Great Nobleman

Chapter 1315 Cooperation in territory expansion!

Although we will go to the Elf Forest next.

However, you still need to make some preparations before actually setting off, such as gifts and so on.

In addition, because there are seven more Amber-1 high-end merchant ships in the port dock, they have completed ship construction and the installation of ship equipment.

So Brand is also going to fill them with goods and goods and take them to the Elf Forest for trade.

However, because a large number of goods were shipped more than half a month ago, Chenhualing's warehouse is still relatively empty.

Preparing the products also takes some time.

Of course, renting out the spare cabin directly is also a feasible solution.

In addition, because Louise led the team back to her Golden Sword Territory from the battlefield between the Human Alliance and the Orc Empire a few days ago.

Brand is also planning to take time off in the next two days to ask for leave from Sister Celine and go to visit the Golden Sword Leader.

But not before he set off.

This morning, when Brand was still being pulled by Celine to teach him to "swim" in the ocean of knowledge.

Rowling suddenly walked into the studio and reported to him:

"Master, three ladies, Louise, Madeleine and Shallan, are here to visit.

They seemed to have something important to discuss with the young master, and were now heading to the Crescent Lake to wait. "

After hearing such a thing, Celine put down the lesson plan in her hand, waved her hand towards Brand in front of her and said:

“Go, go, I’ll give you a day off today.

Louise hasn't seen you in person for a long time, so don't keep her waiting. "

After hearing this, Brand curled his lips and looked at Sister Celine who was already drinking tea leisurely in front of her.

"Sister Celine, haven't you seen Louise for a while? Aren't you going to come with me to meet her?"

Celine smiled and said:

"But she obviously wants to see you more, doesn't she? Besides, Rowling said that they have something serious to discuss with you, and we can wait until you finish talking."

Hearing this, after some consideration, Brand also nodded and said:

"Okay, let's have a dinner together today at noon. The location is in [Lanyao City]. By the way, I'll also introduce Celian to her.

In the afternoon, how about we take Louise to visit [Lanyao City] together? "

Celine nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

After a while.

In the pavilion beside Crescent Lake in Chenhua Castle.

Watching Brand approaching from a distance.

Madeleine stood up and waved, while also smiling and loudly saying:

"Long time no see, Mr. Brand!"

Hearing this, Louise couldn't help but joked:

"Didn't you just come to Brand last week to ask for the gift you brought back from the Griffith Empire? What do you mean, long time no see?"

Suddenly hearing such trouble, Madeline slapped Louise on the shoulder with a blushing cheek, and then said dissatisfied:

"What do you mean by asking for a gift?

I just came here to check on the operating conditions of the port shop, and was invited by Mr. Brand to have a banquet with me. Louise, please don’t take it out of context!

And didn’t Mr. Brand also prepare a gift for you? I'll send someone to deliver it to you. "

Louise smiled and said:

"Look at you, you're in a hurry!"

Madeleine was a little crazy:


Shalan said helplessly:

"You two are almost done."

After saying this, looking at Brand who had come closer, Shalan stepped forward and greeted with a smile:

"I haven't seen you for a week, but Mr. Brand is still looking great!"

Hearing this, Brand also responded with a smile:

"The same goes for Shalan. You look extremely beautiful with today's long dress, full of exotic beauty!"

Hearing this, the smile on Shalan's face suddenly became stronger.

Later, she explained for Brand:

"This is a gift from Louise. I heard it is the most popular style in the Targaryen Kingdom.

She also prepared one for you and others! "

At this time, Madeleine came over and interjected:

"Mr. Brand, don't just look at Shalan, Louise and I also have the same style!"

He turned his head slightly and looked at Madeline, who was spinning around again with her skirt flying, and Louise, who was smiling and winking at him.

Brand quickly put on a look of surprise and praised sincerely:

"You are so beautiful now!"

After some fun.

Brand also sat down with Louise to discuss business matters.

Louise said:

“I gained a lot of military exploits when I led the team out this time.

Although Madeleine and Shallan did not go there in person, the mages they sent followed me and made great achievements.

We discussed it and decided that it would be most appropriate to replace all of these military achievements with territories.

Although our empire has acquired more than half of the land it has acquired through pioneering wars, it is still unclaimed land.

However, as time goes by, these lands will definitely be exchanged one after another.

As far as I know, there should be more than twenty newly promoted fief barons in the empire during this exchange of military exploits.

Moreover, the nobles who already have territories in the north should also consider expanding their territories to the surrounding areas. Mr. Brand should also do the same, right? "

Hearing this, Brand quickly understood the purpose of Louise and the other three's trip, and nodded with a smile:

“Because we went to support the Mosar Kingdom, although the result was not very good, we also gained a lot of military exploits.

Since the current area of ​​the Morning Flower Territory has reached the limit of the earldom, I will first exchange for an earldom, and then the remaining military achievements will be used to exchange for the territory.

Although it shouldn't be exchanged for too much, there is still no problem in occupying a few valuable resource points in the surrounding area. "

Louise smiled and said:

“Although there are so many choices, no one will choose the territory around us for the time being.

However, it is better to seize resources sooner rather than later, and also just in case. "

When talking about this, Louise, Shalan and Madeline each took out a map of the surrounding large areas including Morning Flower Collar, Golden Sword Collar, Silver Swallow Collar and Snow Apricot Collar on the table in front of them. Spread out.

These three maps mark in detail the topography and landforms, various biological gathering points, plant resource points, and mineral resource points.

There are also key markers and descriptions of areas worthy of development.

Seeing this, Brand quickly rummaged through the space necklace.

Then she also took out a resource map recently explored by library members, and Chris also marked several options for territory expansion on it.

The four maps were placed on the table in front of him.

Brand and Louise all showed smiles that said "everything is clear".

As early as the end of the Pioneering War, they had become close allies, and their alliance was unbreakable.

By working together, they can quickly occupy important resources in the surrounding area more efficiently, and then replace them according to their respective needs in the future.

"As expected of Madeleine, her resource exploration is so detailed!"

"Don't just blame me, look at Louise, she even had time to explore the surrounding areas of her territory on the battlefield, and her level of detail was no worse than ours."

"This is a very important matter. I have sent special personnel to explore the surrounding area at all times and record various changes.

Even if there is only one more ant in the nest, I can receive the information as soon as possible! "


"Okay, okay, let's sum up what we discovered each other and check for any omissions.

There are several resource points in the surrounding area that I want to occupy together, but unfortunately the battle achievements are not enough.

Now that you are together, things will be much easier..."

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