But this [Sunlight Lighthouse] can directly solve most problems.

It can emit a special secret elemental signal far away on the surface of the ocean.

With special devices, ships can always identify the direction and distance of the lighthouse, which facilitates positioning and avoids drifting or getting lost.

The most important thing is:

The range and distance it can provide guidance are extremely large.

According to historical records:

In a certain era in the past, someone started from the eastern coastal area of ​​Rios continent and headed eastward.

By building two [Sunlight Lighthouses] along the way, cross-continental navigation from Rios Continent to Farnes Continent is realized! "

After hearing Viriana's last words, Brand couldn't help but be a little surprised and said:

"Use it to achieve cross-continental navigation? From the Rios continent to the Farns continent? mean:

The Farnes continent is in the eastern part of the Rios continent? "

Viriana responded:

“According to historical records, this was indeed the case at that time, but it’s not clear now.

Because of the movement of ocean currents in the Endless Sea itself and the influence of the [Year of Tides], the relative positions of the continents will not remain unchanged. "

Hearing this, Brand raised his eyebrows.

——He has never heard of such a thing!

Thinking of this, Brand asked:

"Can you elaborate on the changes in relative positions between continents?

What is the impact of [Year of Tides]? "

After hearing this, Viriana came to a conclusion:

Frost should be the same as Phantom Continent, not much exploring the Endless Sea!

While thinking, Viriana asked:

"I think sir, you should know the concept of [Year of Tides], right?"

Brand responded:

"A natural phenomenon.

Special [tidal magic] erupts and spreads from the endless sea, and the violent water elements destroy and corrode various substances.

Rising sea levels also bring special magical spectacles. "

Viriana nodded and said:

“That’s roughly it, but according to the records of our Rios continent, tidal magic will also intensify the changes in ocean currents in the Endless Sea.

Sir, you can roughly view the continents, as well as the offshore areas around the continents and the wider seabed areas under the sea, as 'floating islands' that gather various elements and materials.

The relative positions between them would have been constantly changing due to the currents of the Endless Sea.

Once the changes in ocean currents intensify, their relative positions will also change faster.

Of course, the specific situation is more complicated than what I said, and natural elements also play a complex role in it. "

Hearing this statement, Brand couldn't help but recall that the earth in previous lives seemed to have a similar [continental plate drift theory].

For a moment, he also understood a little bit.

However, according to Viriana, the continental drift speed in the extraordinary world should be even faster.

——This is probably the function of elements?

Brand felt like he had learned something new.

Looking again at the design album of the [Sunlight Lighthouse] in his hand, he also felt that the value of this thing might be higher than he had imagined before.

If it is ordinary position positioning, the space teleportation array can also do it.

But there is a problem:

The [space coordinates] of the space teleportation array are the collection and summary of surrounding environmental factors.

If you want to change it to [position coordinates] in the physical sense, you need to use the space teleportation array as the reference origin to perform complex conversions.

If the distance is too far, the converted [position coordinates] will become very blurry or even impossible to convert at all.

Generally speaking, there should be no big problem in the continental shelf and the surrounding [offshore] range.

But if it is the [open sea] beyond the continental shelf and extremely far away.

There will be problems with [position coordinates] calculated using [space coordinates]!

In this case, the role of [Sunlight Lighthouse] will gradually become more prominent.

——According to Viriana, the radiation range of a [Sunlight Lighthouse] should be able to cover the [Distant Sea] area!

And it seems to be able to obtain relatively more accurate [location coordinates] all the time?

Thinking of this, Brand felt that it did seem worthy of the name [Legendary Creation], but he didn't know how difficult it would be to build.

With this in mind, Brand opened the book and began to read roughly.

Soon, a three-dimensional structure of multiple and composite runes attracted his attention.

——This is the core of [Sunlight Lighthouse]!

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