Great Nobleman

Chapter 1249 Failed in less than a minute, what a disappointment!

When the people at the port were shocked by the sudden appearance of a huge existence.

Inside the main building of Morning Flower Castle, because the outside was a sea of ​​magic and elements, Heidilin and others had no idea of ​​the current situation.

At the same time, on the training ground in the north of the castle.

Brand and others were trying to support the fuzzy dragon drive and one dragon head after another of the [Nine-headed Mosasaur].

While supporting the seventh dragon head to slowly rise from the sea surface, the library members suddenly lost some members!

Then, the core structure of the [Nine-headed Mosasaur] had an important gap.

This gap spread rapidly like a chain reaction!

After a dazzling change in an instant, the core structure became a mess, and the magic and elements that were originally stable and orderly suddenly became extremely chaotic.

Celine suddenly said: "Brand!"

"Got it!"

After responding to Celine's reminder in an instant.

Brand immediately stopped the magic resonance with everyone, and used the power of [Deep Sea Spear] to calm the chaotic elements that were about to stir up waves in the surrounding area.

At this moment, the tense spirits of many library members suddenly relaxed, and they slumped to the ground.

The members of the guards who played a supporting role also breathed a sigh of relief.

With high-intensity and uninterrupted power output, they were not relaxed at all.

At the same time, because Brand disconnected the support for [Nine-headed Mosasaur].

The vast and huge elemental field dissipated in an instant, and the bay that was originally trapped in stillness also ended its stillness in an instant.

The [Nine-headed Mosasaur] floating over the entire Flower Bay suddenly disintegrated and turned into a waterfall, falling with the raindrops in the sky.

After the deafening sound, huge waves began to roll around the bay.

At this moment, on a viewing terrace in the port.

Looking down at the huge waves on the edge of the port below, which were blocked by the port barrier.

He looked up at the huge empty space above the bay that was originally covered with dark clouds, and the six paths could see the blue sky.

He then looked at the center of the bay in the distance, above the misty sea, and behind the castle that looked like a shower.

Master Holland couldn't help but sigh:

"This is indeed a big commotion!"

While sighing, he also sat down and recalled the whole process before.

Thinking of the deep blue multi-headed dragon, Master Holland's first reaction was some powerful spell or some special means of rune array.

With the [Flower Wings] as a pearl, it doesn't seem strange that Brand and others have developed such a large-scale thing.

The erupting elemental field may also be one of the characteristics of this special means.

However, after careful thinking, he overturned this idea.

The perception of the top knight can let him see more connotations.

——The body structure of the deep blue dragon seems to have a little similarity with the earth knight.

From this point of view, it seems to be a special mage group framework.

And the elemental field is an accessory to this mage group framework.

But if it is really the frame of the Mage Corps, this size seems to be a bit oversized.

Its size even greatly exceeds that of the giant Behemoth built by the orc secrets and totem power in the [War of Tides].

The size also corresponds to the power.

The elemental field that just broke out and almost covered the entire bay proved that it should not be a fake.

The only pity is:

Brand and his team seem unable to support such a huge and terrifying existence.

Not only did it collapse after only half of the support, but the support process was also visibly stiff.

The sea surface, clouds, and raindrops that were frozen under the elemental field.

It should be the result of their inaccurate control of power.

——Just wanted to pick up a unique pepper on the plate, but because of the lack of control, he ended up grabbing a handful of it as the center, and hurting innocent people!

After reaching out to pick up a pepper from the plate in front of him and throwing it into his mouth to chew.

Master Holland felt that although there were still many doubts, the fact should be what he thought.

At this moment, he was looking forward to the future of Brand and others.

They certainly couldn't master such a powerful force now.

But they were still young, and there was still a long time in the future.

And it was obvious that they had found a specific direction for further progress in the future!

While he was happily imagining, Master Holland suddenly found that several eyes with complex thoughts were focused on him.

After slightly turning his sight and seeing several friends who were looking at him.

The smile on Master Holland's face was instantly restrained.

Then, he straightened his collar, shook his head with disdain and said:

"It took so long to prepare, but it failed in less than a minute. This magic experiment is really disappointing!"

As soon as these words came out, the corners of the mouths of the other masters twitched.

——This guy started to show off again!

After a short while, the waves of Fanhua Bay gradually subsided.

In the training ground on the north side of Morning Flower Castle, various items, equipment, and equipment on the scene were sealed.

Brand, Celine and other members of the library went straight into the research room in the library tower to sort out and analyze the various data from the experiment.

Sisalie led the guards to restart the castle's defense, and the originally closed door was reopened.

Immediately afterwards, the castle servants waiting at the port returned one after another.

Later, under the leadership of Catherine and Rowling, they continued to preside over the daily affairs of the castle.

At the same time, under the instructions of Chenhua Castle, martial law was lifted in Fanhua Bay and the surrounding areas, and everything quickly returned to normal.

And of course:

The experiment at Morning Flower Castle and the shocking glimpse of the "multiple water dragons" that enveloped the entire bay with a sense of oppression also suddenly caused people to talk about it and spread it widely.

Only by noon that day, most of the nobles in the Kaya Empire knew that Chenhua Ling had made another big move, and a few people even obtained precious magical images of the incident from the people present.

However, magic images and real scenes are still different, and not everyone has the strength of Mr. Holland.

Even if there were personal descriptions from those present, most nobles only believed that it should be some kind of special magical experiment.

As for the framework of the mage group that covers the entire Blossom Bay...that's really outrageous!

Of course, not everyone thinks so.

In the meeting hall of Kaya Palace, listen to the statements and inferences of intelligence personnel.

After taking a closer look at the several huge dragon heads shrouded in the clouds of Fanhua Bay.

Bohand waved people to leave, and then he thought to himself.

After a short while, he picked up the remote control.

Let the empty screen in front of him send a communication request to Sonia.

After the communication was connected, I saw Sonia who was busy working in the Foreign Affairs Department.

Bo Hande was surprised and said:

"Aren't you going overseas with Brand and the others? Why are you still in the Foreign Affairs Department now?

They will set off in three days. "

Hearing this, Sonia blinked in confusion.

Immediately afterwards, Bohande said again:

"By the way, you gave me the suggestion last time to move the Foreign Affairs Department to Chenhualing. I thought about it carefully.

Although the Foreign Affairs Department cannot move, you can move your usual office location there later.

The Department of Foreign Affairs happens to have an office in Chenhua Port. We will just decorate and upgrade it later.

With a free screen, you can actually handle common things remotely.

If there is really any trouble, just teleport back.

Anyway, Brand's family also has a teleportation point to the imperial capital. With your relationship with him, you can just borrow it and use it. "

Hearing this, Sonia turned her head and looked at the sky outside in a daze.

——The sun will not rise from the west today, right?

And then, after another exchange with Bohande.

Sonia realized that she didn't seem to be dreaming.

It's more like something happened that she didn't know about, which made her family's old man's idea of ​​​​marriage with the North Holland family become more and more determined!

After ending the communication, Sonia quickly found someone to gather information.

Not long after, after learning about the morning flower collar's spell test, Sonia looked enlightened.

——This should be what Chris and Ivy asked her to wait for!

Later, Sonia called her deputy, handed over the unfinished documents on the table, and said leisurely:

"Same as last time, you can take care of the things you can handle on your own. If you don't have enough authority, send it to my old man and let him sign and seal it.

If there is an emergency, please use the blank screen to contact me.

Next, I am going to Chenhualing for a vacation. "

Saying this, Sonia stood up happily, went to the gate of the Foreign Affairs Department, called a carriage, and headed towards Brand's mansion.

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