Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1114: No reason not to work hard

This is the first time everyone has seen Chen Hao show such a skill. In such an environment, even if you don't think about anything, simply looking at Chen Hao's state and what he is doing is already very frightening.

No one had expected that he would really be able to enter the capabilities of the puppet master. It is not unusual to say that a man would put on makeup, but he would put on makeup on the dead, which is too horrible. Is it because he wanted to shoot this movie? Going to specialize?

It seems that no one can find the second one except for this explanation. Everyone is silent. Even Xu Jinglei feels that she has paid a lot for this drama. At this moment, she also feels that there is no capital that can be proud or contented.

On my own, hard work is not enough.

His success is by no means the luck of the outside world.

Oscar King, Oscar Best Film, Oscar Best Supporting Actor, Oscar Best Original Script, Best Director of Oscar the Uncrowned King ...

In the past, these honors are like being displayed there for everyone. Everyone will look at the trophies with envy and envy, and think about chasing, but do n’t know how to chase them. In the end, it ’s luck or Things also bring luck.

Until now, when I saw a man who had been focusing on his work for more than an hour, his success was no longer out of reach, and I knew how to catch up. If I could give as much as he did, I would work as hard as he Many, even though I still can't get these honors and trophies, at least, I am qualified to stop looking at them.

The guests of the running men's team came in one after another, and their footsteps were the lightest. Everyone nodded or waved their hands to say hello. They saw the expressions of Xu Jinglei, and they felt a little strange. After watching it for a while, They understood the origin of these people's strange expressions.

Several models did not remove their makeup. When Chen Hao finished all the work and finished shooting, the light in the room returned to normal. All the applause was greeted by him. At this time, he stood for ten or twenty minutes or half. For hours, no one will feel tired. The man was not only standing and still putting on makeup for more than an hour. The serious expression was deeply engraved in everyone's heart. The finished 'work' looked a little scary and pale under the lights. Cheeks are not alive. Chen Hao needs to apply this background to the models. They stand there, close their eyes at the same time, and face everyone facelessly.

The applause stopped, and even the sound of breathing was afraid that it would affect the current atmosphere. Some thrillers really did not rely on film means. Now the machines are turned off. At the same time, dozens of people are in such a room without watching the work around. Before, the air conditioner turned on. Don't look at so many people, it will not affect the atmosphere in the room.

Until Chen Hao smiled, the lights in the room went from dark to full, and the models opened their eyes to smile, the machine was closed, and the staff moved, and the thrilling atmosphere was considered to have disappeared.

"Have you come so early?"

Chen Hao greeted Deng Chao Li Chen and others.

According to the habit of running men, in general, everyone arrives at the hotel in breaks before the first day of filming, and regroups the next morning, such as shooting around Yanjing. Artists here can come over early in the morning. It's too much time to come at night.

It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone is here. It's really rare.

"Come here to visit and study, this is also the face card of the boss, otherwise we really can't enter." Just kidding Xiaodi, it's not only a personal hobby, but it's not easy to run a male show group to enthusiastically. About two The news that people registered did not fully expand to ferment. During this time, the invitations for various programs and activities over Xiaodi were more than doubled.

Chen Hao took off his suit jacket and went into this season to shoot "Into the Master". A little bit of winter feeling just makes the color deeper, and there are more choices for dressing. The cool summer dress and the autumn and winter dress. It seems that it has nothing to do with it, but it has a special influence on the overall atmosphere of the film.

"I'll show you around."

From the running men's team members to the entertainers of the era, they all came with a learning attitude. The cast of "Into the Division" is not only as simple as their predecessors. In the face of Lu Meijuan, Zhang Shaohua, Han Tongsheng, They are all juniors. Everyone has read the news about the content from the "Into the Division". Everyone has seen it. Then look at the cast of the show. The absolute lineup of acting skills. They are as curious as all the audience. When you play this group of people, you will see what kind of movie Chen Hao performed in the work just now.

All the scenes have nothing to do with thriller, nothing to do with horror. The thriller special effects brought by the funeral home itself are also bright and clean from the inside to the outside, and they are not scary at all. When you go to the side street, you think that this is Outside of a life drama, I can't find any other traces. There are some places of thriller and horror in the skin of life, there will be some places to set up some visual horror points. Neither of these two main scenes is lost at night. When the city was eating, everyone couldn't help but want to find the answer. This was not the confidential content of the script. The relationship was so good. There was not much pressure to ask.

"How do I say this answer? It seems that everyone has a hard time figurative perception. Let's wait until the film comes out. If I have to use a definition to describe playing horror in the sun, I think this sentence will be more appropriate, just look at me. With or without this ability, there really is such a movie. "

The word party is on the stars, more than 80% of them are in front of the camera, and only a few times, three or five friends get together in private, and like this time, they suddenly gathered in the lost city. Thirty well-known artists have dinners and gossiping. They are rare. There are no lenses, no mobile phones to take pictures and record videos. You do n’t have to carry your own image, and you do n’t have to be very formal. Just sit there. One person and one small hot pot, eating and chatting, there is always a topic that will attract everyone. It ’s easy to spend two hours at the dinner table. In the early morning of the next day, the shooting has not yet started, a large group of Stars, first experienced what ordinary people are in small streets, although they also know in their hearts that this small street is completely closed, and the people they can see are either crew members or group performances or temporary help personnel.

But even so, they are very happy to have breakfast in the cold wind, they really eat breakfast at the roadside stall, how the taste is not important, some people feel this is the first time, some people are looking back on the past Life, to the beginning of the first season of the new season of running men, filming, the place is on this side street.

Deng Chao, Li Chen, Chen He, Zheng Kai, Wang Zulan, baby, Xiaodi.

From 6 + 1 to 5 + 2, the audience gradually adapted. There is no fixed value to say this thing is so good, depending on their performance, some people think that the two women are very good, some people think It's still better, so I can invite more female guests. Different opinions, with the passage of time, have become an established fact, including the departure of Xiao Lu, including the later disappearance of Chen Hao. The audience was forced to learn the habit, but also supported them because the wonderful level of the show has not weakened, several times. Chen Hao helped to do a lot of work in the reform. Some things that should be insisted on persisted. The tear-off of the famous brand is always the main task of the running man. The tear-off of the famous brand will be removed in several sessions. Ratings are very low.

"Today's guest has to let Xiaodi introduce. We also borrowed the light of the crew of" Into the Division "and started our new season run in one of the main shooting venues. To this end, the crew prepared a small gift for us. It's cold and windy, and we will share this gift with our guests a moment later. But before the guests come out, should we run the entire extended family of males, should we first give our fatdi classmates a warm applause! "Deng Chao did as usual In the opening remarks, everyone walked around, and when Xiao Di came to introduce the guests, she was also generous, and did not care about the ridicule of other teammates in the men's team.

Everyone smiled and applauded, and achieved a positive result for her and Chen Hao. The artist's marriage certificate can make such a sensation, and they are also the first pair.

"Thank you, thank you to everyone in the show group." After bowing and thanking, Di did not get entangled in this topic. Low-key handling is the purpose of the two of them. Directly shift the topic: "Let us welcome the guests who are coming today. I ’ve been an old friend of the Men ’s Team, a partner I ’ve worked with, and logged in to Run Men more than once ~ ~ and old classmates ... ”

Deng Chao took the first sentence: "Let's welcome Zhou Dongyu."

Chen He and Zheng Kai welcomed the old classmates: "Let's welcome Jiang Shuying."

Li Chen: "Welcome Gulinaza!"

Wang Zulan: "Welcome Qianer and Jiang Meiyan."

Baby: "Welcome Han Dongjun, XXX, XX ..."

Really no stranger, after a lot of appearances, a large group of people came together, the same frame needs everyone to stand tight and lively, this is not a rare thing in running men, everyone has experience in dealing with similar situations, how Being able to grab the show without grabbing the lines and the camera is really the best stage to test the artist ’s variety sense. There are many people. In a variety show with many guests, there is very little sense of presence. I can only say a few words in a close-up picture, otherwise no one remembers what he did this time.

"It was a bit cold, and the crew asked us to send you a small gift for heating." The director of the show said that the table was lifted into the lens, and then a wooden round box was placed on the table. , One by one, the crystal bowls were also laid down on the table.

Deng Chao opened the wooden box, and the powder inside made him clap his hands and said, "I like this, call, call, call ..."

Li Chen laughed: "Camellia noodles, also known as oil fried noodles, is a specialty snack in Tianjin. It is similar to sesame paste. It is brewed in hot water. I knew I was not full in the morning." He was very happy, and others were They reacted differently, like baby, the sticky camellia noodles after boiling water, she looked left and right, hesitated, the visual perception in front of her made her somewhat resistant, and peanuts and sesame were heated The fragrant fragrance brewed by the water reduces the resistance.

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