Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1086: Here comes the wolf

Chen Hao hopes to pay tribute to the classics, no matter how others are, no matter what the movie is, at least in his mind, the role of Uncle Li is classic, and Xiaoye plays the role of supporting this role, and reunites after many years Uncle Ge and Li Bingbing re-cooperated, and the tacit understanding between the two was better than before. Outside the lens, it was okay. Within the lens, the two had completely changed from the moment they hit the board.

"Xiaoye, I haven't seen you for a long time." Uncle Li squinted his eyes and said lightly, like a common greeting after an acquaintance hadn't seen for many years.

"Uncle Li, terrific." Today's leaflet, no longer the former leaflet, is already a fierce bandit girl who led a team into the desert to hunt for treasure. She was squatting enough to leave the prison, and still does not change her original pride. The only thing that changed was her strength. In prison she concluded that there was only one reason for her failure, and her strength was not strong enough.

It's amazing that you can still come out from inside and show up decently.

Uncle Li did not reveal the identity of Xiaoye, and Xiaoye did not reveal the identity of Uncle Li. The Fengyunji team embarked on the journey again. The two were in the team and both regarded the other party as the most guardable person.

One look, one action, one sneer that looks like a smile, one with a murderous smile.

The two blades crossed the sparks caused by the collision in a small range. Today's leaflet is no longer a pure female thief, and Uncle Li has never been a hair thief. The small blade in their hands is no longer the past. Weapons of other people's bags and pockets have been stained with blood.

During a tentative test, the blades collided and sparked. At the same time, the two small blades broke. Uncle Li was safe and sound. The leaflet was scratched by his broken blade. He just scratched his finger. It was just a small wound and wrapped around his mouth. Looking at Uncle Li, the fear in his eyes was deeper.

On the other hand, Uncle Li, low laughter, bowed slightly, and continued to move forward to keep up with the army.

This is a few scenes. Except for the blade showdown, the two of them had to be done in one go. Now, Li Bingbing has experienced many years of experience as a front-line actress, both in acting and self-confidence have reached the peak state. Back to the previous role, there is no pressure at all. She also has to use this kind of play to prove to all the younger generations that we have not yet exited the stage of history.

The Shuangbing Sidan are still the first choice of the current super heroine. In the big investment movie, they still steadily stand on the highest stage, sticking to their positions, pressing the following 80s and even 90s Actress climbed up.

Chen Hao patted his thigh: "Cuck! OK, passed, perfect!" Then applauded, the two performed last, absolutely, he also subverted the shooting method, Uncle Li whispered and walked forward with a bowed waist. There were two special cameras to shoot him. Li Bingbing stood there looking at Uncle Li's back with complex eyes. At the same time, there was another camera to shoot her. The entire scene was tightly stitched. If one camera moved ten centimeters, it would wear another. A machine snaps into the frame.

Normally, this must be taken in two sessions. Chen Hao is ingenious. After the camera is set up, he wo n’t wear it. He will just let the two scenes be shot together. This has the advantage that the camera can be taken from close distance. The two were separated, and after it left, the camera that took a close-up of Li Bingbing came in.

The entire mood continued perfectly. It seems that the standards of the actors can easily control the mood. The benefits of one-stop effort are obvious, and the feeling in the eyes is stronger. It is equivalent to saying that Chen Hao used a unique idea to make two people In this play, I have a breakthrough performance that I can clearly perceive.

Uncle Ge and Li Bingbing ran to the monitor for the first time. Depending on the material just shot, they felt it, and they were eager to perceive it into reality. They were more worried that the shooting would waste their good state.

I have a good eye for watching this part of the film. Uncle Ge is as good as ever in the past. He is a bit like Liu Huan in the singing world. You ca n’t expect Liu Huan to sing a breakthrough. It ’s difficult, but you have to hear him. It is also difficult when there are bad times, and I will always keep you at a super high level. You never need to worry about him. There will be problems you worry about.

Uncle Ge is like this. The breakthrough that he feels in this paragraph today. He just glanced sideways when he whispered. He felt that it would be very good to shoot that one, and he would definitely not get another one. That was just now.

Li Bingbing is eager to make a breakthrough. She is not young, but in the international film industry, the 50- or 60-year-old actress is still active and still the first female and still taking the film. It is not uncommon. She longs for herself to have a few years of female first No, every breakthrough in acting will make her ecstatic. Although it is no longer Li Bingbing who is crying on the stage after getting the golden horse shadow, she still keeps working hard and wants to borrow another ten years of good time from the sky. heart.

That paragraph just now, it feels great.

Chen Hao looked at them: "Salute to the classics, great!"

He longed for the two to have a chemical reaction to do it. The first serious play of the opponent was done. As a director, the performance of the main actor made him feel very wonderful. This good mood has been continued for several days. Maybe it was stimulated by the two. Other actors have tried their best these days. A Chen Hao is an Oscar actor. The scenes are so great. We got used to it and knew that the gap was a little bit big. Now, this actor who suddenly appeared in all the wonderful scenes, can not stand this because everyone is a good actor, do not want to be worse than others, do not desperately, after this is not nailed to the stigma of shame.

In a few years, "Lost" will still be on the air, and some people will definitely watch it. At that time, when I saw so many good actors in the episode, there were some actors who apparently talked to others in character shaping and performance. If there is a gap, that shame can be lost for a lifetime.

The employee dormitory area built over the Lost City is temporarily being requisitioned as a rest area for the actors. The employees either work harder or commute to use the color steel room as a dormitory, ensuring that each of your rooms can be air-conditioned all day, The employee dormitory area here just happened to be completed and renovated. For several consecutive nights, you can see the lights in many rooms, which turned off very late. Every actor worked overtime to read the script to understand the role and develop the role. Every day there will be new surprises.

In this booming shooting, the hot summer quietly slipped away, and the leaves of the early autumn began to scattered on the ground. The filming of the second season of "Lost" is nearing the end, and it continued the good condition of the first season. The production has kept up, and there is no killing here yet. Six episodes of filming have been filmed.

After the news came out, this year's American autumn American drama competitions were directly ignited in advance. The five-day golden drama is definitely the five most popular dramas. To grab the golden season of the autumn drama, your "Lost" is here. There is bound to be someone squeezed out of this best time period, and no one will think that Chen Hao will step back and not grab the best time period.

Here comes the real wolf.

In the six episodes of the good show, put it there, come on, start the competition now, the overseas business unit of the Happy Times now has a huge lineup, and has specialized teams for each region.

Having only one "Lost" second season on hand is enough to keep the entire overseas business department busy. What happened to my only one product? Rather than those producers with a large number of products in their hands, it is now a "lost", followed by "Forrest Gump", are you not interested?

Use money and the best plan to kill us.

Chen Hao shut down directly, and even some of the remaining remakes of "Lost" did not show up. No one knew where he was. Someone in Yanjing, the Lost City, and even the flight information was already looking through the relationship. Want to know where he is.

You see, during the shooting, some people will say some things. Once the autumn season comes, once the second season makes a few episodes, the competition will start. The crazy competition means that countless money will be thrown into the party. In the era, basically the conditional competition in the planning scheme has already given a part of the advertising revenue to the happy age. The astronomical figures that once felt are not a problem before the success of the first season. They know the problem of making money and turning more into less. In such an era, steady and profitable businesses are hard to find, and one that can grab one.

The risk of investment failure is that anyone is unwilling to take it. Without this risk, there is no hesitation. The difference is whether you play it or me. I play it well ~ ~ That is not just money Gains.

Moreover, just as the expansion of the Overseas Division in the Huanju Times is a matter of truth, there is only one project now, what about the future?

The script for "Forrest Gump" is out, and the world is still looking for the female No. 1, you dare to say that it is not the next "Redemption of Shawshank", even if it is worse, it is a big enough temptation-confused, whether it is a prize Still take the box office, no one will make the investment lose money.

Grabbing "Lost" now is tantamount to catching up with Chen Hao and Chen Hao in advance. This priority is very important in the future.

After the news of the second season of the "Lost" episode six production was completed and will officially land in the United States this fall, the news came out that another round of swarms came, and it was from this news that Chen Hao also circulated that the direct people disappeared. Qiu Yuren was thrown into Yanjing, holding his office phone in his hand. I really don't know where the boss is, otherwise you can come and see for yourself.

"Go to Meicheng, go to his hometown."

"Go to Urumqi. Xiaodi hasn't shown up recently. Will they go there?"

"Staring at Yanjing, staring at the lost city."

In the era of joyful gatherings, the highest bidders played. Everyone did not let go to raise prices all the way up. There was someone involved in the official rise, and no one was willing to give in. At this time, only one person could make the final decision. Those bidders have nothing to say even if they lose.

But what about people?

No news for a few days, the second season of "Lost" announced the killing in the Lost City, post-production entered the most intense and busy stage.

In the age of reunion, there really is a retro look. Don't look at the electronic office products one by one, but if you look at the past, you will feel that you are carrying big bags of cash, come to the company and bring yourself The strength of the show to the Huanju Times, I have money, see no, I can use cash to fill your office.

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