Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1350: ‘Unification 1’

Tian Ge returned overnight, and the first thing after the plane landed was to let his girlfriend who knows scoring and enjoying blessings call Gong Yufeng.

They were not at home, and both of them met directly at the airport.

The comfortable business car is driving on the highway of the airport, the weather is getting colder, and the temperature of the air conditioner in the car is moderate, which is the temperature that Tiange likes on weekdays, but it seems a bit unusually cold in the car today.

Zhao Yier, can add a child's voice after the name Zhao Yi on her ID card, this woman's thinking can be seen how unique. The beautiful figure is definitely the standard. Dressing and dressing also has its own unique taste. It is a random anchor who once signed a contract with the happy age.

These messages give people the feeling that they are one step ahead and directly become the boss lady. However, I do not know that Zhao Yier's family conditions are very good, not to mention the spoiled breeding is similar. When the anchor just likes a stage with such a small show, he is happy to broadcast it occasionally, without any intention to make a living.

Many people are wondering why Brother Tian finds a female anchor, and it ’s okay to play. In their circle, they feel that this kind of thing is a bit unreliable. Even if you like it, the other person just spends money to support it. Really announced her identity as a girlfriend. At some occasions, did you bring it out? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the insiders?

Bian Zhonghai first met Zhao Yier in reality, and the evaluation was very pertinent: "Tiange already has a self-supporting portal, and he is not too restrained at home. If I were him, I would find such a girl Well, life, after all, make yourself comfortable. "


These four prefixes are enough to make Zhao Yier in the impression that the girl can be reached by hand. Although there is no great wisdom and no atmospheric field, there is less background, but it is not intimidating in all aspects. ,not bad.

Being sensible, the most important thing is to understand how to grasp the temper of Tiange, willing to put the focus of life on him, to be a gentleman around a man who can be tired after working hard outside and return home. When you're busy, setting her aside she won't bother, and there won't be any behaviors that worry you.

Such women, with their good looks and stature, no longer have to marry or be in love with earth-shattering love, are definitely the first choice, and they are still the most favorite type of people like them.

I did n’t want to compete with anyone. When I found you, you also frankly acknowledged that material life is what I am pursuing, and I have been rich since I was a child. Now that I have found a man, I should still enjoy, and this is what I can feed back as a woman Your spiritual achievement.

Men make money outside, you also earn more energy, go home to face the happy life created by women, you also enjoy the peace of mind, if the perfect woman is in your house, people like Tian Ge will still think you are No other plot to me.

Sitting in the car at this moment, she said nothing. She did not choose to sit in the rear position to give up the space completely. Instead, she chose to sit in the temporary seat behind the driver's seat. Tian Ge and Gong Yufeng, who was diagonally opposite, poured a glass of wine, then sat and fiddled with their mobile phones.

Many women can do this, but a few people just received the phone without asking why, and ran to the cousin's high-level apartment directly for the first time, pulling him who was already resentful to him The airport came to pick up people. Behind these things, it was clear that this woman was valuable, sensible and capable of doing things.

"Resentment? Hate?" Tiange took a sip of wine, Gong Yufeng said nothing.

"Either you resent it or hate it, just bury it in your heart. Do n’t think about taking it out. The thing in your hand is worthless and ca n’t hurt your muscles. Do n’t think about your contribution to the company, do n’t even think about it. I have a relationship with Yier, let alone feel sorry for you. What you do for the company, the company also gives you the corresponding full compensation, compared to the jobs you can find in the world's top 500 companies, whether it is a job And income, neither the company nor I personally owe you. If you have to ask for a reason, I can give you, in this company, you can focus on me, but for any reason, you ca n’t defeat me, you What you have done is no longer overkill. For a few hours, can you believe that at least ten companies are now trying to reach him and let them think that we have a gap ... "

"Hehe, telling you what to do, seeing you and telling you these words, is not to persuade you to dispel some thoughts that you should not have, but to be a goodwill of your relatives. If you insist, face your butcher knife. I may not have the chance to stand up. Finally, I would like to say, do n’t feel that you are a returnee. You do n’t care about China ’s national conditions. Believe it or not, if you leave Huaxia now, it ’s just because of what you do today that many people are willing to use it. You step to the end to make a knocker, just to have a chance to say a word to Hao Zi. "

Zhao Yi'er looked up, looked at Gong Yufeng, and made a supplement. At this time, there is a third party, which will resolve a little embarrassment. Gong Yufeng was not afraid that it was stupid, and immediately expressed fear and felt lost face, there was a voice Making a buffer in a timely manner is considered to give him a best step.

"I'm not good about things, but people must not be able to mess with me, brother, don't try to do things stupidly."

Gong Yufeng didn't say a word, calmly said nothing, Tiange instructed the driver: "Send him home."

Gong Yufeng looked up at him and still didn't speak. This was considered to be the last respect for each other. As for the matter of handling the resignation procedures, there is no need to talk here.

At the place, the car stopped, the door opened, and Gong Yufeng got off.

Three people, none of them spoke, and the reason Zhao Yier, who should speak best, was silent because she knew exactly what she wanted and what she could do. If she could change the decision of the man around her, maybe I will try to avoid my cousin's brother resentment in himself, so that the extended family spreads a reputation for being indifferent. But he can't do much by himself, so he can only say nothing.

Without a word all the way, before going to bed at night, Tiange said, "Call me early tomorrow morning, and I'll have breakfast with Haozi."

Zhao Yi'er hesitated: "Will I go with you?"

Tenge's body was tense and straightened, and he looked at her with open eyes: "Don't you hold back?"

Zhao Yier wasn't afraid, and sighed, "I'm going to do something, right?"

Brother Tian took a look at her, didn't talk anymore, lay down to rest, and took you to force Haozi to make a choice? Make him think he's giving me face? Women are smart and good, not so smart and better.


Chen Hao woke up here, it was an ordinary night for him, and for some people it was a big turn in life.

Brother Tian called him early in the morning, and the breakfast shop in the residential area where he lived was only open to the inside. The type of meals and good service here, even if half of the people in the community frequented every day Losing money, just like property services, is here to lose money. It is nothing more than a brand, a real strategic brand for ten or twenty years or even a real estate developer for fifty years.

Chen Hao ’s neighbors here have a lot of acquaintances. People living here are in the community and some community service facilities. When they see stars or celebrities are normal, they are losing money to run a quality breakfast shop. They have been busy recently. Maybe there are not many people who come down to eat, but there are many people who call to order food and deliver to the home. Good things never need to worry about the lack of a market.

"Mr. Chen, Mrs. Chen, good morning."

Mr. Chen ’s title, Mrs. Chen, was a little embarrassed at first. I felt that the supporting services of the entire community were very thoughtful after a long time. This is a respect for the owners. For a long time, I like to listen. The two would just come down for breakfast at home in the morning.

In the community, barely letting the two enjoy a kind of randomness that is not a public figure, which is why more and more people in this community come to live.

"Come here and I can hardly afford it so early."

Brother Tian arrived a few minutes early and had already ordered meals.

"Brother, what is your sister-in-law?" Xiaodi followed Chen Hao by the same name.

"She, tell me that you can't get up early to maintain your skin, and sleep more, regardless of her."

Yesterday's thing, as if it did not happen, others came, it is already the best answer, while chatting and eating, Tian Ge also chose a house in this community, he plans to buy a set of high-rise.

Finally, I talked about the next itinerary, and learned that Chen Hao had the idea to take part in the show. Tiange also laughed and said that he has to take a turn recently. Maybe there is a good book. When he returns, he will take a picture. It also makes domestic fans happy.

After a meal ~ ~ Chen Hao and Xiaodi continued to rest to relieve the mental and physical fatigue of this period of time. Tian Ge went directly to the company and quickly let people follow the palace in a state of complete disbelief. Yu Feng had completed the resignation procedures, and the vice president who had just emerged in the company quietly left.

From the top to the bottom, it didn't take long to 'unify the understanding'. Mario arrived yesterday. In the afternoon, Director Gao asked security to be kicked away. Yesterday, they were received by the vice president of the palace. Today the vice president of the palace has resigned.

Chen Hao was planning to hold a company-wide mid-to-high-level meeting in the afternoon. Chen Hao was called to play tennis at noon.

After converging with Zhao Yier, the girl behaved very calmly. As usual, it seemed that nothing happened yesterday. She didn't deliberately pretend to be calm. She really figured it out. After getting on the bus, she said something to Tian Ge Words: "The relationship between you is really good."

The elder brother wants to hold a conference to continue his prestige and establish a conviction for everyone-in this company, no one should disobey Mr. Chen, or he will never be polite.

When the brother got the news, he immediately stopped the elder brother. There was no need to give himself a prestige, so that the whole company had doubts about who was the big and small king. There was only one real big boss in the happy age, not my shareholder. A vice president fired is enough.

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