Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 115: Feel at ease

Fake singing has long been common in this industry. Even many singers are decent singing fakes, fake singing on various commercial performances, fake singing on various evening shows, good performance and hard work, do not need to worry about yourself The sound is not good enough, it will always be the best effect in the recording studio.

In recent years, it is precisely because of this that the title of singer has been repeatedly criticized. Otherwise, the cross-line combination will perform perfectly in a spring evening, and it will not have such a perfect effect.

Fortunately, at some relatively important awards ceremonies, quite a few singers still have professional ethics. You ca n’t sing, you do n’t have to sing, do n’t sing, there are limited performances. You dare to sing in front of a group of colleagues , Don't go up and show courage without any real skill.

At that time, the organizers asked the Association for their opinions. The Association asked Chen Hao for the first time. What else can I say? How can I be worthy of this opportunity if I don't frighten them all?

He did it. From the beginning of his voice, he firmly grasped everyone's ears at the scene. Regardless of the so-called depth of this song, simply as a popular song, Chen Hao's interpretation has reached To the extreme, even surpassing the version he sang himself, at the scene, with a better sound and more stable state, to play a better level than the release version, among the singer group, such talents are truly capable singer.

For a moment, many people looked at Chen Hao and changed.

In this day and age, idols have become popular, even if you are a singer, if you have a strong face, you can get a large number of fans, even if your singing is actually ordinary KTV level, you are handsome, You can be successful even if you are packaged by a company. On the contrary, there are some purely talented singers who cannot find their way to fame.

The Haozi on the stage is not particularly outstanding in appearance, it can only be said that the sun is handsome and the features are tough, but the overall feeling is very good, the body ratio is also good, the skin condition is also very good, and there is such a good singing skill and creative ability, look After coming here, on this road, I really have to take a closer look at this Haozi, and maybe when he won't stand up in this music scene, and then he wants to make friends again, it seems to be a bit late.

Many people have this idea, not because he is famous for Chen Hao, but also because he still holds the title of a singer-songwriter. Creating these two words can increase Chen Hao's considerable popularity in the industry. Now the music market is drying up Anyone who can get a popular song can ensure that you maintain your attention for a year or two. Therefore, many people are willing to maintain a good relationship with singer-songwriters, and you will not know when you will invite a song with others. It is certainly useless to temporarily hold a buddha. It is the key to get a good lead.

Chen Hao's hard singing has won him a lot of talents, and a singer with enough strength will definitely be respected. No matter how despised he is and how he is hostile to him, seeing the true chapter on the stage, people on the stage can surprise four people. It deserves everyone's respect, no matter if he is an online singer or whatever.

Visitors on Lele, whether they watched the live broadcast on the official channel or watched the live broadcast in the Chen Hao live room, that was a joy. Previously, Chen Hao's performance was in the live broadcast room. How good it sounds, more or less, it doesn't mean that it is a little too elegant, as a singing anchor, you always have to prove yourself on the real stage.

Today, Chen Hao's performance is remarkable. It can be said that there are no flaws, and the stage is very good. It is not nervous at all. It doesn't look like a newcomer who just stepped on the stage, continuing his in the live studio. The madness of singing has maintained a very high level of singing, which can even be called stunning. At the scene of an awards ceremony, relying on a song that is not particularly strong in rhythm, singing in less than four minutes, just Being able to drive the atmosphere of the scene, and using professional language to draw conclusions for his performance is not something ordinary tourists can do. They only see a little, it sounds good and looks good.

At the end of the song, the cheers of more than 20 people, such as Ye Zi, added color to the applause. Chen Hao's outstanding performance offended one person, which was then a singer who sang next to him. The awards of the top ten golden songs, but the other party's singing performance is not so good. In today's environment, Hao Zi, who performed in the past, ended the singing with perfect performance. When he wanted to work harder, he became more and more weak. In the end, the performance was lackluster, and no mistakes were made, but it didn't win any praise. There was no way. It was like eating iced watermelon just in the summer. The whole person felt extra cool. At this time, if you sent another ice cream, it would only make the other person swallow a little bit of saliva. Desire, but do not want to eat.

下来 After Chen Hao came down, he gave a high-five with Gao Hongbo and Chen Gang, took the mobile phone in Gao Hongbo's hand, and greeted the visitors in the live broadcast room.

谢谢 "Thank you, look at the trophy. Okay, everyone."

For personal tickets and income, Chen Hao is very very satisfied. Although he has been broadcasting live until now, although he has experienced annual income, it has greatly increased his income. Even without the annual income, he is satisfied with the income, less than two months. Earned more than 3 million, and now there are still more than 2 million commissions in the background. Every day's income is something he never expected to imagine. He is content, and like this live broadcast, he would not tell the visitors of the live broadcast room. : "Brush your ticket, give me a personal ticket."

He felt that only if he worked hard to broadcast live and produced decent live content, would he be eligible to reach out to everyone for tickets. Deep in my heart, I was also moved by the actions of today's leaves and other people. I had a few flashes of thought, and they were not allowed to brush, and the leaves were brushed over a million. That ’s true gold and silver. He and Mei are not discounted at all. He feels that he can't open his mouth to let them go and ask for a personal ticket. People are very worthy of himself.

After chatting with everyone, after turning off the live broadcast, Chen Hao secretly made a decision. After that, they repaid their tickets for themselves in the year, then they would like to thank them sincerely, keep in mind, and always thank all tourists for their support. , Then they will never open their mouths to control them. Lele Consumption, this is what you like, I still want to say, I will broadcast live and perform well, bring them a good show, love naturally deep in the brush, if you rely on the pit, rely on them to brush, between each other They can only be friends passing by. When they feel tired one day, they will turn around and leave without hesitation.

Although is a streamer, in order to make money, Chen Hao still hopes that he can have a little bottom line, not much, just feel at ease.

The entire awards ceremony did not last too long, more than two hours, and some people left in advance. Chen Hao considered it, and insisted on the end of the awards ceremony, although he really wanted to take advantage of this time to return to the hotel and broadcast live. But I also don't want to be attacked by some people by grabbing the pigtails. Whatever newcomer does not look like a newcomer playing big names, and what to do before the ceremony ends.

When I was about to end ~ ~ Chen Hao sent a message to Ye Zi and agreed to meet in the hotel lobby. He invited all the fans who came today and hoped Ye Zi would bring them all over.

Like a person and treat him as an idol for worship, then it does n’t matter whether he is a newcomer or not. What great achievements will be faced with an idol attitude. I heard that Haozi wants to meet with himself. Fans are very happy. A lot of them came to the hotel where Chen Hao lived. In the cafe on the first floor and a half of the lobby, Chen Hao had already bought coffee and pastries and waited for them.

Gao Hongbo helped to contact for a moment. Tian brother sent a tourist bus from his company. It is because Chen Hao looked at the time and knew that if he wanted to stabilize the live broadcast tonight, I had to wait until the middle of the night. That was not suitable. After a while, I will go to the recording studio to record songs, and I will also record close-up shots of the MV for the MV. After these, I will also feast on a sunny day to help, and now Ye Zi is waiting for someone to come. Even the fans invited, live broadcast for an hour on the mobile phone for the time being, as for how many votes are drawn, maybe the effect of outdoor live broadcast will be better, maybe there will be an unexpected harvest tonight.

"Haozi, I like you so much."

"Hao Zi, you are more handsome."

"Haozi, I'm the manager of your live broadcast room."

"Let's take a picture?"

"Is it OK?"

"Can I record a video?"

When Ye Zi came with more than 20 fans and saw Chen Hao, they all seemed very excited. No one cared about the coffee and pastries, but also forgot that this is a public place. Do n’t make a loud noise, just like the fans of big coffee stars. Like their idols, they were thrilled.

PS: The development of any novel is gradual, please wait and see, the story will be more exciting.

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