Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 149: Respective bottom line

Chen Hao rejected Gao Hongbo's invitation and didn't go out to dinner with them at night. He didn't want to let these colleagues who got along well because of his own affairs, followed him to the stand.

Gao Hongbo, Jiang Meiyan, and Xiao Bin. When they called, Gao Hongbo mentioned who was there at night, and where Chen Hao would agree. No matter how they got there, how many people would go out to play together at night. Hi, he wouldn't do that.

Network anchors are tearing apart, attracting more people to stand on their own ground, and carrying out group attacks on opponents. This is the basic routine. Who and who support me and who supports me, the anchors will express their opinions, and the corresponding fans will also express their opinions. Form a collective offensive, the lethality of online speech, people who have never experienced it ca n’t understand it, they will feel what it is, just ignore it, is it still a state of mind collapse?

I really can, when the rhythm of your fans in the live room is also driven, it is when your mentality collapses.

Guo Kai was found there, and a lot of guild anchors and guild executives who came to Yanjing today have invited out to dinner together at night. It is not a guild act, but a personal relationship. Executive Chairman Anan attended the dinner.

三 The three Gao Hongbo also called Chen Hao. Regardless of their true thoughts, being indifferent is sometimes more terrifying than standing on the opposite side.

Chen Hao chose to broadcast live in the live broadcast room, and at this time, Guo Kai also started the mobile live broadcast. Seven or eight anchors gathered together to try to suppress Chen Hao. As soon as the broadcast started, it was a slap in the face. Fan Guo was on the face of Guo Kai fiercely. After the opening, more than ten minutes of live broadcast, the popularity of Chen Hao's live room reached 100,000, and while they were there, despite the lively eating environment, a lot of fans of the anchor They also gathered in a live broadcast room. However, there was a gap, so Guo Kai had to choose to close the live broadcast for the first time. This slap was more painful than a slap in the afternoon.

Seven or eight anchors all paid attention and waited for ten minutes. The soy sauce group also sent a message, and the result barely reached 70,000. On weekdays, Guo Kai was very satisfied with this result. If it is possible to break through ten in a moment, 10,000 people immediately announced that they were the anchors of 100,000 people.

The results often need to be compared to reflect the good and bad. In the comparison of Chen Hao's live performance, only normal performance talents can stabilize 100,000 people. Guo Kai's side is only left in a hurry, perhaps, plus some behind The small method is to drive a large number of fans and guild fans to Chen Hao's live studio and ask him why he beat.

Guo Kai is not a fool, and there are experts pointing beside him. The benefit provided by Tian Brother is sufficient. In a short time, he has no way to revenge quickly. The ideal way is to gain sympathy. Being beaten can also be an attack. A means of the opponent.

In order to avoid creating an image that feels like a guilt in the guild, Guo Kai is here to direct his **** fans, just to let them see a little bruise on his face, which could have been covered by makeup, now he is The deliberate makeup made that bruise look even more scary.

"Why beat?"

"Why hit someone?"

"Guo Kai was injured by Hao Zi."

In addition, there are some scolders, as well as those who use a knife expression to brush the screen. In short, the rhythm is flying all over the sky. With Chen Hao ’s live screen brushing efforts, there is no way to cover it completely. It is not that Guo Kai has so many fans willing to serve him. In the beginning, there are more people who look at the livelihood on the entire network and put themselves in the righteous perspective. In reality, they may be afraid of being timid and afraid to act as a righteous person. There is no similar pressure on the Internet. One side will be released, doing good deeds with good intentions, and sometimes being used sporadically. When not enough evidence is available, blindly identify the weak as seen by both eyes, and then do bad things with good intentions.

"I wait for a day, you can brush it casually, people who believe in me will believe in me. After a day, everyone will see if such rumors and slang will disappear. If it does not disappear, I will give you a satisfactory explanation. Now I continue to broadcast , Rest assured, although I can't ignore these rhythms, I will tell myself, Hao Zi, can't you wait for a day of waiting? Give yourself an answer, it is OK. "

Being able to persist in the live broadcast for two hours with such a big heart, Chen Hao's behavior has won the respect of many people. First of all, the three leaves and Haitian are all in the same color. The first time they enter the live broadcast room to support and brush gifts. Expressing their position, then, Sunny, Lao Cai, and Kerer all entered his live broadcast room. They are not people who gather in the Times Guild. They don't have to worry about the so-called internal standing field of the guild. As for the external standing field, sorry, Kai Kai Who I am, I don't know, I only know Hao Zi.

He really did not respond to a sentence, let this rhythm fly, and let some tourists who watch the live broadcast neutrally, become curious, and then go to the flood of sympathy and sympathy for the weak, since you Haozi does not refute, it is true Hit, no matter what the reason, you are wrong to hit people. We must stand on the weak side. Any live broadcast room with a large number of rhythms and large screen swipes will have a very negative impact. Some people are too lazy to control You guys, the mentality is good, just watching the live broadcast, some mentality is not good, I feel very annoyed in this live broadcast room, can not type in the middle of the public screen can not go to see, I always see cursing, feel upset also Just left.

Chen Hao did n’t even have wheat today. Although private chats, Keer and others said that they talked to him and helped him suppress these rhythmic ones, he was declined. He did n’t have to say he must do it, he was just looking for himself. Bottom the bottom line, see how good your endurance is, and see what kind of rhythm your mentality can support.

Two hours of live broadcast, the number of people on the sunny day and other people helped to pay attention, and barely maintained the status of 100,000 people, otherwise it is likely to lose 20,000 to 30,000 popularity, that is to say that Guo Kai this group Human rhythms come into play. One thing is that both senior anchors and tourists can see. Guo Kai started the live broadcast with cynicism at first and went to the internet to confess his guilt. Chen Hao didn't mention him at all, and didn't say anything bad about him. The word, it seems that he has a deficit, the real eyesight person can see clearly, this is the man, we are in Yanjing, we meet every day, do you have the courage to solve the problem in reality? Cowardly enough to need to go to the Internet to take rhythm and use innocent fans to make you a 'gun'?

As a host, I have to face all kinds of troubles. Such troubles, as expected, can not be regarded as special accidents, so that Chen Hao also recognizes a reality, and he is not as invincible as he imagined.

Once in Yanjing, as a spectator, he watched the development of Lele for more than three years, watched various intriguing performances, and felt that he had enough experience to deal with all kinds of troubles. I can face all kinds of events. At that time, when I saw those anchors who collapsed in the live broadcast room, he was somewhat disapproved. Now that he has reached himself and truly bears all of this, he only finds that it is no wonder that those anchors will collapse. The pressure is really not so bearable. He even feels that if he chooses to broadcast live for three hours today, his mentality will collapse and he will lose balance.

I pulled out a voice group, thanked Sunny Keer and others, and expressed my thoughts: "I just want to see where I can bear the pressure. The anchor is really good at it."

Wu Qingqing sent Chen Hao a private chat message: "Your boss didn't show up in the end."

Chen Hao understood what she meant, and she chose to endure one day and wait one day, and give the guild a buffer time. According to the meaning of sunny days, Tian brother should appear to stand up and then press down on this matter. The board did not play like this.

Chen Hao smiled and returned a voice message: "Did you know? I prefer the guild to ignore this level of choice, so that more interesting things will happen. People will do the first day first, and I can do fifteen. "

The response was very fast on sunny days, and a message came back in less than half a minute: "You mean the magic capital, you mean the same sea and sky."

Chen Hao first sent a thumbs up expression ~ ~ and then responded with a voice: "If this is not a face-to-face action but a guild chooses to ignore it, I am looking forward to him playing with me. Within a month, I cross him online and offline at the same time. At any time, when my value is much higher than him, it doesn't matter what I do. "

Qing Qing: "Yeah, the interests are paramount, this is the reality of the society. Brother Tian is a good big brother, but he is only a slightly humane boss. He really only talks about emotions and nothing else, so he can't be what he is now. . "

I did n’t wait for Chen Hao to reply, and she followed up with another: "If the guild ignores and uses insult as the bottom line, the small actions and personal grievances resolve it by themselves, then how can you solve this rhythm today? Tell me everything?"

Chen Hao understands what she means, because it involves leaves.

"I don't say, Ye Zi will also say, she also contacted some online media and some online marines. The guild will not give me an account, and she will spread it out tomorrow." Instead, she said a little lightly, with a few Laughing at yourself: "In the future, I dare not provoke you. Rich women are really terrible."

妥 "Okay, I can't leave you until you get to the Magic City. Don't expect Haitian to arrange some stars‘ late night talks ’for you, my super-bulb will surely accompany you.”

没 "No problem, those mediocre fans are just like my little Qinger. It is enough to have you with me."

我 "I'll let you know how inconvenient life is when a body is missing a part."

There was a breeze of cool wind blowing by Chen Hao ...

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