Great Nobleman

Chapter 1247 What should we do now? We can't just throw ourselves up there and get slaughtered,

A few days later in the morning, in the northern waters of Fanhua Bay.

Golden Wheatfield and Blood Amber No. 4 to 7 are conducting military training on the sea.

The knights of the Holland family, the mages of the Claude and Cecil families, the soldiers of the Mesa family, the logistics personnel of the Robert and Romine families, and the ship operators are all cooperating with each other.

The next trip to sea, although they have a strong lineup, is not without any risks.

Legions on land must overcome all kinds of troubles when they conquer the ocean.

So everyone is taking the time to adapt.

Avoid various mistakes when actually fighting Nagas or other marine races and marine creatures.

At noon, the training came to an end.

Several lords asked their subordinates to disperse and rest, and continue in the afternoon.

They also gathered in the captain's cabin of the flagship Golden Wheatfield for lunch.

And in the afternoon.

Katrina Erardis, the chief craftsman of the Western Military Port Dockyard of Blossom Bay, sent a communication request to them:

[Blood Amber] New marine equipment needs to be installed on the 4th to 7th, and I hope they can drive the ship back to the military port for a short berth this afternoon.

After hearing this request, several elders agreed directly.

- Installing new marine equipment equals more functionality in their rental boat, which is obviously a good thing.

In the afternoon, on the west side of Fanhua Bay, the dock of the military port.

The Silver Phoenix and [Blood Amber] suspended other affairs from 1 to 7 and came here to park neatly.

Immediately afterwards, Katrina and others also brought equipment and instruments and began to board the ship for installation.

Watching a device with rune array technology security means being installed on the ship and connected to the ship's control system.

Then he looked at the additional control system in the cockpit.

The elders who were watching couldn't help but become curious.

Because several big men rented [Blood Amber] No. 4 to No. 7, they needed to understand the specific uses of various marine equipment.

So Katrina also explained directly to them:

"This is a marine equipment used in conjunction with the Lord's latest [Eye of Flowers]. It can be used for direction guidance and positioning in special environments.

After starting this device, the pointer on this dashboard will always point in the direction of [Eye of Flowers].

The screen here will display the distance between the ship and the [Eye of Flowers].

These two data can also be directly applied to the ship's positioning map as an additional supplement to the ship's original positioning method based on the space teleportation array.

When needed, just switch the display of the ship positioning map. "

Hearing this, Mr. Holander said curiously:

“So the [Eye of Flowers] that Brand has been busy building for so many days, in addition to the basic functions of a lighthouse, only has this additional positioning and pointing system?

It can't possibly be more high-end than the space teleportation array, right? "

Mr. Robert smiled and shook his head:

"Lennart, you can't actually say that, at least the lighthouse is still very beautiful.

In addition, I think this device may be more used by civilian ships.

Those Amber I commercial ships just lack such a civilian positioning and pointing system. "

Hearing this, Katrina coughed slightly and then corrected:

"According to the documentation provided by the manufacturer of the equipment and the library:

The supporting equipment of [Eye of Blossoms] and the positioning system originally based on the space teleportation array are all military equipment of the Morning Flower Leader and will not be carried on the Amber Type 1 commercial ships.

Amber Type 1 and other ordinary civilian ships can only use [Flower Eye] as the basic lighting function of a lighthouse. "

Hearing these unexpected words, Mr. Robert couldn't help but be a little surprised and said:

"It's actually military equipment? Is there something special about it?"

Katrina nodded and said:

“Although due to the need for technical confidentiality, the library members did not explain to me its detailed operating principles.

But according to what they said: When the ship's other positioning system based on the space teleportation array fails, you can try to use this special positioning and pointing system.

Judging from this, I think it should be somewhat special. "

As soon as these words came out, several elders couldn't help but think a little.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that the fleets of the Anvil family and the Judgment Department have been borrowing the space teleportation array for positioning.

——The movable empty shadow screen they carry is connected to the empire's space teleportation array to achieve location positioning.

And a set of positioning and pointing methods lost their effect after they entered the chaotic space of the sea.

Judging from Brand's recent behavior of stepping up the construction of [Eye of Flowers]...

——Could this system be able to cope with that special situation?

Thinking of this possibility, several elders looked at each other, their eyes brightening.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Romien said seriously:

"Didn't Brand say that this system would also be installed on the Golden Wheatfield?

He also has a share of the property rights to the Golden Wheat Field! "

Mr. Holland nodded and agreed:

"That's right, is the device you brought missing?

The Golden Wheat Field obviously also needs to install this device! "

Speaking of this question, after being stunned for a moment, Katrina responded:

"What the Earls said is not unreasonable.

But the library only gave us eight sets of devices, and there was indeed no Golden Wheat Field among them.

I think maybe it's because they haven't had time to make it yet.

Everyone should also know that they and the lord are going to conduct an important military test next, and they have been very busy recently. "

Hearing this, Mr. Robert said:

"Is it possible that they have forgotten? Why don't you remind them?"

Hear this.

Looking at the elders of her lords in front of her... Although she felt something was wrong, Katrina nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Katrina used the ship's communication device to connect to the library tower and explained the situation.

The member responsible for connecting with the library responded without thinking:

"Although the owner of the museum also owns part of the property rights of the Golden Wheatfield, it is only a part.

If we install our latest set of priceless equipment, it will be equivalent to us making an 'additional capital injection' for it alone.

This kind of thing obviously requires the property owner of the Golden Wheatfield, that is, the owner of the museum, and several earls to first conduct detailed negotiations.

Either the owner's share of the ship's property rights will be proportionally expanded to a certain extent.

Either several earls paid a certain amount of money to the owner as compensation.

According to the normal process, after the museum owner reaches an agreement with several earls, we will receive a notice from him.

Then we notified the military shipyard to pick up the equipment and install it on the designated ship. "

Hearing this, Katrina suddenly woke up.

——Several counts seemed to want to use him to get through and defraud the library of high-end equipment!

Just when he was thinking about this possibility, Mr. Holland, who was listening on the side, frowned and said:

"It's just a set of positioning equipment. Is your process so troublesome?

Negotiating with Brand is the next best thing. We will be leaving in a week. It would be bad if we delay training. "

Hearing Mr. Holland's voice, the library members responded:

"Don't worry, Count Holland. We have already made spare parts for the relevant equipment. As long as the owner of the museum nods, we can deliver it to the dock at any time and install it."

Hearing this, Mr. Holland reluctantly nodded and said:

"Okay, we'll go to Brand for negotiation soon. Remember to prepare the equipment."

Saying this, several elders looked dissatisfied and prepared to go to Brand immediately to settle the matter.

Seeing this scene, Katrina couldn't help but feel that he might have misunderstood several earls.

The count's family has a large business, and it is obvious that they cannot afford a set of marine equipment.

And on the other side, after leaving Katrina's sight.

Mr. Mesa said:

"The members of the library have been with Brand for so long, and it's hard to deceive any of them. What are we going to do now? We can't just send them to be slaughtered, right?"

Mr. Romien straightened his collar and said:

"Anyway, the Amber Type 2 we rented also has this set of equipment, so we will use it first this time and find out the shortcomings, and then we will negotiate with Brand later!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

As a result, until three days later, the entire Chenhua Castle was temporarily closed and important military experiments began.

Katrina also never waited as he originally expected:

Instructions to install the [Flower Eyes] supporting equipment on the Golden Wheat Field as soon as possible!

Sitting in his room with his hands folded, he recalled the scenes after coming to the Human Alliance.

Katrina feels that she may need to re-examine the despicability and cunning of human nobles!

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