Great Nobleman

Chapter 483 All you lack is a little

A library member asked:

"Do you know the chaos that happened outside the mage town a few days ago?"

Brand obviously knew about this too:

"I heard that one night a few days ago, there seemed to be a large-scale fighting in an area outside the town?"

After nodding, the library member explained in detail:

"We first learned about this matter from Janice, and she also learned about it from the mage of the Chesil family.

According to her, some time ago, many wealthy businessmen outside the town were buying the mage's inherited knowledge at high prices.

Many mages who are short on cash will take out some unnecessary inheritances and sell them.

Because the scale of this kind of transaction is getting bigger and bigger, many people later spontaneously established a small inheritance knowledge exchange outside the town.

Afterwards, it seemed that a mage faction discovered that their inheritance had been put up for auction.

Then they clashed with the auctioneer and started fighting.

Because the situation at the scene was already very chaotic, and some people took advantage of the chaos to rob the inheritance at the scene.

In the end, it turned into a large-scale weapon fight, and many knight mages joined in. "

After hearing the narration of the library members, Brand suddenly said:

"So that's what happened!"

Another library member immediately added:

"After the inside story of that incident spread, not only did this kind of transaction not decrease, but it increased a lot.

It's like many people have a lot of knowledge inherited by mages who came from bad backgrounds, and now they are reminded.

Therefore, it is more and more frequent for mages to sell improperly inherited knowledge outside the town. "

After hearing such a thing, Brand was a little curious:

"Hasn't the mage forces of the auction inheritance made trouble in the past two days?"

The library member shook his head and said:

"Not for the time being, since that incident, everyone seems to have formed a tacit understanding now.

Much of this trading outside of small towns has become anonymous.

Moreover, the transaction process is mostly peaceful, and conflicts rarely break out.

We are also discussing whether to go to this kind of trading market outside for a couple of days. "

After hearing this situation and thinking briefly, Brand said:

"Such a trading market can indeed be visited, but there are always certain risks, so you should not go there."

Hearing this, a library member said curiously:

"Student, are you going to go and have a look?"

Brand smiled and said:

"Although I've been very busy recently, it's okay to go out for a stroll once in a while."


It was almost noon when Brand left the academic hall.

Because most of the inheritance transactions outside the town start at night.

So this afternoon is relatively free.

After having lunch in the dining room, Brand went all the way to the exchange venue of the mage event, runes and circles, and met his teacher.

After seeing Brand, Celine smiled and asked:

"The mage event has not yet reached the stage of free communication. Is there anything you want to come here today?"

Brand explained:

"Because the Romien Chamber of Commerce has sent the materials to the imperial capital, I am going to let the craftsmen start full-scale work, so I came here to inform the library members that they are going to help."

Hearing this, Celine said curiously:

"It seems that the materials prepared by the Romien Chamber of Commerce can finally satisfy you?"

Brand smiled and said:

"I'm really satisfied with those materials! If the teacher is free, you can go and have a look, and help me supervise the work by the way."

Celine smiled and nodded:

"In a couple of days, I'll go and have a look."

After saying this, Celine was a little curious again:

"How are you preparing for the duel?"

Speaking of this matter, Brand frowned slightly.

After talking with the head of the school last time, he found that no matter how prepared he was, he could not be absolutely safe in the face of Grand Master Holland, a grand knight with a top knight heritage.

The reason for urgent research during this time.

That is also to make more and better preparations and maximize the odds of winning.

Now listening to the teacher ask about the preparation for the duel, Brand suddenly felt that he might be able to listen to his teacher's opinion.

——Different from the dean, he doesn't need to hide anything from his teacher!

Thinking of this, Brand said:

"I don't know if the current preparation is sufficient. Can the teacher help me refer?"

Hearing Brand's words, Celine smiled and nodded:


Next, Celine took Brand on the "magic floating platform" of the exchange hall all the way down to the underground area of ​​the mage town.

Under the decoration of all kinds of magical creations, this underground space in the mage town is brightly lit.

——This is the actual combat training ground for the mage event.

Currently, the actual combat exchange activities of the younger generation are held here.

Occasionally, members of the older generation of the mage pageant come here to experiment with spells.

After coming to an unmanned training ground, and turning on the rune circle with the isolation effect.

Celine asked Brand to explain and actually demonstrate all the means to prepare for the duel.

Celine also knows about the rune circle that builds great magic out of thin air.

However, she couldn't help being a little surprised when she knew that Brand had also prepared the means of transcendence.

When Brand gradually applied the power of transcendence to the wind element enchantment created by her, watched the wind element enchantment expand outwards against the magic theory, and finally turned into a real wind element magical force field.

The surprise in Celine's heart increased rapidly.

And when Brand used his signature spell, the blue wind bomb, and further embodied the air, the blue wind bomb was completely "sublimated".

Seeing the radiant wind bullet in Brand's hand, Celine couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

More than a year ago, she was just like Brand now, holding such a bright wind bomb, telling him about the horror of the great knight's power.

And up to now, because of the blessing of the wind element magic force field.

The power of the great knight no longer has the ability to restrain this extremely dazzling wind bomb!

This feeling is like Brand is trying to break free from the shackles on him step by step and move towards the freedom he wants!

——As Brand's teacher, she looks forward to her disciples getting what they want.

After a short thought, Celine asked aloud:

"Brand, what are the necessary elements for advanced spells?"

Brand responded without thinking:

"Spell structure, super magic power, element affinity, magic force field, these things are the necessary elements for the advancement of magic, and they are indispensable!"

Celine asked again:

"Then, what are you still missing from the spell advancement?"

Hearing his teacher's inquiry, and after being stunned briefly, Brand frowned and responded:

"My elemental affinity is not enough.

In addition, the magical force field I generated using the power of transcendence combined with the enchantment of the wind element did not reach the scale required for the advancement of spells. "

After nodding, Celine suddenly stretched out her hands and approached the bright wind bomb in Brand's hand.

Brand also felt a gentle and grand magical power covering the bright wind bomb in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, under his perception, the magical structure of the wind bomb in his hand suddenly underwent many extremely complicated changes.

After the change was over, Celine said:

"You have already met the basic requirements for spell advancement, what is missing now is just a little 'quantity'!"

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