Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 102: Happiness in life

Nowadays, with the great development of his home, Chen Hao can hardly get involved, and he does not understand many things that belong to the professional scope of others.

It does n’t matter if he does n’t understand, he just let it go. You can do it as much as you want. I only need to pass the quality. Under the premise of quality, I can increase the speed. I do n’t mind using higher-priced materials, such as quick-drying cement. of.

One of the walls of the warehouse was demolished, and Chen Gang drove the Wrangler in. Since Ye Zi helped contact people, the accessories for Chen Gang's list, except for a shock-absorbing system, were brought in from Yanjing overnight, the others were all on the same day. A small box of goods came from Fengtian and delivered the accessories.

The family was very civilized. Chen Gang ran to an outside auto repair shop two days ago and rented out some other place and large equipment for modification. The master of the auto repair shop was still a little bit inconspicuous, but didn't dare to say anything. , Change the car with hundreds of thousands of accessories, at least three people with a license plate, at least he should not easily provoke, wait until Chen Gang finishes the main body, seeing this modification style and modification safety, this auto repair shop The person was convinced to take it orally, and also discussed to learn from Chen Gang.

The main body is done, Chen Gang drove the car back, demolished a wall in the warehouse, he modified the final appearance of the car inside, and in three days, it was near the end. He had to finish it all night. Tomorrow the warehouse would be pushed all out. Drop and hit the ground.

Black rigid, four-inch high, 37-inch tires, front and rear bumpers and luggage racks are all designed with both rigid and sturdy rigid design, very unique and very domineering, all modified kit details deal with, brand accessories plus Chen Gang's meticulous craftsmanship made this car look like a road overlord from the outside. The interior, Chen Gang barely moved. The man wanted the car to be domineering, but there were some changes in the cushion. Black camouflage. Style, adding to the domineering of the car. In the auto repair shop, Chen Gang also paid the people in the auto repair shop to change the car's audio equipment. When the car is turned on, if you open the door or the window, it will definitely be outside people. It's shocking.

Put down the wrench in his hand, Chen Gang took off his gloves, and patted the front bumper of the car: "Try it out? The mechanical parts have been tested in the auto repair shop, and what I came back to get the appearance ..."

Chen Hao smiled: "I still can't believe you?"

With his figure, if you want to get on this car, you also need to use the strength of the handlebars to jump up. If it is a woman, the person in the car needs to be pulled by some people, but this feeling is the feeling of a real off-road vehicle.

When Chen Gang came up to the position of co-pilot, Chen Hao started the car and turned on the headlights. Through the removed wall, two strong lights shot out. There were four headlights on the top of the car, which directly illuminated all the area in front. If you encounter some headlight dogs on the highway at night, under the premise of keeping your breath, Chen Hao's car can make the other party completely eaten.

Playing off-road is to some extent wild in heart. Sometimes, safety issues are not what they care about the most. What they want is the feeling. On this village road, the dominance of this car is not reflected. Driving deliberately to a dirt road, it felt that Chen Hao had the urge to grow up, man, no matter how many cars you have, there should be a place for an off-road vehicle. When you want to conquer some roads, It will be your best helper.

Chen Hao turned down the sound of the sound and said with a smile: "I have to say, this car is a very good B artifact now."

刚 Chen Gang smiled. He didn't agree with this statement: "Performance. Beautiful. The car is comfortable to drive, not open there, and looking at it is good."

Chen Hao laughed and said yes, two months ago, he never dared to think that he could one day have a modified Wrangler, but he had seen forums, modified appreciation and the like on the Internet more than once. I would imagine that I could buy a second-hand one. Today I was driving a new car. Although the city's outer ring road in the early hours was empty, I could not use the off-road capability of the car. The fun of driving was enough to satisfy Chen Hao now.

After a circle, I felt extremely happy. When I returned home, I saw that the house that would be used as a fitness room for myself, gangsters, and two sons had already begun to look like, and my level of joy had improved a lot. It ’s a good thing. The new bathroom has three compartments. The opposite side of the compartment is a large mirror and a washbasin. The kitchen location originally belonged to a normal northeast rural cottage was classified as a bathroom and toilet. The bathroom is centered. There is one toilet on one side, and the two cooktops are like two ears on the periphery of the bathroom. The walls of the two rooms separated by a wall were opened to form a storage corridor. Finally, there are two sides, one house on one side. If the whole house is A piece of paper folded in half is a pattern that can completely overlap.

I took a bottle of mineral water and a box of fruits I just bought today. After taking a bath, Chen Hao returned to his room in a bathrobe. The wall light was turned on. The computer had been shut down by Chen Er. In the news for a while, I was in a good mood and did not deliberately control not to eat before going to bed. I did n’t care about brushing my teeth. I ate a box of fruit fish and rinsed my mouth with mineral water. In the face of many people I asked myself what the surprise was. Keep With some mystery that made them look forward to it, Chen Hao entered dreamland in the most comfortable way. Even dreaming is beautiful.


Just every day, rich and poor, everyone lives 24 hours, and no one who is rich can have 48 hours. If you are happy in these 24 hours, then your life On this day, it was perfect.


Chen Hao keeps the good habit of running in the morning. He tells himself that this is the best way for you to temper your will. Young people like to stay up late, and they like to sleep late in the morning. Can I suppress my desire to sleep late?

When he got up and Chen Gang and Chen Er went out for a run, some workers had already started working at home. By the time they came back, almost all the workers were in place. No one would make money and not actively. The Chen family ’s work was not counted by the day. The money is how much the entire project is. Other employers also said that the quality is in place and the faster the speed, the more extra bonuses will be given.

六 It's all in place at 6:30 in the morning. The weather is fine these days, and they don't want the project to drag on to continuous snowfall.

The fitness room has begun to lay the floor, and a group of workers from the sporting goods store have set up a private boxing ring in the area where the floor has been laid. The size standard is to be laid half a meter wide from the front and back of the house. Inside, outside the boxing ring, in turn are the equipment area, rest area, and bar. The door of the entire fitness room faces the rest area.

At the beginning, it was to prepare all the workers who use Madfu. With the expansion of the project, now it is as many people as possible. Under the clear division of labor, they can do their share of work at the fastest speed, right by the village road. It is still rural, and it is much more convenient to use many building materials, which has also accelerated the progress of the entire project to a certain extent.

In three days, it has begun to take shape. The area where the floor is paved with tiles can be walked. The concrete floor that comes in from the gate needs to wait for it to dry completely and solidify. The aisle, the walls open in and out, and here is also the door for Qiao Xinmei to enter the poultry farm in the future.

Every day, people from the village or nearby villages come to the Chen family to see. They all know that the Chen family is making a difference, and the old Chen family has transferred. Not only this Chen Yuanping became the village director, Chen Hao also made a lot of money. The house made it. Look at the appliances at home. They are all new.

The people who came today have great eyesight. The black Wrangler, which looks like an ancient monster, stops at the door. People who walk by will stop and watch the car. Before the modification, maybe some people who do n’t know the car It will still stay in the category of jeep. After the modification, the raised size of the wheel tires, the very distinctive front and rear bumpers and exterior parts, all show a very unique personality, let alone in this Lianquan Village, If Chen Hao really drives into the city, he will still have a high return rate.

Compared with the Chen family, it is the Wang family that is completely disappointed. Wang Dapeng's home is also being rebuilt. How can it be faster than the original foundation, and is also rushing to the construction period to avoid continuous heavy snowfall. It turned out that they all did the same job. Ask each other how much they earn here, and how much do I earn. There are no meals, cigarettes, and fruit and mineral water drinks in the afternoon. ~ ~ The Chen family needs workers to work on time. The workers on both sides contacted privately and worked in the Wang family. Most of them came here, making the Wang family build a house. Suddenly, I stopped. This is the usual time. The men in the village called for a job, everyone helped them, and saved money, but now the Chen family yelled, his royal family had no such appeal.

Now Wang Dapeng has no idea at all. His friends in the rivers and lakes had some dissatisfaction and wanted to do something again. He also had a little thought in his heart. If he got the opportunity, he would definitely retaliate, but it was just a few rural villagers. Hey, I just avenge you, what else can you do.

Early this morning, when I saw the wrangler and the license plate number, Wang Dapeng was not stupid. I immediately asked someone, but within a few days, I saw a lot of people. Qi Jingyuan's driver Shao Yong took the car all the way. Relevant procedures, this car brand is not Shao Yong's face can come, it is conceivable that behind the Shao Yong's "boss" opened his mouth. Then let those friends from the rivers and lakes inquire, and someone who knows Shao Yong, called in the past and got an answer that let them choose only to die.

"Chen Hao is the boss's niece's friend and boyfriend." Those who can do things next to the leader are human spirits. Shao Yong can see the expression and some behavior of the boss. He is very impressed with that Chen Hao. Naturally, I was happy to help Chen Hao by the side.

I heard that Chen Hao and Qi Jingyuan had another relationship. Think of Chen Hao's detention in the police station a few days ago. How could Wang Dapeng not know that Chen Hao now has more than money and strength?

He was also because he saw it clearly. When his father said he was going to sit and talk to the Chen family, he could only lower his head and helplessly follow his father.

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