Great Nobleman

Chapter 1255 Naga's Test!

It was similar to what Brand had guessed.

After the Naga patrol that appeared within the range of the detection equipment was killed with long-range strikes in a big and open manner.

Their provocation, or "greetings", was clearly conveyed to the Naga army entrenched in the nearby area.

Although it was calm until the afternoon, night fell, and the moon was at its zenith.

However, in the second half of the night.

Right in front of the fleet, the detection equipment showed:

Teams of Naga warriors with weapons in hand continued to appear from various locations under the ocean.

They swam with long snake tails and dispersed towards the location of the fleet.

At this moment, in the cockpit of the Golden Wheat Field, Master Mesa, who was on guard to prevent accidents, immediately sounded the alarm of the Golden Wheat Field.

When the urgent sound rang,

He quickly picked up the ship's short-range communication equipment and contacted the cockpits of other ships:

"Everyone, an unknown number of Nagas are blocking the way ahead. We will temporarily stop and move closer to each other.

In addition, the war weapons are quickly in place and ready to attack!"

Under this order, the fleet quickly slowed down and stopped.

Then, with the Golden Wheat Field as the center, the formation was condensed.

It was only a short period of time.

The detection system on the ship detected new situations.

-Not only in front of the fleet, but also on the left and right of the fleet, and even behind the fleet, many Naga warriors appeared one after another.

They have been surrounded!

These Naga warriors dispersed very far in the process of approaching the fleet.

Master Mesa knew at a glance that the other party was alert to their long-range attack methods.

After sneering in his heart and waiting for a while, let these Nagas get closer.

Master Mesa waved his hand and said loudly:

"Outer ships, attack freely in your respective directions and eliminate all Nagas that enter the range!"

As the voice fell.

In addition to the Golden Wheat Field, Morning Dew Rose, and a main ship of the Military Affairs Department in the center of the fleet.

The Blood Amber No. 4 to 7 on the left and right sides, the Blood Amber No. 1 to 3 in the rear in a V shape, and the five warships of the Military Affairs Department that acted as the vanguard like arrows all opened fire!

Deafening and continuous explosions resounded in this sea area all of a sudden.

Crossbows and crossbow guns wrapped in various elements of light, starting from the portholes of ships, exploded large waves on the sea surface.

And like a meteor, it pierced through the ocean that blocked the way and shot towards the Naga warriors who were surrounding it far below the sea.

Then, magic rioted and elements roared!

The surrounding ocean gradually boiled, and one after another high waves rolled towards the surrounding area in disorder!

In such a large-scale ocean roar, even a medium-sized warship like the Golden Wheat Field, which is hundreds of meters long, seems a little small.

At this moment, the cockpit of the Golden Wheat Field.

After a simple check of the battle situation so far through the exploration equipment.

Master Mesa turned his eyes to the surrounding windows, which were rolling towards them from all directions.

Then, he picked up the ship's communication equipment and reminded other ships:

"Be prepared to deal with the impact of the waves, be careful not to be swept away."

As these words fell, the warships of the fleet all started various means to deal with the waves.

A few seconds later, the first huge wave came.

As the Golden Wheat Field began to shake and tilt, the world outside the window, which was originally illuminated by the bright moonlight, suddenly became dim!

——The moonlight has been obscured by the rolling waves!

The next moment, huge waves crashed down mercilessly, washing over the barrier around the Golden Wheat Field, forming a semicircular waterfall.

Feeling the floor beneath his feet just rising and falling with the sea surface, and the ship's bumping was relatively limited, Master Mesa couldn't help but smile and said:

"It's really worthy of the barrier set up by Brand. The huge waves can't shake it at all, not even a ripple!"

As he said this, his eyes curiously looked at the situation of other ships around.

Then, the six military affairs department ships in front of them used barriers to block the waves like them.

The hulls protected by the barrier were only slightly deflected and bumpy due to the ups and downs of the sea surface.

In contrast, the Blood Amber No. 1 to 7 and Morning Dew Rose on the side and the rear used different means.

Under the watchful eyes of Master Mesa, the hulls of these ships were surrounded by special elements, and huge waves overturned them without any cover.

But bathed in the baptism of such huge waves, everything seemed abnormally gentle and natural!

After careful observation, Master Mesa found that there were dense elements around these Amber II ships, which were performing an extremely complex and regular circular movement around these ships.

It was like a special element field!

And it was this special element field that made the waves that fell down become gentle.

Not only did it not bring much trouble to the ships or stir up much waves, Master Mesa even felt that these ships were like fish in water!

At first glance, he almost thought they were some kind of marine monsters in the shape of ships.

At this time, several other masters had also gotten up and came to the cabin.

After looking at the scene of raging war outside, and looking at the special performance of the surrounding Amber Type 2 in the face of huge waves, Master Claude thought:

“I have always felt that these warships of Brand have a very different and unique design idea compared with the warships of the Empire and the Elven Forest.

I couldn't see clearly enough before.

Now it seems that their design should be based on the performance of the Ocean Warcraft in transporting elements in the ocean and facing extreme environments.

In a sense, instead of resisting the wind and waves in the general sense, they blended into it like ocean monsters! "

Mr. Cecil nodded and said:

"Yes, and this design idea should not be based on ordinary ocean monsters, or it may simply be based on the advantages and disadvantages of various ocean monsters.

In my opinion, this should require long-term research on various ocean monsters and step-by-step experiments and improvements before we can obtain the mature results shown by these warships now.

I don’t know where Brand found the warship design technology? "

Mr. Holland waved his hand and said:

"Okay, these things are not important. Let's focus on the current situation now."

Saying this, several elders also turned their attention to the display of the detection equipment.

Due to the impact of the huge waves, the frequency of their attacks was slightly weakened.

A large number of Nagas took the opportunity to speed up and approach.

However, none of the elders paid much attention to this.

Although many of the previous rounds of attacks were dodged or blocked, they also succeeded in causing considerable losses to the surrounding Naga.

As of now, these Nagas are still far away from them!

In addition, the Golden Wheatfield and Morning Dew Rose, which are truly equipped with top-notch war ordnance, have not yet begun to exert force.

No matter how you look at it, several of the great masters do not think that these Nagas will have a chance to get close to their fleet.

And even if there is a fish that slips through the net and comes close to the fleet.

There was a top knight and two senior magisters present.

In addition, the five high-level military armed forces, the Holland Knights, the Morning Flower Guard Knights, the Claude Mage Group, the Chesil Mage Group, and the Library Mage Group, can also attack at any time.

——Although there are not many people coming, they can form a standard small-scale high-level military armed force of at least 100 people!

Immediately afterwards, what was not unexpected was:

It seems that their firepower was found to be too fierce and unable to achieve the expected strategic goals.

An invisible elemental fluctuation suddenly spread in the surrounding sea area.

The Naga warriors who were attacking fearlessly also quickly began to retreat.

After carefully looking at the picture of the exploration equipment, Mr. Holland thought:

“The ones who appeared seemed to be ordinary and elite level Nagas.

The more powerful Naga seems not to have appeared, or is he disguised? "

Mr. Mesa guessed:

“This should be just a test by the other party.

From the afternoon's 'greeting' to now, because it hasn't been long, the nearby naga should not be able to gather enough strength.

In addition, we are still about two days away from the sea area where the Anvil family and the Inquisition fleet were attacked.

The main force of Naga should be gathered around there.

Our side should just be some scattered teams. "

Speaking of which, after looking at the overall situation, Mr. Mesa waved his hands and smiled:

"Okay, everyone, go back and rest now, and leave the follow-up matters to me."

Hearing this, the elders all nodded and prepared to go back to their rooms to rest.

At the same time, the cockpit of the Morning Dew Rose.

Because the situation has always been under control, the detection equipment has not detected any powerful enemies that require special vigilance.

Therefore, they did not send out a ship-wide alarm like the Golden Wheatfield did.

And because their ships have the most advanced sound insulation and shock absorption methods.

All the previous noise and waves were isolated.

So so far, it's been pretty quiet here, and no one has been woken up to check on the situation.

——Now in the second half of the night, everyone is still resting peacefully.

At this time, after looking at the display of the ship's detection equipment, I learned that the matter was over.

Sisali, who was sitting in the command position, picked up the hot tea and took a sip.

Turning her head to look out the window at the huge waves that were still raging and had not subsided, she let out a long breath.

——Another peaceful day.

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