Great Nobleman

Chapter 1242

After hearing Master Romien's proposal, Brand quickly became excited.

Thinking carefully, he had been staying at home for several days, and it seemed that he could really go out and play.

Next, after learning more about the situation from Master Romien, Brand nodded and agreed with Master Romien's idea.

Wait for Master Romien to end the communication and contact other people and the Anville family.

Brand also began to think secretly.

To go to support, you must drive a warship.

At present, they have a medium-sized warship, the Golden Wheat Field.

The small warships are the Silver Phoenix, the Morning Dew Rose, and three Amber IIs.

Although some of them went to escort Yersin and others, they are now on their way back.

In addition, the military dock has four Amber IIs that have been built and are now installing ship equipment.

If the speed is accelerated, they can be put into use within a week or two.

If all are added up, this is also a small scale.

Of course, considering the uncertainty of the battlefield, he might be able to equip other Amber II warships with some high-end equipment of the sublimation level.

At this time, because the call with Master Romien was not avoided by other people in the banquet hall, everyone is now talking about it.

Sonia walked over with a glass of wine, smiled and said:

"I also know a little about the Anville family and the fleet of the Judgment Department.

Because my old man suddenly planned to cut the budget of the Judgment Department yesterday.

So I asked about this matter by the way.

As far as I know, most of the ships that my old man borrowed from the Judgment Department have now sunk.

In addition, although the fleets of the Anville family and the Judgment Department have successfully broken out of the encirclement of the Naga tribe, they seem to be still being hunted.

And the heir of the Anville family, Fatos Anville, is now in the fleet."

Hearing this, Brand couldn't help but widen his eyes:

"The heir of the Anville family is also in the fleet? And he is still Being hunted by the Naga?

At such a long distance, even if we immediately provide support, we won't be able to arrive in time, right? "

Sonia responded:

"That's true, but the Anville family's protection of the heir is still quite comprehensive.

He himself is also a great knight, and there are knights around.

In addition, they have now escaped from the encirclement of the Naga tribe, so there shouldn't be too much danger next.

Of course, with their current strength, it is obviously impossible to continue exploring the secret realm.

So they should consider winning over more allies, disclosing detailed information about the underwater secret realm, sharing the secret realm key, and exploring the underwater secret realm together. "

Hearing this, Brand nodded in understanding.

Brand is still very interested in that underwater secret realm.

The fact that the Naga tribe mobilized so many troops obviously proves the extraordinary nature of this secret realm.

Thinking of this, Brand invited:

"Sonya, do you want to go out with us?

In half a month at most, our fleet that went to the Elf Forest for trade will be back.

I will drive the fleet over to join in the fun."

Sonya smiled and nodded:

"Since you have invited me, I will certainly not refuse.

Things at home have been quite annoying recently, so it's a good opportunity for me to go out and hide with you."

After hearing this, Brand was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"Is there anything I can help with?"

Sonya shook her head gently, smiling and saying nothing.


At night, in the bedroom.

Brand curiously opened the gift box on the table in front of him.

After finding a box of exquisite pastries neatly placed inside.

He took out a piece and tasted it carefully, then told Celine beside the bed about the [Sunday Tower]:

"Sister Celine, the materials for drawing the core rune array of the [Sunday Tower] have basically been collected.

But its structure is still quite complicated.

If I draw it alone, it may take more than half a month.

It may not be able to catch up with the outbound support.

Because I might need its function at that time, so I want Sister Celine to help."

Hearing this, Celine, who was leaning against the head of the bed and reading a book in her hand, nodded:

"No problem, I'll change you an after-school homework later."

While talking, Catherine, who had just finished taking a shower, stretched her wings and walked into the bedroom, and then sat directly next to Brand.

Seeing this, Brand stretched out his hands and used magic to drive away the remaining moisture between Catherine's hair and wing feathers, and also enjoyed the warm and soft touch.

In response, although Catherine's cheeks were a little red, she passively endured it without saying a word.

——She has gotten used to her young master's various actions.

Not long after, Ivy and Chris also walked into the bedroom in pajamas hand in hand.

Seeing Brand who had already started to attack Catherine in the bedroom, both of them felt a little uneasy.

After a brief thought, they leaned towards Celine on the bed.

After facing Brand, the big bad wolf, for so many days, they now understand their position.

With the absolute gap in strength, there is no hope of counterattack.

The only thing they can do is to rely closely on Celine and Catherine, the two big backers.

Try to reduce your presence and avoid Brand's attention.

Then, think of the banquet tonight.

Chris said:

"By the way, Lord, have you decided who to take with you to support the Anville family and the Judgment Department?

I am curious about the secret underwater realm and want to participate in it."

Hearing this, Brand responded leisurely:

"If you want to go, go. Several masters seem to be going with high-level military forces.

So there shouldn't be any trouble. Just treat it as an outing.

In addition, because Holland Castle also has a teleportation point, if Morning Flower Castle encounters an emergency, we can get help from Holland Castle.

So it doesn't matter if more people go."

While speaking, because the moisture on Catherine's body was basically dispelled, Brand also retracted his hands, picked up the cake in front of him and continued to taste it.

At this time, I looked at the cake in Brand's hand, and then looked at the gift box that had been opened on the side of the table.

Ivy suddenly felt a little alert.

She asked:

"Brand, is the cake you are eating... a gift from sister Sonia?"

While speaking, she got off the bed and came to Brand, picked up the cake and carefully examined it, and then tasted it in small bites.

Seeing this, Brand, who did not find anything unusual, continued to chew and nodded leisurely:

"Yes, it is indeed a gift from sister Sonia. Does it taste good?"

Hearing this, Ivy, who had confirmed her inner guess, squinted her eyes and nodded gently:

"It tastes really good. The secret medicine is mixed in the jam, and the taste is specially blended. It is a superb craftsmanship."

As she said this, Ivy snatched the cake that Brand had not finished eating in his hand and threw it into the box and closed the lid.

Then she put the whole box into the magic pocket.

——All in one go!

Looking at the empty table in front of him.

Brand was confused at first, and then quickly became a little suspicious!

——After Chris and Ivy, sister Sonia also started to drug him?

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