Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1310: Nervous

North America, ten thousand screens opened.

Huaxia has almost exclusively released more than 70% of the chipset.

Southeast Asia and the whole of Asia can be regarded as Chen Hao's traditional base camp. Each country is a large-scale arrangement. Not only is the North American blockbusters giving way, all countries are the same. Even if some additional investment and long-term investment are temporarily eliminated In addition, the total investment limit of "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy" is also more than 500 million US dollars, which also determines that its global movie box office must reach more than one billion US dollars in order to rely on box office profits.

Not many people are worried about this. The previous peripheral profit effect has been fully displayed. As long as this film is not the fiasco of Waterloo, such things as losing money will never be discussed in the core area. What everyone cares about is Chen Hao. Whether it will continue to consolidate its throne, will it be the first fiasco in life.

If the global box office does not sell more than one billion yuan, or the overall word of mouth effect is not good enough to form a profit for the investor, it will be a disastrous defeat for Chen Hao.

When there are more successes, failure becomes a kind of sign. Once hanging on you, it is likely to be a turning point in fate. It is the same as the turn of success and fate of perennial failure.

Chen Hao was not in Los Angeles this time, but in New York. This time the world premiere was at 11:00 local time in New York local time, which was about 8 o'clock on the West Coast and about 11 o'clock in the morning in China.

Comprehensively considering that this time period is more in line with everyone's needs. In view of Chen Hao's large number of **** fans, Huaxia, even if it is not a holiday time period, do not have to worry about the situation of open space. Online pre-sale tickets are early. It is already empty, and it is almost impossible to see that there are still seats available in the third-tier cities, including the opening day until 8 or 9 pm.

New York's online pre-sale ticket data is also very beautiful. This time, Chen Hao arranged the day of the premiere event in a way that surprises everyone. All the main creators are mainly familiar faces of the public. You can freely arrange your time and The place and time is best to be the premiere. The place is free to choose. The requirement is that everyone needs to travel and go to the movie theater to watch. Don't worry about being found. The ideal way is to be found, and to use discovery as a kind of on-site welfare feedback activity. , Can also be regarded as an event on the day of the premiere.

It is needless to say that the public figures choose some places to travel, there must be a place for the media to squatting, and they were found to be blocked by media interviews and spectators. In addition to the main creators, there are quite a few celebrity entertainers who are half-enthusiastic and want to see this work. They will also cooperate with this event. Some friends like Chen Hao will definitely be invited. There is a wave of heat. People like Mould and Beyonce have a little relationship with this film. "Wearetheworld" is the theme song of this movie, so that the two parties will have some connection, and go to the premiere movie. It will not be said to be enthusiastic.

In fact, many people are quite resentful that Chen Hao did not give this movie a large-scale premiere. Even some top executives of Red Dot think this is too incredible. Why not hold a large premiere? Ying Li, the stars must be bright, and they are very confident that the star lineup for this premiere will not be worse than several big awards. Why?

Chen Hao doesn't have a strategic vision of a big layout. He just feels that he is too late. Frequently calling resources repeatedly is boring. Think about things that are boring. What about the audience, the guests? What about the media?

Maybe the media has a job to follow. All the staff feel that this is a big event and will be very excited to follow it.

Perhaps guests will feel that this is a big show, will increase their visibility, and will have their place in the crazy heat of the day.

Perhaps the audience will feel that they have a chance to watch star news and can see their favorite star news in a large scale.

But there are limits to this. Chen Hao can't understand people's hearts deeply. He can only judge by his own emotional changes. This time, he feels very uncomfortable, so don't go for it. Good movies are dinner. This time, he I am confident that the movie alone can fill you up, so do not prepare desserts and appetizers for everyone, so that you are truly surrounded by the best food, and just enjoy the best food.

Yin Tianyang also came to New York. The first day he took Chen Hao to a very small meeting place, where he was holding the title of a big star, but no one would treat him as just a star. Entertainers, because people of this status are not well qualified to come to this meeting place, even if they do appear, they are lowly waiters.

With ears and no mouth, Chen Hao always behaves very low-key, and people here will not show up. People will deliberately pull people who hate people who do n’t provoke you. Smile politely and ignorantly. That is, no matter how strong you are, you don't want to fight against an opponent who can at least beat your wrist, even if you can eventually crush him and crush it, the price you have to pay in the middle Definitely not worth it.

In Yin Tianyang's words, this is a faceless behavior. In the future, you will come here to work or film. Some low-level companies have security, mid-high-level or some big names in underground forces will show their faces because of this time. The behavior of the industry, by default, you are qualified as a leader to film and perform some activities here. Otherwise, when your "Biography of Heroes of the Galaxy" is on fire, then you are the biggest luminous body. At that time, you may not know how many people want to ‘see’ you with multiple purposes.

On the day of the premiere, Red Dot Co. contracted a home theater here, and Yin Tianyang was going to entertain some old friends to watch a movie and transform to make a movie. The first work I took out was in my heart thinking that it would be taken out. To share with others, I also want to show off. During this period of time, Lara also watched seven or eight finished clips. It was full of confidence. Before, no one felt that I took the entire team and funds to make such an investment comparison. No way? Now I have to show you what a real burdock is and let you feel the charm of the movie.

There was no premiere and no pick-ups. Chen Hao looked very relaxed today. He left the room for dinner until the afternoon. After communicating with the people in all aspects, he confirmed that there was no problem with the final preparations. He opened a live broadcast to fans around the world in New York, and it was the final publicity for the film.

The time is 8 o'clock in the evening. This time is actually not ideal. Huaxia is 8 am and it is not a holiday. This also makes his live broadcast in the Lele Huaxia database show more than 3 million online people. The number of visitors surpassed Huaxia visitors for the first time in five five live broadcast rooms.

As long as Chen Hao starts the international live broadcast channel, it must be mainly English, supplemented by some other languages. At this time, the audience in Huaxia hopes that you have enough foreign language standards. If it is aimed at Chinese viewers, he will shut down the five-five international live channel signals. Of course, the live broadcast with his family is the language left by our own ancestors. At this time, if there are some foreign audiences, then you must learn Chinese well Already. He didn't dare to think about it, but it actually happened. Because of his personal influence, he encouraged a small number of people at home and abroad to learn languages ​​that he was not familiar with, just to be able to take a good look at his live broadcast. After a long time when there was a summary of data in Chen Hao's hands, he was startled, followed by a little self-ridiculous words: "Is the love war movie with the island nation, is it also for entertainment to promote public learning Outstanding contributors to foreign languages. "

From the moment he started the live broadcast, the rhythm was brought up, all the same words in various languages.

"Already bought a ticket!"

"Support the premiere!"

Although there is no large-scale premiere, there is still a room for film critics. The company invites them. Yin Tianyang will accompany his friends. Chen Hao will watch the film in the screening room where the film critics and the media gather. .

The clothes he broadcasted today are very special. UU reads The red Tang suit, the hair is neatly combed, and the whole man appears to be in order. After seeing this crazy rhythm on the movie screen, he stands up and starts with Thank you for bowing and saluting in the ancient Chinese etiquette. He learned these etiquettes, and a professional scholar once told him that as long as you do it, there will be a certain promotion effect, and some of your **** fans want To understand what you do, it will also promote some Chinese culture.

Modo, occasionally doing this on some occasions, will definitely impress some people, and then attract attention, and do some cultural promotion in a subtle way, which is more important than some so-called cultural promotion ambassadors or cultural promotion activities. It may be even bigger. As a public figure, if you can reach this level, you can be regarded as a real dweller. According to some small-scale understanding, you can really be regarded as a public figure only when you reach this level.

After broadcasting for more than 40 minutes, Chen Hao finally made a wave of publicity in the form of live broadcast. I hope everyone can go to the cinema to watch their new works.

He walked out of the hotel and got on the train to the cinema. He always looked out the window and said that he was not worried that he was full of self-confidence. The nearer the time of the official release, the heartbeat began to speed up, and he was nervous. It began to spread in the body, and finally I will be tested by the market. I am nervous, nervous, I am so nervous, I am nervous, all of you, do n’t be scared by my movie! To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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