Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1081: Wolf meat is not delicious

Humane and worldly.

These four words are well-deserved world-class consumables in terms of lethality and existence value.

A watching movie and doing an experience in advance, perfectly solved the human and worldly troubles faced by the entire Lost City, not to mention that these young people are difficult to entangle, they can catch medicine according to the prescription, in the future, if I encounter such a thing, I will open a business I do n’t want to go to the back door to show it to all the people. I ’ll open up some areas that no one has touched at all. I ’ll give you face, not only to the face, but also a great deal of vanity. Seeing no, the lost city. The first phase of the project received 3,000 people every day. How many people are waiting in line. I, I will not fight with you. I go to the new project, and I have never seen it before. I Go visit it.

By the way, there are film crews. So many big stars come together to make a show. It's not just a guest appearance, a show, a gathering of seven or eight stars, and a lot of drama. It feels like a character is a star, and after 20 years of watching, a character is a well-deserved super coffee.

Who would dare to say that "Lost" after 20 years will not become a classic TV series after everyone's film.

A person's too bright light is not a good thing in a sense. A group of women take Chen Hao as their biggest fun and indirectly help him cover up the light on his body. Many people can see him being bullied. Scene, there will be no memory in his mind that he is too successful a person too far away from himself.

Grounding is very important. In this way, the frustration in Jing Tianlin's group of people will be calmed down. Although he is omnipotent, he is still the familiar Hao Zi, as he was then. There is also no so-called taint from the winners, how to look and feel comfortable.

In the second season of "Lost", after the Lost City was just a marquee, after a few days of filming, the whole crew was dispatched to the Lop Nur uninhabited area in the northwest, and the ancient Silk Road and the ancient country of Loulan were waited for everyone. Well-known history is linked to the story of Lost, and imagination begins.

The film crew now has money. In the past, Chen Hao required excellence to spend a lot of money on props. Today, he does n’t need to say that all of them use the best materials. The film crew ’s investment now exists in a form that ca n’t be spent. After all, this drama is simply These first two rounds of selling video tapes will make investors eager.

A plane was chartered and flew directly to the northwest, where the vanguard had prepared the prepared equipment and vehicles.

Until he got off the plane, Chen Hao didn't get the news of the end of the system's daily tasks. He promoted the Oriental Culture TV series to the world and succeeded. With the current sensation of the first season of "Lost", wasn't it considered that the task was completed? Is it still necessary to wait for a while and wait for the influence of the task to ferment? It wo n’t be that two or three seasons will be needed to complete the task, which is more difficult than the main task.

Fortunately, even if there is no system reward, Chen Hao's life will not be greatly affected. The gradual improvement of the script of "Into the Division" has given him great confidence. Before, there was the bottom of the bowl of "lost". Now the movie On the other hand, there is "Entry Division". Even if the system no longer gives him more powerful abilities and rewards, he is still confident to be based in the world's entertainment circle.

"When you want to do it, do you?"

He likes the Northwest very much. After getting off the plane and sitting in the car, he is willing to open the windows after the car speeds up. He doesn't like the taste of the city. He likes the feeling of crazy sand and sky, and the feeling of wearing masks and sunglasses when going out. , Like the wind blowing on me ...

My favorite is the vastness of this place.

In the words of his hometown, the northwest is really spacious, the land is vast and the population is scarce, and the climate is bad. On this road in the northwest, all the way to the northwest border, the words "no man's land" make him very excited.

After only one night in a hotel in the city, the crew and some of the actors have been promoted with him. Rich and nowhere to spend, Chen Hao traveled according to his own needs to get transport. In addition to off-road vehicles, he also provided one large, one small, two RVs, 'big nails'. The appearance was still so shocking, it directly became the pioneer of the entire team. At the same time, it is also a well-deserved road fighter of the entire team. When it comes to the place where a trailer is needed, its power will make all the people who like cars emit a greedy light.

Dozens of cars, mostly large ones, all with powerful road conditions, carrying a lot of equipment and daily necessities, several buses also carry all the people, one of which was modified internally and converted into a very The comfortable first-class layout of the aircraft, some chairs can be moved within a small range, there are fixed desks, there are toilets, the main members in this car, even if they are driving some relatively poor road conditions, they can also guarantee their comfort and Close interaction with each other.

After coming out this time, I still dare not choose the east-west direction to cross the no-man's land, or take the line of the relatives to the north-south direction of Loulan Ancient City. This road can be relatively safe and the supply is relatively easy. If you encounter a storm tornado or the like Get the news in advance to be transferred.

The personnel of his own security company accompanied him, as well as the martial arts instructor Wu Yuan in Yuan Baye's team. The team also had some shotgun configurations. One crew did not let everyone out. The road was simple and there were more than 100 people.

When Chen Hao got off the road, he already could not bear his inner agitation and took the initiative to change cars. This time there was such a good off-road environment. His super modified wrangler, which had been parked for a long time at home, had specifically asked someone to drive over. Compared to that Mercedes-Benz 4X4, this off-road capability has been modified by Chen Gang's multi-level modification. Although it is an oil tiger, when the team has an oil truck to protect it, it is fierce to push the throttle and absolutely let yourself go. If the car has a pair of wings, he can fly away.

There are raptors, domineers, wranglers, and Cherokees in the team. The interest came, and the actors also let themselves go. Even if others have the urge to do so, they are not the main actors, and they all drive in the car. There is no need to worry about it. The so-called traffic rules on the dirt road, let yourself fly freely, but compared to Chen Hao, they are less afraid to drive out the scope of the dirt road traces rolled out by the wheels. Chen Hao, no matter how many, has big nails here, this is not the kind The real uninhabited area has also been used for off-roads in the surrounding roads. It is not the kind of area that will suddenly collapse on the ground. You can play as much as you want. If you leave the ground by dozens of centimeters from time to time, you will be sorry for him. Under such road conditions, the speed is close to one hundred steps.

"For these cars, you can change the license plate and put it directly into the episode. There is no need to rent another car to shoot." Yuan Baye was older, but he also looked through the window with interest. With these young people outside, they are spending their youth.

Uncle Ge narrowed his eyes and adjusted his posture aside. The lazy man he created was paralyzed. He also faithfully performed it, shrinking his neck and facing a flat screen in front of himself, and continued to watch his movie comfortably. —— "The Dark Knight of Batman", played the supporting role and played the villain and the classic Uncle Ge, the most respected role of Chen Hao, is the clown inside.

Uncle Yuan glanced at him and said with some concern: "Is it really camping outside at night?"

Uncle Ge knew that he was not afraid of danger, but was worried about the quality of the rest, and whether his body could hold it: "Relax, the boy brought the big nails, but I really like to rest with them in the tent."

Yuan Baye just wanted to speak. The team stopped and there was a noise from outside. The two's attention was drawn to the outside and asked what happened to the driver in front?

"It looks like a fan has chased here."

Outside, in a few cars ~ ~ there were seven or eight young men and women with excited expressions on their faces, and some of the girls around Chen Hao were already unable to bear their inner excitement. They swooped away and swallowed their lives. This time they are estimated to have to buy lottery tickets. They can catch up to the boss on the first day, and it is strange to go back and buy a lottery ticket.

They knew it alone. On several lines, at least dozens of people were looking for the whereabouts of the boss.

Uncle Yuan and Uncle Ge glanced at each other, shook his head and smiled bitterly. Too much fame is sometimes a burden. I can't help thinking of the meeting before leaving. At the last moment, Chen Hao rejected himself to challenge the difficult no-man zone. Is he worried about the safety of these people? With the protection of this team, it is estimated that at that time he had thought that there would be fans coming after him. He was thinking for the safety of the fans.

In the Internet era, this world seems to have no secrets at all. Even in places like Lop Nur, they just came in for a few hours and fans caught up. In the future, the location shooting of this crew has become more and more lively. No one can say for sure whether the difficulty will increase.

"There is a team of fans coming up, and the media will soon follow up, more fans will follow up, and shooting in the no-man's zone, this idea is difficult to achieve." Yuan Baye said with a chant in his mouth, In my mind, it was difficult to shoot the outside scene, and I estimated a few more places.

"It seems that in the end, it can only be shot with a scene. The desert yellow sand is just fine. It is almost impossible to pursue more." Uncle Ge looked at the cars outside through the window. Excited fans, shook their heads, closed the curtains, and lay back comfortably in his own position. He followed Chen Hao's attempts to survive in the Daxinganling jungle, and he was looking forward to meeting the wolves in this place, and ...

I don't know if wolf meat is delicious.

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