Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 233 Who is wrong?

At this moment, he was sitting in front of Xuelian's house, talking endlessly about what happened today.

Because it's summer, the children don't like to stay indoors. Therefore, Li Lian simply moved the little book box to the shade of a tree.

The only people in the company who didn't like to come here to read were Yang Geyong and the others, including Ye Yuze. It would be a joke to let him read a villain's book.

When Ma Guoqing saw so many people there, he immediately told what happened today vividly.

Speaking of the part where Ye Yuze left in anger, the description was even more vivid. It seemed like he had created some kind of feat on his own.

No one spoke, and it seemed that this matter did not arouse any interest at all.

In fact, they are all little brats. Who would have thought of the emotion of jealousy?

Seeing everyone's lack of interest, Ma Guoqing was too lazy to continue talking. Look at Ma Rong.

"Ma Rong, shall I take you fishing?"

Ma Rong had been staring at him. After hearing this, Ma Rong said coldly.

"I will never go fishing with you in this life!"

Disappointed, he looked at Yu Lan again.

"I don't want the fish silver flower I shot today, how about I give you half of it?"

Yu Lan was a little moved, but she looked at Ma Rong and then lowered her head.

"I don't like fish."

Seeing that no one praised his achievements, Ma Guoqing stood up and left, muttering.

"You are not as good as Yinghua, I will send her fish!"

At this time, Yang Geyong happened to be walking across from him, and he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. Then he stepped aside and trotted away.

Yang Geyong didn't care, this kid was afraid of him. Just hide when you see him.

When Ma Rong saw him coming, she stood up and pulled him aside to talk about what had just happened.

Yang Geyong's brows furrowed tightly. Although he didn't understand emotional matters, his instinct in this matter was that he would definitely hit her even harder!

Looking at the direction in which Ma Guoqing was going, he couldn't help but ask.

"What is he going to do?"

Yu Lan pouted. "He said he would send fish to Yinghua!"

Yang Geyong walked back without saying a word, with Ma Rong and Yu Lan following closely behind.

Ma Guoqing went home and searched for a long time but couldn't find the fish in the bucket. When he looked outside, it turned out that his mother had killed the fish and hung it on a rope outside to dry.

He was a little frustrated, how to give this away? The girl in the company is so kind to him, why can't he be sorry?

Thinking of this, he went to the storage room to get the fishing net, turned around and ran towards Yinhua's house.

Yinhua was still sitting at the door of the yard, unwilling to enter the house. Because her mother and sister always ask her what's wrong? She was too lazy to say.

Although it is the dog days of summer, the weather in northern Xinjiang is cool as long as there is a shade of trees, and the wind also carries the coolness of the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Yinzi seemed to have gone to the river to take a bath. He usually came over to say hello when he saw her.

It's just that he seemed to feel something today, so he went home without even looking at her.

Yinhua fed this dog more than Ye Yuze when he was a child.

"More conscience than your master!"

Yinghua muttered.

"Yinhua, go fishing, I'll give you all the fish I catch this afternoon!"

Ma Guoqing ran over and shouted excitedly.

Yinhua shook her head. She couldn't say she liked or disliked this person.

Although he does many bad things, he is still a child after all. Teacher Wang said.

"If you make mistakes at your age, God will forgive you."

Although she did not know God, she also knew that he was a big figure similar to the Chinese Buddha.

Seeing Yinhua shaking her head, Ma Guoqing became anxious and stretched out his hand to pull her up and leave.


A shout sounded from behind. It turned out to be Yang Geyong and the others.

Ma Guoqing shivered when he heard this voice. This was Yang Geyong, right!

Just seeing Ma Rong and Yu Lan following them, a surge of anger couldn't help but rise.

He didn't care about being embarrassed in front of Yinhua, but he couldn't bear to be embarrassed in front of Ma Rong.

Isn't it just a beating? Can you still beat me to death? It’s not like I haven’t been beaten before!

Thinking of this, not only did he not let go, but he pressed harder, and Yinhua staggered a little under his pull.

Yang Geyong rushed forward with a single lunge, and slapped him in the face with a raised leg.

Yang Geyong didn't dare to exert any force this time, because he had just been taught a lesson by his master today. Otherwise, this leg that has been beating the tree all day long could knock Ma Guoqing unconscious in one fell swoop.

"What are you doing? Why are you like Ye Yuze? You only know how to beat people!"

Yinghua completely exploded this time! She couldn't express her anger after what happened in the morning. Now Ye Yuze's brothers are here to beat people again. Do they only know violence?

Yinhua's shout alerted Li Zhen at home, and she and Jinhua hurried out.

Seeing Ma Guoqing lying on the ground, Li Zhen hurriedly helped him up. After carefully checking his body, I was relieved to find that he was fine.

Ma Guoqing dusted off the dirt on his body and continued to say to Yinhua:

"Let's go fishing!"

This kid suddenly became bloody and stubbornly competed with Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong's eyes narrowed. "Would you like to take a step forward?"

Seeing Yang Geyong's attitude, Yinhua's temper began to explode.

"What's wrong with us just going? Let's go!"

She raised her hand to pull the horse for National Day.

Li Zhen also understood what was going on at this time, took her daughter's hand and said to Ma Guoqing:

"You can't go to the river to play. It's dangerous. Go home!"

Yinhua struggled a few times, but failed to break free from her mother's hand.

Yang Geyong's face darkened when he saw her attitude. He said calmly:

"Ignore me from now on, I don't know you!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, not even caring about Ma Guoqing.

Ma Rong glanced at Yinhua with a complicated expression, pulled Yu Lan and left.

Yinhua was pulled back home by Li Zhen. Ma Guoqing stood there stunned for a while, and then spat hard!

"Don't let me take the chance, I won't let you go!"

Yinhua was pulled back to the house by Li Zhen and began to ask in detail what happened.

Anyway, her mother saw what happened just now, so Yinhua stopped hiding it and even told her what happened in the morning.

The look of indignation on his face seemed to hate Ye Yuze to the core.

Li Zhen felt helpless after understanding what was going on.

No matter what, it was wrong for Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong to hit people.

But how do you explain this truth to your daughter?

After all, you are still so young and your emotions are still in an ignorant stage.

After thinking for a long time, Li Zhen asked her daughter a question directly.

Would you be angry if you saw Ye Yuze hugging Ma Rong in the river?

Yinhua was stunned for a moment, then said without hesitation:

"If he dares, I'll bite him!"

Li Zhen smiled bitterly. "But you were hugged by Ma Guoqing today! Do you think Ye Yuze will be angry?"

Yinhua shook her head violently. "He didn't hug me, I fell and he pulled me up from the water!"

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