Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 857: No one likes him

Between Chen Hao and Xiao Di, creating an atmosphere does not need to be deliberate. The two of them sat there, in fact, the atmosphere was already out, the lights were dim and soft, the shooting angle was more varied, and some close-up close-ups were small. In front of Di, he only needs to show that he doesn't know Liu Feng feels about himself, as he is with him on a weekday. Her difficulty is that after Liu Feng keeps her, if the two are not in a relationship, this scene may be better. Some resistances come from the heart, but now let Xiao Di have a resistance to Chen Hao, it will take a lot of effort to perform, but also cover up his own non-exclusion and resistance.

The previous shooting was very smooth. Although it was night shooting, many people came to watch it. The performance of Chen Hao during the day shocked everyone, and they wanted to see how he performed at night.

He and Xiao Di are completely the opposite. It was more difficult to interpret in the front. After they really got up and hugged, they performed well.

The whole filming of the front film was only done once on the N machine. It was the small steel cannon that felt that the lighting didn't feel good enough.

In the later scenes, the first time when I came up, I was on the N machine. When Chen Hao took it, Di Lierba was not subconscious, although I remembered that it was filming, and the actions made were very contorted, that is, very fake, direct. The small steel gun shouted Card.

"You were scared first and then subconsciously wanted to push him away. This is the first reaction. The first reaction of the body is to push away. The first reaction of the mind is to be scared. How could Liu Feng be so? He should not be like this. He is a living Lei Feng, how can he come and hug himself. "

"After this, you will realize that Liu Feng said that he likes himself, something totally unthinkable. I want to push him away. I never thought about going to like him. How can a selfless person like him like others? And I do n’t like people like that. "

It was two N-machines again, but it was obvious that the small steel cannon was successful for her, and she was in a good condition. Chen Hao said to Xiaodi with a touch of helplessness and sadness during the third N-machine. "Everyone loves Liu Feng, but no one likes him."

The love in front is closeness, a need, and love that he feels good to us.

The following likes are simply likes, not like other things.

Xiao Di froze for a moment. The man in her eyes was not her boyfriend Chen Hao, but the Liu Feng in the play, a Liu Feng destined to be eliminated in the tide of the times, but the whole society needed it again.

No one likes him.

Pushing, but the power of resistance did not go crazy, Lin Dingding just didn't like it, didn't hate it, and was surprised by the difference. I felt that Liu Feng should not be like himself, maybe ...

Perhaps this is the possibility that Lin Dingding's mind appeared during the resistance. What kind of thing would it take for me to accept Liu Feng?

This idea is not over yet. I haven't thought about any specifics yet. The people passing by appeared and Liu Feng let go of himself. When the people passing by said that the team started with moral corruption, Lin Tintin, when you corrupted our living Lei Feng, let Lin Tintin stun. My head was blown up, all the actual things were gone, and I felt like I was being wronged. The feeling of grievance came out, tears and anger and shame followed, and I ran away.

"Card! Great! Pass!"

The smile on Xiao Gangpao's face is very strong. The filming is very good. As a turning point, it is also a more important one for the role of Lin Tintin. This film is good, the image of Lin Tintin in the novel that wants to be realistic Only in the shortest space, the filming was done. Lin Dingding regretfully asked Liu Feng why he gave up the opportunity for further studies, and the audience could feel what she thought.

Two people who are completely different, the world outlook and the values ​​of life are different. They are under high pressure and do not want to be wronged. The clever Lin Tintin can only choose to start as a strong self-protection after this incident. She has guilt, but this Guilt, even when Liu Feng left the Cultural Regiment, was just one of many complex emotions, just like everyone else.

Because everyone loves Liu Feng, they can't bear the collapse of such a big image, so when Liu Feng left, only those who had comrade-in-arms friendship came over to send him alone. This was a scene from Haikou in the back, Hao Shuwen faced When the defense team scolded swear words, the true feelings revealed, there was time to remember, there was war friendship, and there was a little bit of guilt at the beginning.

Chen Feng's interpretation of Liu Feng, when the film was shot one day, formed a very clear three-dimensional image in the eyes of everyone. When the actors considered how to play the plot in the play, they looked at Chen Hao, in their minds. In the scene that needs to emerge, there is a large area that does not need to be tested for imagination, but it really exists, that is, all the plots that happened to Liu Feng and him, with him as a reference, this winter Dongyu is a little eager to try I filmed her and Liu Feng's drama, and the same is true of baby. Her acting skills are actually not as good as that of Xiao Di, but after watching it for one day, let ’s not talk about it, but there is a feeling that something is in front of my eyes, maybe I just grab it and grab it get.

She is not good enough, but her husband has recently completed the transformation of a good actor, and several shows have performed very well. Huang Jiaozhu told baby that this is an explosive transformation of the actor, which is similar to the point of exhaustion of physical fatigue. When After that point, you will find that you are not tired of running. The feeling of difficulty breathing before will disappear, and you will feel different after running.

The same is true for actors. Only with this transformation will you be qualified to say to everyone that you will act.

Baby cherished this opportunity. She only slept for more than three hours that night. She was thinking about her role. With Liu Feng as a reference, she found that she had more ideas about Xiao Suizi's role, and she also had more ideas on how to play. She is not confident that this is an outbreak of metamorphosis. Maybe she did n’t know it until the drama. Unfortunately, Xiao Suizi ’s line-of-play is Hao Shuwen. The outbreak point and the role image are almost three-dimensional. Hao Shuwen and Chen Can, and Liu Feng, are more like a bystander to each other. In addition to love and common adversity, the friendship between the two people is left over the years. In the movie for more than an hour, when various When the character relationship is interspersed, there are too few contradictions and conflicts in the comrades-to-people relationship. It can only be said that this is a baby's regret, and she has lost an opportunity to make great strides on the road of actors.

Jiang Shuying and Jing Bairan came back without a break the next night, so they went to participate in an event. Within two days of leaving, the crew changed so much. Looking at the material of Liu Feng ’s film, two People consciously polished their good performing skills for several years, and suddenly lost their confidence.

"Everyone is here, shall we shoot intensively?"

Xu Fan said that it represents everyone's will. Serious actors will have a great subjective initiative for a movie that they have put in great efforts, and everyone just feels normal before the successful shooting. The stimulus from himself, not the plot or the opponent's actor, Chen Hao entered the battle, stimulating everyone.

The drama started, and the 'Cultural Workers'' drama entered a full-blown period. The filming didn't even need to consider the shooting lens and the show. Everyone was online, and there was no problem directly following the script. Liu Feng went to He Xiaoping and filmed. In less than thirty minutes, everyone changed their clothes and did a good look. They watched the performance on the sidelines without waiting impatiently. After the filming, they immediately entered the next scene without any delay. Instead, they were not actors. , But the crew of the crew.

The lighting set needs to complete the director's work at a trot speed. The steps of the small steel cannon also flew up. The actors don't need to worry about it. It is only necessary to sit behind the monitor and watch them finish it. At this time, the N machine has no pressure at one time, and the actors will not feel whatsoever, and the director will not get angry. If I click out, it doesn't feel good. I will shoot the next time. If there are no new problems, I will go straight.

After one is filmed and the next scene is transferred, if Chen Hao, the deputy director, is doing well, make arrangements in advance, but now his status is male No. 1, only Xu Fan and Zhao Lixin can help him make arrangements in advance for scheduling Let the staff of the AB group take turns to pick up the filming of He Xiaoping. These staff of the A group take a short break, smoke a cigarette and drink some water, and immediately move to the position of the third scene today. You do n’t even know When will the group B finish shooting? When the shooting is over, the director will take everyone to shoot the third scene ~ ~ The efficient team is far less tired than the high-quality footage. Li Da, everyone is in such a good state right now, shooting a lot of material for a long time. As an actor, the sense of accomplishment is bursting, and I won't feel tired at all. I can't wait to eat more quickly. We are preparing for the next scene.

A few days later, everyone discovered something that made them feel terrible.

That is, Chen Hao ’s identity as an actor. He has made almost no mistakes on the set. This is okay. Many professional and dedicated old drama bones can do it. The horror is that he does not make mistakes and almost every performance is very high. Those In the material of the N machine, everyone went to check it out. It was others who made mistakes, and the environment was wrong. But Chen Hao's performance was still very high in the material of this N machine.

Is this the level of the film emperor?

In the past, I watched the stuffy Saner in "Old Cannon", Jiang Wuyang in "Come to the Famous", ZERO in "Wolf Three", and the son of the son in "One Mind", including the most shocking "Batman: Dark Knight The clown in "The shock came from the screen. If you know Chen Hao in reality, you will only think that he has become tall because of the screen image. You can really face to face and see the role of the clown. The performance of Chen Hao, that shocking feeling, once ruined everyone's self-confidence as actors.

No way, you say that Liang Chaowei, Zhou Runfa and others have excellent acting skills. They are seniors regardless of their seniority.

How about Chen Hao? He is the same age as everyone, and he is younger than almost everyone present. The shock of the resulting drop, destroying self-confidence, is also stimulating everyone's inner struggle for victory. Desire. He can, why can't I?

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