Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 230 The Drowned Duck

Ye Yuze's pen was sliding rapidly, and lines of words jumped out on the notebook like dragons and snakes. Zhao Ling'er's expression was surprised at first, then sad, and finally turned into a very weird look.

The classmates were also looking at these two people. In fact, most of them were just watching the fun.

A little kid suddenly landed in their class for no apparent reason. I tolerated it when I was assigned to the same table as the squad leader.

But this guy missed more classes than he did in class! This makes everyone extremely unbalanced.

Why is this important? Regardless of age or height, this guy is far behind, right?

Today, Teacher Yao finally showed off his power. The students were all afraid of Teacher Yao.

Because this is a very serious teacher. Other teachers usually educate them by scaring them.

But Teacher Yao definitely does what he says!

For example, what I told Ye Yuze just now, if he can't finish writing, Teacher Yao can really accompany him to write until dark.

Ye Yuze continued to write. At this time, Zhao Ling'er no longer looked at what he was writing? Instead, he covered his mouth and tried his best to restrain himself.

Ye Yuze suddenly shivered, and two cold rays of light seemed to come from the opposite window.

Ye Yuze glanced over there blankly and found nothing, so he continued to write furiously.

Song Weibing looked at the opposite classroom with resentful eyes. The new bumpkin and Zhao Ling'er were stuck together. This couldn't be tolerated anymore!

Teacher Yao drank some water in the office and then came back. In fact, she was restraining herself. She realized that she might have reached menopause. Otherwise, what's the point of calling a kid Jin?

Seeing that Ye Yuze seemed to be working very hard, a smile finally appeared on her lips. It seemed that the threat could still work.

Ye Yuze finally raised his head and let out a long breath. He asked Zhao Linger:

"How about it? It looks better than your picking up money and crossing the road, right?"

Zhao Ling'er didn't speak, but nodded desperately.

Only then did Ye Yuze realize that Teacher Yao was already standing in front of him, and quickly stood up and handed over the composition book.

"Teacher, I've finished writing."

Teacher Yao took it and looked at the students looking at the notebook in her hand expectantly.

Then he coughed lightly and said:

"Since everyone wants to know what Ye Yuze wrote? Then I'll read it and let everyone judge it with me!"

"My younger brother is a very kind-hearted child. Since he was a child, I have taught him to sweep the floor without killing ants, and to cherish moths and gauze lamps.

Therefore, sometimes he would rather go hungry and save the steamed buns to feed the small animals.

Last winter, the old hen at home hatched a duckling, and my brother was very excited about it for a long time.

So the task of feeding the ducklings fell on the younger brother. He performs his tasks sleeplessly every day.

The little duck finally grew up day by day, but he lost weight due to hunger, and his mother felt very distressed.

When the snow melts, the ice on the river finally melts. The younger brother happily picked up the duck and went to the river.

Ducks love to eat fish. Seeing the small fish swimming in the river, my brother was very happy and quickly put the duck in.

The duck was also very happy to see the fish and plunged into the water with a sudden movement.

Who knew that this sudden move would turn into an eternal farewell, and the duck was drowned.

My brother was holding the duck's body and crying very sadly. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I comforted him.

If you really miss it, feed it to the family dog. This way it can exist in another form.

At the very least, when you see a dog, you think of it.

The younger brother thought for a while and finally agreed. I quickly plucked the duck's feathers and fed them to the dog.

The dog ate very happily, and the younger brother was also very happy, because his favorite duck and the dog became one.

And I am even happier because this is such a meaningful thing! "

After Teacher Yao finished reading, her face turned dark. She glanced at Ye Yuze and then asked her classmates.

"Is Ye Yuze's composition good?"


The classmates said in unison, and some students' eyes were shining. They were sad for the drowned little duck.

There was nothing we could do about it, there was neither a river nor a lake at the regiment headquarters. Students have seen ducks, but basically they don’t know how ducks live?

Teacher Yao looked at Ye Yuze angrily.

"Ye Yuze, can a duck drown?"

Ye Yuze looked innocent. "Teacher, I want to write one more meaningful thing! As for whether the duck can drown, that is a question in another category."

Looking at the students who were overflowing with sympathy, Teacher Yao sighed secretly. It seems that we can only find a way to take them to see how ducks live in the water.

Ye Yuze was still looking at her timidly.

"Teacher, do you think my essay is acceptable?"

Teacher Yao waved his hand helplessly: "Don't you know whether you pass or not?"

Ye Yuze nodded. "Then thank you teacher, I can pass."

Zhao Ling'er had seen ducks before, because she had been to the infrastructure company. At this time, her little face turned purple.

The final exam finally came, and the students entered the examination room either excitedly or anxiously. It will be the second year of junior high school next year. But how many people can advance to the second grade of junior high school?

In those days, there was a saying of repeating a grade. Although the exam was not very difficult, there were still students who repeated a grade every year.

The next few days were spent grading papers, and the students had three days off.

These should be the most relaxing days for students. The exam is finally over. How good or bad it is is a matter for the future. At least I don't have to think about studying these days.

Zhao Ling'er went to the division headquarters to visit her father. Originally, she wanted to follow Ye Yuze back to the infrastructure company.

It’s just that her father called her and said he missed her. Helpless Zhao Ling'er could only go to her father obediently.

Ye Yuze must be going to the infrastructure company. He doesn't like the regiment headquarters, although it is much more prosperous than the company.

Ma Guoqing is a little confused these days, because his father eventually became the director of the pencil case factory.

The atmosphere at home has always been a bit depressing, because the way my father looks at my mother is always wrong.

In fact, Ma Hongkui is also conflicted. As a man, no one can bear to have a green hat on his head.

But speaking from conscience, this woman is still pretty good to him! Even cheating was all for his future.

His wife is beautiful and can cook well. This is one of the few things in his life that he can be proud of.

After a few nights of drinking, he decided to forgive his wife. Of course, the food and drinks were all caused by her.

My wife is also very cautious these days, lest she offends him. This made Ma Hongkui feel a lot more comfortable.

But the man's pride still made him feel unhappy, and he basically didn't talk to Zhou Guihua.

Ma Guoqing doesn't like to stay at home because of this. I went to see Ma Rong several times, but Ma Rong ignored him.

Helpless, he started to play with Yinhua again, because Yinhua has always been a kind girl and does not show off easily.

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