Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1101: Genuine

Chen Hao, who switched freely on both sides, did make everyone feel a little weird at first. It took me a long time to find out that this is a change of control over his own freedom. He can enter the character anytime, anywhere, and can also come out of the character anytime, anywhere.

Many people still remember that when the film "Dark Knight" was filmed, the crew had sent out more than once. In order to play the role of clown, Chen Hao contacted the psychologist several times. The whole person was immersed in the clown world. With the assistance of a psychologist, it is possible to return to a normal state.

After only a few years, how many plays are there in the middle?

Looking at the results, it is a qualitative leap, from the best supporting actor in Oscar to the best actor in Oscar. However, there are various factors in it. More people are willing to admit that the work is good or publicity, and they are not willing to admit that it is Chen Hao. The acting skills can really reach the level of the film emperor. How old is he? After that, on the stage of the world's major film festivals, have you already booked a lot of positions in advance, the next 20 years, no, no, according to his age In the next thirty years, he can easily stand on the leading role and continue to add glory to the world's film industry. At the same time, it means that in the next three decades, two or even three generations of filmmakers will be forced to take his place by force. Take part of the resources.

When he is busy, Chen Hao is a director and an actor. When the shooting phase is taken off, he can be separated from these two identities. He is a friend of everyone and leads everyone to enjoy the holiday. On the beach in Miami, he Is willing to take everyone in the crew to lie down comfortably here for two days, enjoy food and rest, start work after the holidays, no need to give him any encouragement, everyone's mental state is extremely full, work The enthusiasm is beyond imagination.

From September to October, and then to November, which has gradually cooled down, the crew first went to 'South', then to Huaxia, and finally moved to many cities and regions in the United States. All the plots of "Biography" are carefully filmed. Chen Hao, who has experienced shooting in war movies, has exerted his own strength to the extreme in this war drama directed by him. When A-Gump was linked to the war, it was not him Involved in the war, he is still him, or the forrest who is different from others everywhere, it seems that he is a stranger, who dares to say that he is not everyone drunk and I wake up alone?

When Chen Hao was a director, he convinced everyone step by step. He was not an actress but an excellent guide. He really had the level of guidance of top directors. After being recognized by Meryl Streep, the entire circle was It has been spread all over, but she has cooperated with many great directors. Many years of acting experience allows her to easily see the level of directors in the crew.

As a actor, Chen Hao only needs one scene. The next scene after scene is either kept at the same high level, or the mood comes, and the opponent actress is in place, his own feeling. It's in place, too. When the level of performance has reached a certain level, a little explosion can make people look fascinated. Even if you don't say the words of admiration from your mouth, you will silently acknowledge in your heart: "This is definitely the film emperor Level of performance. "

Nearly three months of filming, the filming of "Forrest Gump" is nearing its end. Forrest Gump running on the road has become a special news to be covered by mainstream American news. It is the second half of the second season of "Lost". During the weekly episode of Gao Feng, Chen Hao ’s appearance rate in the United States is getting higher and higher every day. He learned that his new drama will be shot on the street, and a large number of fans went to the street to chase the stars. The new look also made in-depth coverage by the news media for a while, and some **** fans also thought that it would become a fashion and went to follow suit.

Chen Hao who got the news can only shake his head secretly and smile hard. He has no way to explain. Do you want to tell these avid fans, don't learn it, I also feel very ugly, I just have to design for the role of the role in the drama. That hairstyle.

In fact, more people prefer Chen Hao in "The Lost". After all, the big American drama can accompany you for a longer time. One season is more than three months. The popular American drama is like shooting seven or eight seasons. That means that the characters in the play will accompany the audience for several years. If it is one season a year, it will be seven or eight years, and the characters in it will naturally have more influence.

The actor in "The Lost" has never been a strong man. He slowly grew from an ordinary person to a strong one. This process takes time, and this process can also attract audiences to have a strong sense of substitution.

The hot season of the second season continued the fiery season of the first season. The ancient story of Loulan under his control was not presented to everyone in a cliché manner. It was even more strange and strange in the world and institutions, so that the audience could see it. Enthralled, more people want to experience it in the Lost City.

The clothing in the episode has also become a well-known brand in the public. It has its own characteristics and highlights its personal temperament. The already powerful "Lost" has become more powerful and the clothing brand has become popular all over the world. All the booming things are mutually reinforcing. When everyone's interest in the drama is getting stronger, the interest in the 'lost city' where the drama can be felt in reality is also getting stronger.

The second phase of 'Lost City' is open. Together with the first phase, it welcomes 3,000 tourists at a time, so everyone can have a good time. At the collective request of tourists from all over the world, and the equipment of the entire "Lost City" was sufficient, a night market was opened to allow each batch to carry two batches of customers a day.

7:30 am to 3:30 pm, this is the daytime market. Do n’t say it ’s too early, do n’t say it ’s too early. The hot spring towns and commercial districts that are currently open are full of hotels. A large number of tourists are waiting outside and can come in to play a game. Whose accountant seems to have some harsh conditions? You can go to it. That's also because someone in the front has quickly reduced the number of tourists two times a day, so you can advance. Play, otherwise, one day at a time, you still have to wait for double the number of days.

From 4:30 pm to 11 pm, it is a night show. The experience items are basically the same, with less time, but if you arrange it smart enough and your luck is not too bad, you can still play it all. And such a reform, Chen Hao Announcement is the ultimate reform. It will not reduce any experience time. Even if there are tens of thousands of tourists outside, we must let every customer who enters the park get the best experience. I will not take them as my experience. More profitable consumables.

Two sessions a day, two phases of the project, can receive 12,000 tourists a day, but found that the number of tourists has not decreased at all, or there are large numbers of tourists stranded, they basically only experience one phase, but also want Experience the second phase.

Some people have proposed ways to reduce the pressure on the outside, and I think that a package ticket should be implemented so that they can leave after two consecutive days of experience and not stay. The proposal was rejected as soon as it was taken out, not to pit everyone's money and let everyone stay here longer for consumption.

Now it ’s one and two. In the future, three, four, and five. Can you still apply for a package? That way, the number of tourists stranded will be greater. Playing once enough will mean exhausting once. It ’s better to let everyone not get it to attract everyone to come a second time. Two or three times a year, two or three times a year. You Come here next year and have fun, or if an item is too attractive, you can experience it again next year.

In the Eleventh Golden Week, a small record was set in the Lost City, that is, when all scenic spots are madly accepting customers, the Lost City officially announced that during the 11th Golden Week, no tour groups will be accepted. For any individual visitor, during this period our two lost cities will all be closed to the outside world, consuming only the guests who were queued here before.

This measure seems to make a lot of money and attract less attention from tourists, but it has earned a good reputation for the lost city. Those tourists who had queued up before liked it, and some had a long rest. Tourists feel that since it is not open here, it will certainly not be as crowded as other scenic spots. I first go to live outside the Lost City and have time to visit during the day ~ ~ or to Yan Beijing's scenic area turns around, lining up first, and waiting for Golden Week to pass, maybe I can line up.

The entire lost city has suddenly become the largest modern tourist area around Yanjing. The staff works four shifts a day, and the maintenance staff changes to work at night. It is almost twenty-four hours. You can't see it stopped running, and there are large quantities every day. The tourist garbage was cleared out. With such a large tourism throughput every day, the lost city still maintained the cleanliness and tidyness that it had just started, and it should have the effect in the park. Once 3,000 people visited it, the scenic area would never be crowded. If there are problems in some small places, the staff will go to the maintenance anytime and anywhere, which will not affect the tourists' experience.

The outside of the Lost City is also extremely popular. All clothing, food and accommodation are parity. Although this parity is compared with Yanjing, it is still a little bit high. But for tourists who have become accustomed to the sky-high price of scenic spots, they live here for about 300. Express Hotel, there is not much pressure in my heart, about 600 standard hot spring business hotel standard rooms, but with all-day hot spring tickets and hot spring water into each room.

Outside shopping street, from food to shopping, you do n’t need to worry about being slaughtered, all of them are parity, all prices are transparent, you can find the transparent costs of all food, clothing, housing and travel items here in the Lost City Travel App anytime, anywhere. You don't need to worry if this restaurant seems very expensive or not, or don't go in? You don't need to worry about whether the stuff in this shop is real?

The Lost City will give you the most intimate protection. The four words of genuine price, combined with ten times compensation and hundred times punishment, even the principal Wang, who has always been regarded as the most pity, will put a line on his Weibo to wait for the tour to be lost. Tickets for the second phase of the city, and then left a message: "When I came here, I knew that there are too many places, all scum."

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