Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 142: Alien Chen 2

Chen Hao did not stay in Fengtian and drove home. Initially I wanted to make a video in Sanya, consult with Zhong Zhonghai and integrate the actual situation, then decided to shoot in Modu around the end of the annual awards. He has already contacted a good enough team there to build a front line for Chen Hao. Singer-level music videos.

Just arrived home, took a shower, sat for half an hour in the posture of Chen Gang, ate a meal with his parents, and watched the time, it was close to six o'clock, in the case of conditional live broadcast, he did not want to be right Any live broadcast with a lazy and overwhelming mind, a little bit of similar signs immediately strangled in the cradle.

I got the best newcomer, live broadcast in Sanya for a few days, it was fun and interesting, there were many gimmick topics, but after all, it was not his normal live broadcast status, but also relaxed and enjoyed, eating, drinking, and living there. It ’s exactly what he has n’t enjoyed in his life. At first, he was full of curiosity and “killing” combat power for big lobsters and crabs. After two meals, some other foods began to enter their sight. It turned out that this world There are so many delicious foods on board, too many and too many things we have n’t seen before. Shallow knowledge and life experience have determined that in front of these foods, Chen Hao can only transform into a primary school student in Huangzhonghai and Yezi Your teaching goes on to see and learn to experience more things.

In front of Wu Zhonghai and others, Hao Zi is very real, he does n’t understand it, he does n’t understand it, and the attitude of learning is also modest. The real cuteness ca n’t be performed anyway. After a few days of exposure, Chen Hao ’s impression in their hearts is not It's getting worse, it's better, which is almost contrary to the regular phenomenon of net celebrities and local tyrants.

On the Internet, there is little contact, and there is no intersection with life. What you see is basically the very good side of others. When you really come into contact with reality, whether it is your behavior or your speaking attitude, you will Something that is not good enough, or even annoying, is exposed inadvertently, which makes the impression of others close to you. Most of Chen Hao's truth comes from his self-confidence, and most of his self-confidence comes from the perfect anchor system.

I can succeed in an image that everyone likes me and feel comfortable with, so why do I have to be in a state that I hate others?

It ’s still a familiar DJ version of "Is Not Your Most Loved Person" as the opening song, and it has returned to the rhythm of live broadcast in the past. Chen Hao is very excited. The whole person is in a very good state. No canvassing, no annual. The current rhythm is all your own, and you can play whatever you want. The only goal is to make all the audience happy.

"HWLLO, hi everyone, I'm finally back, I will broadcast live for a few days, then go to Yanjing, then go to Modu to receive the award."

"Next, a star version of" Yanjing Welcomes You "is sent to all friends who entered the live broadcast room of Hao Zi. Please rest assured that you will give me your own hours, and I will bring you happiness and let you enjoy this Night. "

好 "Well, friends, a string of English skewers, I hope you enjoy it."

"I'll connect with Jiang Meiyan, don't go to her first, you have an idea, how to play today, you can not easily let go of her, we will set a rule in the live broadcast, even the female anchor, must torture to collapse, for you all Happily, I would rather be killed by them when I meet in reality. "

"Come on, Mei Yan, let's both dance together, that's it, what else do you hold, you see me."

In the live broadcast room, Chen Hao is like a crazy dog. In front of the video, he swings his body crazyly. That is a dance to throw off all the fat on his body. No, it is not a dance at all. It is a kind of dance. Let all audiences and tourists make a hilarious and funny show more accurate. Obviously, he can have some rhythmic movements, regardless of it, even crazy than the madness of music, and treat himself completely as an idol. Jiang Meiyan is completely After losing the song, Came said directly, "Brother, you are an idol."

Chen Hao said in disapproval: "Yeah, I am a temperament idol. Don't always make me ugly in the future. Okay, let the idol come to you for a" Hometown ". Look at it and reflect on yourself. I This idol has made you look like torture. "

"The setting sun shines on my face again ..."

The singing is all right, and the guitar is also a thumbs up, but the serious and solemn expression makes people unable to bear it. Jiang Meiyan, who made a video with Mai, can't help being the first one She smiled and lowered her head, beating the desktop with her hands. She took the lead, and all the reactions were in the broadcast room. Many people were laughing while typing, haha, or they were expressing affection. Live, really can't hold it anymore, and then laughed out.

His live broadcast has never been short of content. The talent show alone can sustain a live broadcast, not to mention that now everyone is connected to Mai. Once Lian Mai finds a point and a topic, it is a blink of an eye in twenty or thirty minutes. When he died, he had to do it once or twice a day, otherwise he would find that he had n’t done anything. Two or three hours passed, and many of the talents he wanted to perform have not been shown, and the prepared songs have not been sung. .

"Don't you like a talent? Come on, I'll let the second son show you again. Second son, come here, your unique talent on the entire network should not be wasted."

Three hours of live broadcast, even wheat, singing and storytelling are necessary. His five works, which are daily necessities, are interspersed in various performances, "I just met you", "Jianghu Avenue" , "Brightest Star in the Night Sky", "Sword Mountain and Fire", "One Man Drunk".

直播 Live for three hours, the popularity is over 100,000.

This is the result of Chen Hao's efforts for one year and more than two months. It is the influential effect of his five works online and offline, and the inevitable result of his high-quality live broadcast.

In the perception of ordinary tourists, the first anchor who stood up completely this year was Hao Zi. From a newcomer, he became a top anchor with a focus of more than 20 million. The live broadcast live broadcast popularity has exceeded 100,000, even in the evening. At six o'clock this time period, he is steadily ranked in the top three in terms of popularity, robbing resources of this time period, so that some main broadcasters abandoned the live broadcast of this time period.

At more than nine o'clock, when the live broadcast was about to end, Chen Hao shouted over Chen Er. In the past few days in Hainan, or more precisely after the night in his hometown Chen Er, he continued to increase his self-confidence. For his ugly appearance of the clown, He is no longer inferior, and some fans have seen him say that he wants to be an anchor, and he is just a living alien.

In the past few days in Sanya, Chen Er has also made several shots. This is how his self-confidence has accumulated. It is impossible to change his face when he looks at his face. Then why should he show pity and courage? .

Chen Er came from that house, stood beside Chen Hao's chair, and greeted everyone with a smile, a big mouth opened, and a thick tooth flower seed exposed. Although ugly, it was also a little joyful. Moreover, Most people's hearts are still good. They are kindly sympathetic to such disadvantaged groups as Chen Er. They want to tolerate him, especially if they can see his smile. For everyone, it is a spur of life, no longer complaining about the hardships of life, no longer complaining about the difficulties of life.

"Come, second son, show them a talent that only you know. Everyone pays more attention to the second son. The second son will send video clips in two days. At that time, everyone will support him. When his data is enough, he will talk to the official. Apply for a live broadcast, and if you can, let the second son broadcast live to everyone. "

It is precisely because in Sanya, I found that the second son seems to like the live broadcast business as if he likes to sit and work in front of a computer. From behind the scenes to the front stage, it is a process of self-confidence accumulation ~ ~ There is also a The daily tasks seem to be very popular, so give it a try. If you want him to build confidence, you can become a special anchor like a special actor, which is also very good.

Chen Er wiped his left hand with a wet wipe, made a fist, facing more than 100,000 people in the live broadcast room, slowly put his fist into his mouth, swallowed his fist, and caused a 666 scrolling typing in the live broadcast room. There were also expressions of surprise from some people who expressed their incredible belief that such a thing was contrary to human normal behavior.

来 "Come, second son, you can learn another alien for everyone. Didn't you just say that you're still doing something? Just show it to everyone."

好 "Okay, everyone wait for a few minutes and let my brother sing a song for everyone."

A few minutes later, Chen Er reappeared in the picture. In fact, when he came over, Chen Hao had already laughed. It's too similar. The picture that depends on the special effects of the computer is just a little embellishment on the second son. More realistic than the aliens in science fiction movies.

He was black, a red cape changed with sheets, his hair was waxed with oily wax, and sparsely pulled, holding a scepter made temporarily with a mop rod, small steps, slowly moving, serious expression, talking voice Emitted from the nasal cavity, it has the three-dimensional sense of voice in the movie.

"Hello humans on the earth, I am Lord Cerdo from the Ninth Galaxy of Hachima, I give you wealth ..."

The gift floated and the 6666 button scrolled. This was not at the scene. Chen Er would definitely get a lot of applause.

The alien Chen Er showed himself on such a platform provided by Chen Hao to more than 100,000 people, and was promoted and publicized. Next, his small video segment also received the fastest attention.

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