Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1354: 拎 得 清

"XX clothing brand and Chen Hao sign another two years of cooperation endorsement!"

"XX company and Chen Hao continue to lead."

"The first lottery endorsement of Patek Philippe."

"Lele Duan Chun Duan went to the United States to meet with Chen Hao and re-sign the contract. The content of the contract is unknown."

A series of news was thrown out. The audience was quite wide, but the explosion effect was not. Everyone was used to it. What was more interesting was the amount of money behind the signing. Coca-Cola kept silent about it, but all kinds of gossips flew up. It is said that they are enthusiastic, and they do not deny that the expensive endorsement fee can make people secretly talk about it. Drinking and chatting is also a small topic.

To be a bit practical, it is Patek Philippe. Such a brand that never does celebrity endorsement advertising directly allows the entire luxury brand, especially the watch brand endorsement ceiling, to no longer be the Rolex level and rise directly to the top. . I was dissatisfied with some brands of the same level before. I think Patek Philippe has lost our tradition.

Patek Philippe's response was very simple. The good advertising videos were taken directly and the strategy of the entire advertising film was discussed with the TV station, so it would not matter how much money I gave you, but cooperation between us. In the portals of countries all over the world, that is basically free cooperation. Even if I do n’t advertise, will the news media not report it? We are mutually beneficial.

The color of the advertisement is slightly yellow with the setting sun. The entire advertising film is this color, very noble style of the old Europe. Even Chen Hao initially questioned whether he could make such an advertising film. After entering the role, neither his pride nor self-confidence allowed him to feel incompetent.

After becoming a partner with the old noble Count Count Bridge Leicester, Chen Hao was more confident in making this advertising video. First, he learned from Bridge and then let the old housekeeper adjust all his etiquette scrupulously. At first, it was a young model worn by a young aristocratic teenager, and then a mature model of the aristocratic master. Two styles, the latter, in addition to the Chen Hao top hat dress, had to be adorned with delicately trimmed beards. It can be controlled, and what makes all the shooting teams amazing is their own things.

Bridge took out a classic car from his family and brought it to Chen Hao. He also specially brought the housekeeper to the scene. From the driver to the housekeeper, he took the classic car with him, and when it appeared on the scene, he would calm down the whole hall. Already.

Stopping from the car, the driver came out, the housekeeper came out, and how to arrange for the master sitting behind to get off. The whole series of processes is definitely the oldest orthodox aristocratic etiquette in Europe. Even the etiquette teacher invited by the shooting team must be ashamed. There is a gap.

As an actor, a film actor who has made achievements in major movie performance awards in the world. After you get all the support you deserve, and after you learn the knowledge, you ca n’t perform as it should. The responsibility lies with you.

Chen Hao completed the shooting of this advertising video perfectly, and also completed some photo shooting. After the signing of the contract was officially released, the advertising video was officially released, and various new customized products were also launched. If in the past, in the European advertising strategies of some old luxury brands, you can hardly see any Orientals, even Hollywood actors from non-European countries are rarely seen, and now a brand like Patek Philippe suddenly appears After a comprehensive spokesperson, or a Chinese with yellow skin, black eyes and black hair, when the poster came out, it was still a bit uncomfortable. After watching the supporting advertising video, you will feel that Chen Hao must have Europe on his body. The aristocratic pedigree, otherwise it is impossible to perform so well by acting alone.

Fame is enough, no one says he doesn't know him, even if those who have always dismissed the entertainment stars, after the addition of the two prizes of the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Peace Prize, after his appeal for the charity concert of the Global Village of Peace, Even some stereotyped old guys know who he is.

As the new spokesperson for Patek Philippe, the brand never thought of becoming a popular brand, because of the young people in the world who like Chen Hao Aiwu and Wu willing to buy a piece of Patek Philippe as support.

Any brand needs an orderly rejuvenation, so that the times can continue to give them space to survive, instead of simply observing the rules and not understanding changes, the road can only become narrower and narrower.

I have been criticized for losing the brand ’s tradition, but in return, the annual order volume has increased by nearly ten times compared with the previous year. At the same time, more people know. In addition to what gold Rolex and the like, there are even more High-end watches, just a simple watch with a belt, will sell for about 200,000. Fake watch manufacturers of this brand have not been attached to this brand for a long time. Large-scale production has become a kind of The trend is to make everyone laugh and cry.

In addition to Patek Philippe, the mysterious contract in Lele is also talked about by everyone. The media and the people are discussing in their own ways. In the Galaxy headquarters, people who are filming together are also curious. Every time I see Chen Hao There is an uncontrollable idea. I want to ask: "Mr. Chen, what kind of benefit does Lele give you, is it the share passed by everyone?"

After thinking about it, no one asked, it was more embarrassing.

What's more, Chen Hao, who is quite light-loaded, returned to the headquarters of Galaxy, and the first project he launched was audition, about the casting audition for the first actress of the three-body actress, Ye Wenjie.

At the same time, a hill in the northwest of China ’s Lost City was circled, and some constructions were underway, and soon news spread. "Three Body" filmed Ye Wenjie's scene decades ago, especially in the work area. , All will be filmed in this area, and in addition to the filming here, the observation station will also 'use waste', build a real planetarium, and at the foot of the mountain, the county town in the 1950s and 1960s will be built. In order to use it for future genre dramas, all the buildings inside are not simple appearances, but real houses. This small town will also become a service area in the scenic area on the back of the lost city.

As soon as the news came out, people with good eyes could see it clearly. The price of this land instantly rose. The Lost City is a successful artificial scenic spot. Its potential value has not been fully developed yet. Look at Mr. Chen. Meaning, in the future, I want to create a large area of ​​artificial attractions and filming locations near the capital.

In the United States, Yin Tianyang appeared in front of Chen Hao with a look of resentment, which made him cried and laughed. When will Mr. Yin have such an expression, seeing that the other party is willing to put down his proud side in front of him, he also I did n’t carry it, and I directly stated my true thoughts: "The Galaxy Headquarters will continue. We are building a science fiction castle, and we are going to follow the Disney model. I will build a cluster in China, and it will not be infinitely replicated. On this one, the two are not in conflict. I hope that it is a four-season shooting venue in the desert yellow sand and jungle mountains. It will also allow all visitors to truly feel the step by step, supplemented by the natural landscape. Jing, not the dense pavilions of Hengdian. "

Yin Tianyang did not continue to ask anything about this issue, and Chen Hao explained that he also guessed. He was more concerned about the various projects of the Galaxy Headquarters. Although Chen Hao was only responsible for filming, he had so many good ideas and wanted to do it. The second Disney project that opened the playground all over the world, Yin Tianyang hoped that Chen Hao could help him develop more ideas.

"Take the road to the lost city, otherwise you wo n’t be able to catch up with Disney in the short term anyway. They have so many classic images and stories, we will do our own high-quality and high-quality services, and then limit the reception, so that it will not be lost City only receives a few thousand people every day, and it also needs to control the number. It must not make money in the early stage, and even lose money. It depends on the partner you are looking for. Do you have the courage to move forward with you?

Chen Hao didn't hide it, but also paid attention to control himself, and swallowed what he wanted to say later: "It depends on you being reluctant to give more future benefits to the partners, so that the condition of benefits will be in the future. Within ten years, behind the brand effect. "

This is his confidence after successfully losing the city. He also knows that it is easier to say than to do. At the beginning, in the lost city, the big cake was to be divided before it was done, so the feeling was not deep. If you see that there is such a big piece of cake there, you may not really have the pride to divide it. Even if you know in your heart that it is definitely not good, there will still be chances. Even if there is only one point, it will be treated very much. .

Yin Tianyang nodded and didn't speak any more, which almost coincided with what he thought. Obtaining a sentence from Chen Hao can only say that he was determined to do it.

"One more thing ..." Yin Tianyang hesitated for a rare moment.

The two sides knew well that Chen Hao calmly said, "I never thought that someone could use your strength to you?"

Yin Tianyang smiled ~ ~ Waving his hand to forget it, it really turned himself into a dilemma Chen Hao.

Chen Hao is still indifferent: "If you do n’t consider age, you only consider temperament, image, and acting skills. Except for Gong Li, you do n’t want to be a second person. I hope you can take a look again. After all, the only thing in the world that ca n’t completely The cover-up is actually age. Ye Wenjie in her young age, Sister Gong Li has absolutely no way to act. "

Yin Tianyang smiled again: "Your boy, you are still playing mystery with me. I am not as unbearable as you think. I am too old and inappropriate. I am too young to play Ye Wenjie, a retired professor at home.

拎 得 清.

This is the deepest impression of each other.

From this day, apart from public activities, Yin Tianyang did not enter the Galaxy Headquarters.

Red dot, he has the best trader professional manager, he doesn't need to care.

Galaxy Headquarters, Red Dot's most important shooting project, he has Chen Hao and still doesn't need to manage it.

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