Great Nobleman

Chapter 1304 Gift!

After the cross-border exchange with Viriana was over and the various harvests were processed, the sun was gradually rising.

Catherine has already taken weapons and equipment to the training ground for daily training.

Brand, on the other hand, was dragged to the studio by Celine to start daily study and practice.

In the afternoon, because today a large number of goods purchased jointly by various families and will be transported to the Elf Forest for trade are about to arrive at Chenhua Port.

With nothing else to do, Brand also rode three white deer with Catherine and Hisali, and took little Kaia and other Warcraft cubs along the road for a walk towards the south of Chenhua Port, preparing to symbolically Welcome him.

Before walking too far, a long transportation team came into view.

The leaders were Andy and Finn who were riding two [Snowfield Chocobos].

After seeing Brand and others approaching, Andy was surprised and said loudly with a smile:

"Brand! Did you happen to go out for a walk today?"

After driving the White Deer closer, Brand put on a dissatisfied look and asked:

"Can't we just come here to greet you?"

After hearing this, Finn said happily:

"Lord Morningflower personally came to greet us, which really flatters us!"

After saying this, he quickly changed the subject and said doubtfully:

"But why don't I look like it?"

As he spoke, Finn's eyes turned to little Kaia, who was pacing leisurely in the snow behind the three Brands, and a group of Warcraft cubs having fun nearby.

Perhaps because they came to the open wilderness, these little guys became very lively.

They ran long tracks on the snow, and the two [Snow Mountain Griffins] even fluttered their wings and rolled in the snow.

After following Finn's gaze and taking a look at these Warcraft cubs, Brand smiled and explained:

"I just took them out for some fun. Little Kaiya doesn't like to go out, so these little guys can only play in the castle."

Hearing this, little Kaiya cried softly.

Then, a line of flame text appeared next to it:

【slander! I occasionally take them out shopping! 】

After a brief reminiscing about old times, everyone followed the team chatting and laughing all the way to Chenhua Port, and then slowly walked through the noisy broad streets to the pier of the port.

At this time, the Golden Wheat Field and a dozen Amber Type 1 merchant ships had been neatly berthed here and the gangway had been lowered.

Yersen is here with manpower waiting to load the goods.

After arranging the affairs.

He looked at the Naga figure with six arms and a snake tail that appeared from time to time in the nearby sea.

Andy couldn't help but sigh:

“When I communicated with some big bosses a few days ago, they were all sour.

Obviously you go out together, but what you gain from each other is completely different. "

Brand modestly said:

"I just have better luck."

Finn praised:

“Other people in the empire have not yet found a channel to contact the ocean races, but there is a group of people coming over to seek refuge with you.

This is simply way ahead! "

Because the two friends talked a little pleasantly, Brand smiled and invited:

“Would you like to go to [Lanyao City] for a walk later?

Although there are no normal roads laid out yet.

However, we can directly reach the city's government palace through the teleport point. "

Hearing this, Yersin waved his hand, then pointed directly under the sea to the north and said:

"There's no need to go to such trouble, why don't we just dive in and swim over."

After turning on the spell and taking a look at the looming underwater city just north of the sea, Finn nodded and said:

"You can just swim there, the distance isn't too far."

Andy smiled and shook his head and said:

"No! Let's just sit in the teleportation circle. How tiring it would be to swim there!"

Finn curled his lips and said, "Sluggard!"

After chatting at the pier for a while, we went to Lan Yao City for a walk.

Brand had a small dinner held in the castle, and invited Andy, Yersen and others, as well as several big men who happened to be at the port, to come and have a gathering.

In the next period of time, Brand will go to the Griffith Empire to participate in the founding ceremony.

However, things are different here with the elders, Andy and others.

Yersin and Andy, who are burdened with debts, need to serve as the leaders of the fleet and lead the subsequent trade to the Elf Forest.

And here are some great masters.

According to intelligence, at this time, the marine races in the Endless Sea are generally active.

[Sea Elves] have appeared in many ports in the Elf Forest.

They were going to go over and make tentative contact.

Brand is also somewhat interested in this matter.

After all, the components of [Abyssal Halberd] have been almost studied.

Next, you can also think about whether to sell it or not.

But he doesn't lack anything now. If the sea elf's bid is not high, he would still prefer to keep this artifact component in his treasure room.

Of course, this was all after returning from the Griffith Empire.

At the end of the dinner, everyone left to rest.

Andy and Finn found Brand mysteriously and handed Brand a beautifully wrapped gift box.

After Brand took the gift box with a puzzled look.

Andy explained:

"This is a gift that Finn and I prepared for you. I think you will like it."

Finn added:

"You'd better open it when you're alone, otherwise it won't be a surprise enough."

Hearing this, although he didn't quite understand why he opened it when he was alone, Brand also smiled and thanked him.

Next, when Brand came to the empty main building terrace alone, he curiously took out the gift box and prepared to open it and check it out.

Catherine came over:


Hearing the familiar gentle voice, Brand responded casually, and then continued to unwrap the gift box.

——Here is a wooden box with a simple shape.

After looking at the appearance of the box, Brand couldn't help but look forward to it.

At this time, Catherine, who had already walked to Brand's side, said curiously:

"Is this a gift from Andy and Mr. Finn?"

Brand nodded and said:

"Yes, they asked me to open it when I was alone, saying there was some surprise."

With that said, Brand also opened the lid of the ancient wooden box.

Immediately afterwards, the transparent medicine bottles neatly arranged inside were revealed, and there was a booklet like an instruction manual next to it.

Seeing such a scene, a strange "sense of déjà vu" emerged from Brand's heart.

——These potions are not "that" secret medicine again, are they?

When Brand was about to pick up the instruction manual to see if things were exactly what he imagined.

In the direction of the terrace entrance, Ivy exclaimed:

"Brand, what is in front of you?"

Hearing this, Brand turned his head and was about to explain.

Celine, Chris and Ivy all ran toward him with panicked expressions. Then, with his stunned expression, they grabbed the wooden box in front of him and put all the potions into the space equipment.

At the same time, Catherine beside him spread her wings as if she was awakened, "protecting" him in her arms.

——It’s like there is something dangerous in front of you!

Seeing such a "big scene", Brand couldn't help but look strange and said:

"Even if there is something wrong with these potions, you don't have to do this, right?"

Hearing this, Celine defended herself seriously:

“As a lord, your safety cannot be ignored.

Items such as pharmaceuticals require strict inspection before close contact.

Our actions are reasonable and legitimate! "

As soon as she finished speaking, Chris raised the opened booklet in her hand and said with a smile:

"It turns out that these potions are not suitable for the lord to touch. We will seal and confiscate them next."

Ivy also nodded relaxedly and said:

"That's what it is!"

After hearing these words, he turned around and glanced at Catherine who was still holding his waist and "protecting" him with her wings.

Catherine's cheeks were slightly red and she said:

"If the young master is not satisfied, we can punish you tonight."

Brand reached out and rubbed Catherine's head, and said helplessly:

"We'll be ready to go tomorrow, never again!"

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