Great Nobleman

Chapter 1317 The dragon flapped its wings

This morning, at the dock of Morning Flower Harbor.

Seven Amber Type I commercial ships were parked neatly.

The ship's drivers, sailors, merchants and guards on board, as well as some merchants, tourists and adventurers who had purchased tickets were boarding the ship one after another.

Some elves could be seen among them.

——Because the trade between the Kaya Empire and the Forest of Elves has become more and more frequent, the elves have become one of the frequent visitors to several major ports of the Kaya Empire.

——In contrast, the situation in the Forest of Elves is similar.

Not long after, on the south side of the central castle of Flower Bay in the distance.

The Morning Dew Rose, like a pot of bright red roses, left the inner bay of Morning Flower Castle and headed towards the direction of the Morning Flower Harbor dock, and then anchored next to these Amber Type I ships.

Then, the gangway on one side of the Morning Dew Rose was lowered.

Brand and Catherine got off the ship and stepped onto the dock.

After seeing the two figures, Louise, Madeline, and Sharan, who were just below, waved to them.

Seeing this, Brand also took Catherine's arm and walked closer.

Then, Louise said to Brand solemnly:

"This time, I'm relying on you, Brand! I've staked my entire fortune!

You must not make any mistakes along the way!"

Although Louise didn't quite understand, Brande understood at once: Louise was talking about the ship she bought with a loan, and the various goods on the ship.

In response, Brand said unhappily:

"The sea route is already very safe. The sea monsters along the way have been cleared over and over again, and I have personally taken action. What do you have to worry about?

If you are still worried, why don't you escort it yourself?"

Louise shook her head helplessly and said:

"I would like to, but this time I bought the ship too suddenly and I can't arrange the itinerary."

Madeline smiled and said:

"Louise, why think so much, if the ship breaks down, we will go back and settle with Mr. Brand.

He is the leader of the fleet."

While chatting, Celine and Hedilin also walked off the Morning Dew Rose together.

Seeing this, Sharan asked Brand curiously:

"Aren't Chris and the others going with you this time?"

After turning his head to look at Celine and Heidilin who were approaching, Brand smiled and explained:

"Chris and the others are going to stay to deal with the affairs of the territory. This time, only the four of us will go together, and there are also a dozen library members.

But after the matters of the Elf Forest are dealt with, I will also open the teleportation array and take them to appreciate the scenery of the Elf Forest.

If you are free at that time, you can also join us."

Madeline nodded and said:

"We will look forward to it!"

After a while, because all the ships were ready.

Brand and others said goodbye to Louise and the other two and returned to the deck of the Morning Dew Rose.

Then, the Morning Dew Rose led the team to set off.

The fleet traveled at full speed along the coast towards the sea further east...


This morning.

Leos Continent, the Kingdom of Eternal Night, the Eastern Alliance, the Tower of Dead Night.

Because the one and a half months agreed last time had arrived, Viriana, like in the past, had already prepared for the sacrificial ceremony in her laboratory.

Then she sorted out all kinds of items and resources, teasing the dozen or so Pegasus in the cage beside her while waiting patiently.

Recently for a long time.

Because of the transaction with Frost and the unknown existence with the alias "Mr. Bernard", and her decisive surrender.

The Death Night Tower, which had not changed much for a long time, began to develop rapidly under the leadership of her, the current tower master.

After crushing the stumbling blocks one by one or accepting them under her command, the Death Night Tower has become the dominant force in the nearby area.

And after the existence of [Frost] was made public by her in a small range.

[Death Night Tower] started a new round of development and expansion.

Almost every day, there would be individuals or forces coming to surrender.

They were like sharks smelling blood, and the existence of the outer continent made them smell the fragrance of opportunity.

Viriana originally thought that there would be some blind forces and individuals who would interfere and cause trouble to her or Mr. Bernard because of their stupidity and greed.

But in fact, Viriana found that all forces were more rational and restrained than she thought.

Perhaps it was because of her strong style and they were not sure about the reality of [Frost], an outer continent that had never appeared before.

Or perhaps it was because the long-standing upper-class large forces like to pursue stability and do not like to start wars and take risks.

Her many preparations are still decorations until now.

Of course.

This is also a good thing.

While she was thinking, the call for the sacrifice ceremony gradually came.

Viriana immediately gathered her thoughts and began to respond to the sacrifice ceremony.

Soon, a space crack opened in the center of the altar in front of her.

Mr. Bernard appeared on the opposite side of the space crack dressed as usual.

Seeing this, Viriana also quickly smiled and greeted, then took the various materials and items for this transaction, as well as a dozen Pegasus cubs, and walked through the space crack.

Arrived in the same cold and dead world as always.


At this moment, the "Mr. Bernard" standing in front of her was still so out of tune with this world.

Perhaps it was because he was promoted to a senior necromancer and had consolidated his realm.

Viriana's perception of this fact became even deeper.

How hard the surrounding coldness tried to leave even the slightest trace on this gentleman and attract his attention.

But this was like a few extremely small and insignificant dust particles that would never enter the dragon's field of vision.

In comparison, she seemed to be just an ant that was not much bigger than dust.

Although she had tried to ignore all this, under the constant reminder of [Super Intuition], Viriana still shivered unconsciously.

Then, as if he had discovered her discomfort, Mr. Bernard did not make any moves.

A huge warm tide that enveloped the vast frozen plains and surrounding mountains suddenly descended.

It was as if the dragon flapped its wings casually.

For her, an inconspicuous ant, it blew away the cold winter that enveloped the entire forest.

When Viriana was unconsciously trembling in her heart because of such great power.

Brand's gentle voice sounded in her ears at the right time:

"Sorry, it's a bit cold around here. I will find a way to improve it later, or just change to another place."

Hearing this, Viriana quickly buried her complicated thoughts deeply, and then shook her head and said:

"Although I may not be as good as Mr. Bernard, I am a senior necromancer specializing in ice elements.

How can I not stand the cold at all?

It's just that after crossing the space crack, the sudden change of the environment made me a little uncomfortable for a while."

Hearing this, Brand nodded, and then invited:

"How about we drink some hot tea together and then talk slowly?"

Viriana smiled and nodded:

"If it's not a bother."

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