Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 221 Men and Poets

Ye Yuze smiled: "No need to thank me, just thank Baiyangdian. And her!"

Ye Yuze pointed his finger at Zha Hongying, who was holding a bottle of wine and drinking heavily. That girl was probably almost drunk.

Bei Dao came over and put his arm around his shoulders.

"Friend, although you are young, you have a very high appreciation of poetry. Have you never written one yourself?"

Ye Yuze nodded. "I have written, I have written a lot!"

Mangke was shocked, clapped his hands and shouted:

"Everyone, be quiet and let our sponsor today, who is also a guest from afar, read his poem."

Everyone fell silent instantly. Even Wang Honghua looked at Ye Yuze in surprise. She had never seen Ye Yuze write poetry.

Ye Yuze followed their example and stood in the middle of the pavilion, looking up at the sky.

Then he lowered his head sharply and sounded a deliberately low voice.

Munchkin cut lamb chops,

The corners of the mouth are oily and the sleeves are wiped.

When drunk, he plays with foreigners,

Are you really not afraid of getting punched?

Silence, deathly silence. Then there was a roar of laughter.

Zha Hongying came over and hugged Ye Yuze's neck. Pointing at Mang Ke and smiling:

"He is making fun of you!"

Mang Ke didn't care and said with a smile: "My little brother is very smart, how about a modern poem?"

By this time, Zha Hongying had drunk too much, so she took the wine bottle and stuffed it into Ye Yuze's mouth and took a sip.

"Come, drink. How can Li Bai write hundreds of poems over wine? How can he write poems without drinking?"

Wang Honghua snatched the wine bottle from behind.

"No more drinking!"

Ye Yuze never dared to go against Wang Honghua's words. In fact, it’s not that I don’t dare, to be precise, I just can’t bear it!

After taking a sip of wine, Ye Yuze became a little confused. She drank too quickly, and Zha Hongying didn't have any sense of propriety, so her drink was a bit big.

He shook his head and looked at the heads of these people, as if they each had two heads.

Cha Hongying refused to give up. Although the wine was gone, Ye Yuze had long been the kind of omnipotent superman in her heart.

"Ye Yuze, don't be a coward, write a song to shock them!"

Although Wang Honghua didn't speak, there was also a kind of lizard in her eyes.

In a daze, Ye Yuze remembered a poem and read it out casually:

Living happily, fetching water every day,

Cook food and take medicine on time.

When the sun is shining, put yourself in it.

Like putting a piece of tangerine peel.

Rotate tea leaves: chrysanthemum, jasmine, rose, lemon.

these beautiful things,

It seems to take me on the road to spring.

So I hold the snow in my heart again and again,

They are too white and too close to spring.

Read your poetry in a clean yard.

This human love affair,

As if in a trance like a sparrow suddenly flying by.

And the time is bright and clear.

I'm not suitable for a heart attack

If I send you a book,

I’m not going to send you poetry.

I'm going to give you a book about plants,

About crops.

Tell you the difference between rice and tares,

Tell you a tares are on tenterhooks


"Do you really know how to write poetry? Didn't you write that one too?"

Zha Hongying's eyes shone brightly, and she woke up from her daze in an instant.

Wang Honghua's lips curled up, looking incredibly beautiful.

The little foreigner looked confused. After all, he had been living abroad. His understanding of the Chinese language is still insufficient.

Mang Ke walked up to Ye Yuze as if he had been hit.

"Don't tell me you can't write poetry! I dare not judge the quality of your poetry, but I will definitely not be arrogant in the future, because you are only ten years old!"

Bei Dao was deep in thought, his emotions already immersed in Ye Yuze's poems.

After a long time, he sighed deeply:

"Tell you about the spring when a tare plant is on tenterhooks! This sentence is so good that I feel I cannot surpass it."

"When the sun is shining, put yourself in it.

Like putting a piece of tangerine peel. Isn't this a bad sentence? "

Munk retorted.

"It's good, but I don't think it has as much weight as the conclusion!"

The two people started arguing, and soon everyone also expressed their opinions.

At this time, Ye Yuze pulled three people and retreated quietly.

Everyone has the right to choose how they live, so there is no right or wrong way of life.

Ye Yuze's purpose in life is to live well first and then pursue what he likes.

After all, you can't just care about yourself, a special man. As long as you grow up, you have to shoulder your own responsibilities.

It was not convenient for the two girls to stay at the foreigner's house, so Ye Yuze drove them back and made an appointment to play there early tomorrow morning.

In fact, Mang Ke and his group were quite famous in the capital at that time. Many people later became famous writers and poets.

Cha Hongying often sneaked out of school to attend their gatherings. At that time, the capital called their circle the Underground Poetry Club.

As for Bei Dao and Mang Ke, they eventually became not only poets, but also painters.

Therefore, everyone's success is not accidental. In the eyes of others, they are doing nothing. In fact, they have gone through countless efforts and persistence.

Ye Yuze and the little foreigner slept together at night, and Ye Yuze inquired about the situation in the United States.

At the end of the story, Ye Yuze realized that David lived in a remote state in the United States, which is equivalent to Guizhou in our country.

Ye Yuze patted him sympathetically. "He is also a poor boy from the mountains!"

Early the next morning, I picked up two women. Ye Yuze went to the Friendship Store first.

This time no one really stopped them because David, a real foreigner, was leading the team.

The foreigner looked at the goods inside and curled his lips. "It's not as good as the small supermarket over there with all the goods?"

Ye Yuze fell in love with a TV, a 21-inch Panasonic color TV made in Japan.

This TV costs US$1,000 to buy.

But at least Ye Yuze was not short of money, so he could just exchange it with David directly.

The two girls each bought some small things and then came out.

David, a little foreigner, was very principled. Although Ye Yuze could spend money to treat them, he would not spend money to treat them.

Even if you want to eat something, it must be made in AA size.

Ye Yuze didn't blame him. He knew that this was the custom of his country.

On the other hand, Zha Hongying scolded David all the way, saying that he was not a man and had no gentlemanly manners.

David didn't care at all. He and his girlfriend always ate in AA style, so he could only blame Cha Hongying for being so strange.

When Wang Honghua saw Ye Yuze buying a TV, she knew he was going back.

"Yuze, let me buy something, can you bring it to my father?"

Ye Yuze shook his head, there was something in the bag. The souvenirs I bought last time were from him.

Zha Hongying shouted: "Ye Yuze, can we go and play with you during the summer vacation?"

Ye Yuze scratched his head, he was a little scared of this girl. A person who is almost 20 years old is not stable at all. The two people at home are already troubled enough, why won't she torture herself to death if she goes there again?

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