Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1347: ‘Good son’

The plane took off smoothly, everyone was relieved secretly, the nerves that had been tense for several days can finally relax.

Zheng Dongkai completed the final mission. The security on the plane was covered by people from inside China. The mission on his side was completed.

On the highway outside the airport, leaning on the car and watching the airplane disappearing in the sky, he took out a carton of cigarettes from the glove box of the car for a long time and lit one.

A car whistled and stopped behind his car. The tall black-faced man Zhou Bin walked to him and frowned when he smelled the smoke: "Lao Zheng, you can still maintain your physical fitness for several years, smoke Don't touch this thing. "As he said, he dragged his cigarette down and threw it on the ground.

Zheng Dongkai disagreed, and sighed: "Lao Zhou, this time you and I are all blindfolded, this one is really not an ordinary person."

Zhou Bin nodded afterwards: "I admit that I am a bit preconceived. I didn't expect this to really cause trouble."

Zheng Dongkai glanced at him, knowing that he hadn't thought of the real meaning behind this event: "Lao Zhou, this time the event was successful, the unprecedented success, how much influence, you can just look at the international news."

Zhou Bin pouted his lips: "Do n’t think I do n’t understand, I just do n’t bother to understand it, it ’s nice here, I do n’t like it when I go back to it. I do n’t think I do n’t know this time is a rare ascent, I ’m not rare.”

Zheng Dongkai smiled and took out cigarettes. This time, Zhou Bin ordered one: "Yeah, we are not rare."

Zhou Bin also laughed. Yeah, even if this is an excellent accumulation of capital, if there are a few more stars for their shoulders, then the two of them will not come here to team up.

"By the way, I won't know if there is still a chance to be a returnee. We can't meet the big stars." Zheng Dongkai opened the trunk and two boxes of authentic Yanjing Erguotou: "Chen Hao gave us one's gift."

Zhou Bin looked at the two boxes of wine: "This gift is an appetite for us. When I return home, I will definitely come home and apologize. If I can't go back, it doesn't matter if he arrives and collects two boxes of wine. If you have a chance in the future, you can ask me more bottles. "


Chen Hao on the plane looked at the cloud scenery outside the window. After a long time, he turned around like a murmur and looked at Qiu Yu who always looked at himself: "After returning, find some channels and give them here every three months. Find a way to get a few boxes of wine and specialty Chinese snacks. "

Qiu Yu nodded, and entered the matter into the mobile memo. He didn't know why, but only knew that he wanted to execute the boss's order.

Kang Yan and Chen Gang knew that some people from their own security company worked very hard. These people were almost all veterans. Compared with those who received special training, they were like Zheng Dongkai and others. It wasn't Chen Hao who was protecting it, but the paste on their chests, with a red bottom and five bling stars.

From yesterday to the scene to the moment when they were escorted directly to the plane, these people, regardless of whether they approved it, were really well prepared. If something goes wrong, their body will become Chen Hao's first barrier and an indestructible barrier.

As long as you represent the country, as long as what you do is righteous, and as long as you need us, then we are willing to block bullets for you, even if you do not know my name, even if you have never said a word to me.

Chen Hao opened a piece of paper in his pocket and handed it to Qiuyu: "To select specialty snacks or something according to the native place above, the purest Erguotou can be the wine."

Zheng Dongkai, Hebei.

Wang Jinbao, Shanxi.

Dong Wenliang, Heilongjiang.

Ma Haitao, Yunnan.

A series of names, a series of hometowns, Qiu Yu was shocked, his eyes were full of horror. He didn't know the boss did it. He knew the total number of names in it. He was stationed by Chen Hao these days. Peacekeeping-and-soldiers of the army.

People in the security company can go back and issue awards for appreciation and salary increase. This is a housework and can be done at any time.

Local troops, Chen Hao all the proceeds of this concert are used for public welfare, they are also beneficiaries.

The joint security teams from multiple European and American countries, the behavior driven by interests, does not matter the return of private behavior.

Only this group of people who have paid the most, they are the most unfriendly and unfriendly, and even make the protected person uncomfortable during the execution of the task. Chen Hao always obeys the correct orders of the other party. I haven't caused any trouble for a few days. When I left, this thank you was from my heart. I gave the supplies once every three or two months, and the money I spent was not a problem. The door-to-door relationship was not a problem. The thing that matters is this mind.

It will make Zhou Bin, who is most uncomfortable, willing to one day once he is glorified, he can long for Chen Hao to worship his own mind.


Around the world, almost all national media reported this in the most mainstream news programs. Chen Hao sang out for peace in the theater. After the concert, officials from many countries declared peace and entered the family of the earth. In the call for peace, let more people participate in this, and let more people resent the war for peace.

Huaxia reported on the news for two consecutive nights.

The news webcast of the day did not start because of jet lag, but an exclusive interview from the reporter from Chaotingtai went to the news for three minutes. During Chen Hao ’s answer to the question, there were close-ups, and the picture at this time was inserted into the courtroom as usual. The scene taken by the reporter.

The news webcast on the second day specially edited a three-minute concert album, which also included the reactions of college students in several major cities in China, a big star who went out of China, and his appeal was in China. With the fastest speed and widest coverage in the range, countless people responded. Compared to the past ten thousand empty lanes in the entertainment level, this time there was an absolutely positive energy ten thousand empty lanes. The name Chen Hao together with his entire person, Once again into the supremacy with an excellent good image.

In the past two nights, Jing Tianlin and the others all went home on time. Usually they had to eat at home and they all suffered. Today, they sat there eating with confidence, facing some questions from the elders. They also lack the fear of the cats in the past, and they are not humble or humble. They have the confidence of some successful people.

Such families, even if their elders are not at home, must be a channel for all families at 7 o'clock this time. This thirty-minute program is particularly important and is a kind of information reception.

According to the elders, when these monkeys are still stable? Watching newscasts with the elderly, many families can only imagine the picture.

Today, I lifted my spirits and sat in front of the TV, gave my father a cigarette or a cup of tea, and ate fruits cut by my mother. I never felt that the sofa was so comfortable at home. I think the knife is piercing myself.

I do n’t feel that way today, and I ’m sitting solid. I used to take a look. The old man did n’t speak right. He immediately ran away under the cover of his mother. When he was young, he ran into his room and closed the door. When I grow up, I leave the house and go chic outside.

When can we raise our eyebrows like this?

They are not muddy people, knowing that thanksgiving is all about Chen Hao's credit, that is to make these people work hard for you, but whoever says that there is no credit for Chen Hao, they will work hard for you.

Jing Tianlin poured a cup of tea for his father, and the secretary sat beside him. The driver waited at the door. The father would leave after forty minutes. As long as it is not very important and urgent work, this half an hour will be squeezed out. If you do n’t look at it for a day, you will feel that the news is mostly blocked. Do n’t look at it. It ’s for the people of the whole country. Some of the information contained in it is just benevolent seeing benevolent seeing wisdom.

"Dad, come one." Jing Tianlin glanced at the direction of the kitchen, his mother was still cutting fruit, he took the opportunity to light a cigarette for his father, the old man hummed, and a secretary was sitting beside him, but his eyes narrowed. Just a moment, Jing Tianlin immediately gave the information back to the old man. It's okay. I have it.

I ordered one for the old man, and one for himself. At this time, the mother came over holding a fruit plate, but frowned and gave her son a glance, and clicked with his fingers, kid.

"Small chapter, come and eat fruit."

"Thank you, Aunt." The secretary inserted a piece of fruit in his mouth with a toothpick, and it didn't seem natural to eat ~ ~ nor did he go to insert another piece, so that he was still in this home. The state of invisibility, don't affect the happiness of others. In the past two years, the chief has not lost his temper at home once. In private and in some public places, he mentioned Jingtian Lin, and there is no lack of pride and pride.

This boy, Jing Tianlin, is really thriving now. If you don't enter the door, you are already a well-known figure in the door. If you have an idea in the future, you may sit high when you get started.

"Okay, don't hesitate. I read yesterday's news. Chen Yong's child also called me. I had the opportunity to meet his parents. Thank you in person for raising a good son for the country."


Secretary Zhang Zhang took a breath of cold air aside, and the nerves in the corner of the eye twitched unconsciously for a moment. The director's comment ...

Jing Tianlin also took a moment to relax, with a touch of indifferent smile: "Inadvertently willow, intentionally inserted willow, people who know contentment are always happy, I did not expect that this boy ’s spiritual world is still so powerful, It was good luck to make such a good friend who was not a good friend. "

"Well, get along as a good friend."

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