Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1379: actor

? Night, very calm.

If you use a word or a character to describe sunny days, it seems that only the word chic can describe seven or ten out of ten.

If the image of a movie character is used, it does not involve any research evidence. Perhaps Lin Qingxia's version of the East is undefeated, regardless of who the character is, and only looks at the performance of the performance. The picture in the entrance with the jug is absolutely chic. The absolute smile and pride of the whole river and lake is more problematic than the Linghu Chong played by Jet Li.

When the anchor did not sink for a few years, the human experience was almost the same, and it was more difficult to mix on the Internet platform. The ones that could be mixed were half-personal. Xiaodi did not hide his behavior, but it was sunny. More respect for opponents who are not opponents.

Among women, most of them use small-belly chicken intestines and snoring, and a few of them are rather stubborn and tough as iron. They are not smart people, nor wise. Really wise women will face your opponents with a true attitude. You have to believe that you are good enough to find a good man. If such a good man can fall in love with another woman, do n’t doubt that he is not good enough. You can say that a man is scum, but it is necessary to respect your opponent. Outstanding woman.

Did Xiaodi really not know the existence of cigarettes and alcohol?

Even if such a woman is so beautiful, she definitely won't let her have a sense of crisis. On a sunny day, after seeing a few times, Xiao Di didn't actually worry about being a threat. That's not a woman who can live with Chen Hao. She just has to prove to the other side that I am, I will defend what belongs to me, no matter who the opponent is, no matter how strong the opponent is, no matter whether there is an innate advantage, I am here waiting for now there will be no more opponents in the future .

This evening, sunny day accompanied Ke Er drinking, betting not only Chen Hao will not show up, Xiao Di will not show up, if they come and say something, it is not them, it is not worthy of their opponents.

This night, Xiao Di lay in Chen Hao's arms, and the two looked at the bright moonlight outside the window. No one said anything. Everything was silent, there was no guilt or commitment; there was no persecution. There are no guarantees.

Life goes on.

The really powerful woman is to defeat yourself, not the man around you and the woman opposite. You have to defeat the unconfident self, tell yourself that you can make this man forget the whole world in your way, the person who is always holding hands, is you.

"In the evening, I invite you to drink."


The next morning everyone was going to visit the filming. Although everyone was not squinting, they all observed Xiaodi and Sunny in the dark. They did not meet each other with a smile like a spring breeze, and they did not have lightning flashes and thunders. They were calm and they were neither Concealing the appreciation in the eyes, this dish is undoubtedly the best, and this toast is particularly delicious.

Qian Er lowered her head and said nothing. She knew that her thoughts could only be put in her heart forever. If she could let them go, it might be the happiest thing in her life. However, if you do n’t want to admit it, you must admit it. I am just a layman, and I have no courage and strength to fight.

But the child secretly clenched her fist. She didn't want to admit defeat, but she also admits defeat at this moment. If the person he is holding now is himself, can she be what she is today? Would the really powerful woman, such as the Empress Dowager, accept it? Even if they are extremely loved, at least they are like this now.

"Do I allow you two to drink alone?"

It ’s already the perfect way to deal with it. Men present are still envious of Chen Hao. You do n’t need to worry about it. Your woman will handle it for you. In the future, even if it ’s a bit sneaky, it will be treated as invisible at most. You What's more, being a man like you is already the happiest.

Xiao Yuyu clutched Monmichi's waist with a little bit of fat, and whispered next to him: "Envy? Yes, as long as you can do half of Master, I will open one eye and close one eye."

Everyone thinks Mr. Chen are you crazy? Obviously, it's already great. You have to go in and take a sip, don't you be afraid to mess it up.

Chen Hao would like to tell these people whether you are stupid. The charm of a woman like Sunny is killing men and women. If these two guys come together, he would even dare to think about something else, even if there are some other things. Chances are that he will not allow himself to lose his dominance.

On a sunny day, with a smile, he waved his hands smartly, climbed to the one-meter-high iron pipe railing on the side of the road, and stretched out his hand to raise Ker to help her find a little balance. She walked on it like a tightrope. Her scenery , Always different from others.

Xiao Di didn't care about throwing dog food, holding Chen Hao's arm, and put it in his ear and said, "Well, Mr. Chen also has some times when he is not confident. No wonder there are so many beautiful women in the circle. It ’s messy. Instead, I have such a good-looking confidant, and I wo n’t be interested in others. "

Chen Hao would not say that at this time he must remain weak and let one eye open and one eye closed become an established fact. That is not his character. Even if he is ashamed, the state of being still exists: "I tell You, stay away from her, if you dare to do something, be careful I turn the whole circle into my own back garden. "

Xiaodi pouts, the two are intimate, and no one else can see what they are talking about.

"Okay, look at the hostess of my family, how to manage the entire back garden."

Chen Hao touched her head and didn't speak again. Xiaodi's angry words were not directed at the back garden, but at her own attitude that she would definitely be distorted by the other party. She is also proud and unconvinced. I ca n’t win and she can accept it, but to lose to her is impossible.


This is an interesting contest, everyone is forbearing curiosity watching secretly, a lot of interest and curiosity, and are looking forward to the evening tonight, what kind of state these two will be.

Curiosity was temporarily suppressed by a greater shock. All the anchors who came to visit had no brain capacity to accommodate curiosity about Chen Hao's personal feelings.

A large reception to console front-line soldiers in a play.

The Galaxy Headquarters has never lacked any site. It is now built and can be used or visited in the future. Nuoda's places are constantly being built. Various types of sites are not fake buildings built in one block, all are real real buildings. .

A large banquet hall is not even a problem. It has a full sense of technology. Many red dot employees feel that after a few years of annual meetings, they don't need to go outside to open it. They can be on our own site. Small Everyone in the gym performed a show, then came to this banquet hall for dinner, drinking, chatting and making small games.

The group performances of various dresses and dresses must not only conform to the temperament of the play in the costumes, but also incorporate the roles of the current environment in the hairstyle and personal state.

It is either a celebrity, some civilian staff in the military department, or some politicians, or a member of the General Staff specially composed of a group of personnel from the Federation and the Empire at the Earth headquarters. .

This group of anchors from Laocai are stupid. The first reaction after they came in was that a Western-style banquet was really being held here, and it was still an elite class banquet until they saw the crew and various equipment around them. It took me a moment to think of it. This is a play, but it is actually a group play that focuses on a small group of three or five people.

The whole big scene just creates an atmosphere and tells the audience what happened here. Then in this big scene, some collisions between actors, such as such a banquet, the front commander Xiao Lizi came and felt it was unnecessary; The captain of the battle team came and thought it was a waste of time for the show. These two diametrically opposed people, when many ideas began to coincide, only to be surprised to find that, in fact, the two people are the same type of person, in addition to the two of them, there are many people acting, such as the genetic warrior Christine In this environment, her coldness attracted some people ...

The whole scene will have a very high plot, but it is for a very small number of actors. For these group performances, it may be just a flash of several long shots, or it may only be the distance in the shooting process. The angle problem, for example, when shooting Chen Hao, the entire picture must not be filled by him. Someone will enter the lens at the near end and far end. This is not set by the script. It depends on the scene. What does it look like?

This group of anchors from Huaxia have also participated in some film and television dramas, and they all know what is happening on the set, but they are the first time to see such a set. The group dramas I saw in Huaxia were all deputy directors, on-site drama crews, and staff members. They gave lectures to mass actors, then distributed clothes, and told them how to cooperate. This was always an error, and the group performance requirements were not high. You just need to act your part, you do n’t need to think about anything else, and you wo n’t get your face ~ ~ You do n’t have any lines either, just die when you die, or go to the queue Don't go wrong at the right time. You just create a scene. It is impossible to expect you to have a high level of artistic attainment. It is excellent not to make mistakes.

The last two years have been better. The China Film and Television Promotion Association has a live website. Some people with actor dreams or students who have not graduated from professional colleges have begun to have more opportunities, not just groups. With a wave of hands, a large group of people followed the car and went to the group performance as if they were doing work.

But this change is far from here. The scene was very quiet. The deputy director waved and motioned everyone to come again. It didn't matter whether the machine was turned on or not. You suddenly feel that this is a banquet scene. Everyone enters the performance in their own roles. State, no one sets the four people chatting in the corner to be two couples, and no one sets an elderly gentleman to pursue a middle-aged woman ...

When you look at the past, all the group performances throughout the scene are immersed in their own roles.

Yes, characters, whether they can be photographed or not, they position themselves as actors.

It's not a group performance that matches the set, just wears clothes to make up the number.

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