Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 2712 Final Victory

Chapter 2508 Final Victory

Ye Mao's feelings for Yun Feiyang are similar to Ye Yuze's feelings for Erhong. It's a bit complicated, but it's normal for a teenager to grow up.

Yun Feiyang's personality is similar to Ye Mei, and in this world, Ye Mei is the one who loves him the most, but abuses him the most.

Therefore, the relationship between him and Yun Feiyang is both love and sister complex.

Ye Mei continued to encourage: "Brother, if you can't do it, bring Yun Feiyang here. I will give her the position of Minister of Construction. Although monogamy is being promoted here, I will let you off the hook and let you marry more."

Ye Mao was confused: "Sister, in the documents I just reviewed, monogamy is a national policy."

Ye Mei rolled her eyes at him: "It's okay to fool others, but who dares to control my own brother? I'll peel his skin off!"

Ye Mao immediately smiled meanly: "Okay, I'll bring one from Junkencheng to Yang San."

Ye Mei's eyebrows were raised: "He dares, unless he wants to be a eunuch. He brought one from Junkencheng, and I gave him a sum of money to get rid of him."

Ye Mao looked at this double-standard sister with no desire to live, and didn't know what to say.

But after rolling his eyes for a long time, he still gave Ye Mei Yun Feiyang's phone number. The key is that he also thinks this method is good.

Let him settle here, his family will definitely not do it, if the women are settled here, it is not impossible.

In the country, only one wife is allowed. Both my mother and grandmother like Ouyang Xue. It seems that the only way to save the country is to go in a roundabout way.

Knowing that the enemy's large army is coming, Marseille has been ready for battle.

According to Yang Geyong's temper, he simply went straight to fight and launched the battlefield in Zambia. But he was stopped by Ye Yuze.

He likes to plan before doing things, especially things like war, he must stand on the right side, and then he will not be afraid of any public opinion.

Although Yang Geyong did not refute in the end, he was still unconvinced in his heart. However, Ye Yuze was determined not to let him intervene in the affairs here, and he had no choice.

But there is really no need to worry. After decades of development, Marseille is a relatively mature country in all aspects.

With the economy going up, all aspects will naturally develop, especially in the military. In addition to the air force, the navy has also become a force that cannot be ignored in this region.

To be honest, if the Zambian army dares to go to war with Marseille, it will actually be a humiliation for itself. But Johnson is also on the string and has to shoot.

The reason why the zebra was killed was because he wanted to blame the lion's rebellion on himself, which Johnson could not tolerate.

He actually did not want to be president. Living in a corner was his most ideal life state. He was low-key on the surface, but he was actually the controller, which was most in line with his personality.

But all this was broken by Sergei. Since he accepted the first batch of weapons, he was destined to be unable to get rid of the relationship.

Zebra and Gore were both victims, and the lion would naturally become a victim. Only in this way could Johnson sit in the position of president and comment on it.

As for Sergei, Johnson would naturally not be controlled by him without principles and become a puppet. He must be the leader, and he and Sergei can only be partners.

As for whether Sergei agreed or not, in fact, these things could not tolerate him. What Johnson had to do now was to sit firmly in the position, and then seek recognition from the United Nations to become a sovereign state.

Once he became a sovereign state, he could do a lot of things.

In order to achieve this goal, Johnson had to burn his boats. Of course, it would be best if he could not go to war with Marseille.

He was not so arrogant as to think that he could kill Marseille. The excuse he found now was to eliminate the traitor Lion and let the Tuva tribe return to the territory of Tanzania.

As for what to do if Marseille intervenes? He has not thought about it yet. He has to try it anyway.

If he loses, he can seek help from the international community. If he wins, he doesn't need to explain anything to anyone.

Marseille is now a sovereign country after all. He can be shameless, but Marseille can't. He must pay attention to the impact.

Now Sergei is helping him operate. Although the United Nations sounds more grand, in fact, in a sense, it does not have much power.

After all, several major powers will not take this organization too seriously. Strength is the hard truth. This is the same everywhere.

Johnson chose to join the United Nations at this time, in fact, to make Marseille have some scruples. After all, the Tuva tribe has always belonged to Tanzania. His troops belong to the army of justice.

This time Sergei also spent a lot of money. Not only did he supply dozens of tanks, but also armed helicopters and heavy bombers.

Of course, he did not tell Johnson about the bomber. He used it as a secret weapon.

Last time, he used bombers and spent a lot of money, but ended up completely crippling Eddie. This time, he learned his lesson and explained the task clearly.

Last time, the friend from the air force of a certain big country felt embarrassed after knowing the situation. Sergei spent a lot of money, but ended up helping the enemy. This time, he helped him at a discount.

As for free, don't even think about it. There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world?

Considering the bayonet security, they decided to cover up the bomber logo to prevent others from catching the handle.

Although they can do whatever they want here, it will still be very troublesome if the bayonet security makes trouble in the country.

Everything is ready, and Johnson's Tanzanian National Defense Force has approached Tuva.

The Marseilles army had been ready for battle, and together with Tuva's own army, a total of 30,000 troops had built fortifications and were waiting for them to enter the net.

In fact, the construction of fortifications was nothing more than trenches, earth slopes and bunkers.

If we only talk about equipment, although the Tanzanian army attacked with all its strength, it still couldn't compete with the Marseilles army.

Building fortifications is nothing more than minimizing casualties and achieving greater victory at the lowest cost.

Although Johnson came aggressively, he stopped advancing a few miles away from the Marseilles' defense line.

Because the opponent's fortifications were solid and professional, he had no way to start.

Moreover, as soon as his helicopter formation appeared, Marseille had already flown a larger number of armed helicopters, waiting for them to approach like falcons.

Johnson quickly ordered the helicopter formation to retreat, he knew that they really dared to fight.

Regardless of the number or weapons, he had no way to fight them.

So he ordered the troops to stop first, and then held a press conference, desperately publicizing that Marseille's behavior this time was undoubtedly to split Tanzania. For such behavior, even if he was torn to pieces, he would defend his sovereignty to the death.

Although the slogans were loud, war is not bragging. It is not a few slogans that can scare away the enemy.

And how could the reporters only listen to his one-sided words? After interviewing him, they went to interview Marseille.

The Marseille officials did not come forward directly, but let the lion explain the matter himself.

So the lion told the whole story. He was originally ordered to expel the pirates of the Somali country who illegally crossed the border, but he was hit head-on by the tanks of his own country's national defense force and suffered heavy losses.

And after the incident, the president and the parliament promised to give him an explanation, but in the end, they didn't say a word.

The people in the tribe were indignant. After a referendum, they decided to abandon the dark and join Marseille.

And it was Marseille who had been helping them all these years, so that no one in the entire Tuva tribe was cold and hungry.

Moreover, the Marseille government did not agree to this matter immediately. It was agreed after their repeated requests and after a referendum.

What Lion said was all based on evidence, including the scene where they were crushed by tanks, with photos and videos as evidence.

The referendum has detailed documents and data, and there is no falsification.

As a result, the entire public opinion was in an uproar, and the United Nations was ready to agree to Johnson's request.

As a result, such a scandal occurred, and the matter was immediately shelved. At least they had to understand the truth of the matter before giving a clear opinion.

It was just that the delegation they sent had just arrived at the Tuva tribe, and several bombers appeared from the clouds and bombarded the Tuva tribe's position.

As a result, several members of the delegation were killed and injured, and Johnson thought it was the best time to attack and ordered the troops to start the attack.

What he didn't expect was that the bombers didn't cause much damage to the Marseille army, and the soldiers themselves were in the trenches.

The power of bombers bombing trenches is greatly reduced, so as soon as the Tanzanian ground forces appeared, the soldiers poked their heads out of the trenches and fired wildly.

For a time, the Tanzanian soldiers who followed the tanks to charge became targets and fell in groups. Only tanks were left charging on the unprotected positions.

At this time, the artillery units of Marseille began to shoot, and heavy bullets rained down on the tank group.

Don't look at these behemoths that show off their power in front of the soldiers, but they don't have much ability in front of bullets.

One by one, the armor was torn off, the tracks were blown off, and they were even overturned on the ground, like turtles, unable to move.

After smashing the tank group, the artillery began to extend the shooting and directly hit Johnson's headquarters, which scared him to quickly command the troops to retreat thirty miles, otherwise he would be easily wiped out in this wave.

He retreated, and the Marseilles naturally wouldn't let him go so easily. The tanks here also began to attack.

The Tanzanian army didn't have many tanks left, and they were basically wiped out after this pursuit.

Johnson called Sergei in despair:

"Mr. Sergei, if you don't take action, I'm completely finished this time. If I'm finished, all your investment will be in vain. You can do whatever you want!"

After hanging up the phone, Sergei gritted his teeth and asked his air force friend for help. This time he also spent a lot of money and asked him to send five large bombers loaded with ammunition at a time to destroy all the tanks and artillery of Marseille.

In fact, the air force of the big country he asked for help had no scruples about Marseille. No matter how strong Marseille was, it was just an ant to them. There was no pressure to crush it to death.

So under the stimulation of Sergei's heavy money, five bombers really came at once.

This time, because there was no shelter and they went deep into the Tuva position, Marseille's tanks and artillery positions suffered heavy losses.

However, Marseilles' artillery was not so easy to deal with. After their anti-aircraft guns and surface-to-air missiles fired fiercely, only two of the five bombers returned.

Two crashed on the spot, and one was injured and landed in Tuva, where it was captured directly by Marseilles soldiers.

Many reporters and the remaining members of the UN delegation watched the battle on the spot. Several more were killed and injured.

However, because Marseilles also suffered heavy losses, they did not pursue Johnson's remnants.

However, Yang San, who was far away in So, was furious after hearing the news, and immediately led his troops into Tan.

Most of Tan's troops were led out by Johnson. Even the capital had no garrison troops, and Yang San easily attacked the capital of Tan and marched northward.

Johnson was attacked from all sides and was confused for a while. He actually took a few confidants and flew away directly to Sergei's company headquarters.

The leaderless Tan troops immediately scattered like birds and beasts, and were chased by Marseille and Yang San's troops. They had nowhere to escape and surrendered one after another.

So the whole Tan was occupied by Marseille and Yang San.

Yang Da and Yang San had a tacit understanding. They divided Tan into two, each of them controlled a part and went to rectify it on their own.

The people of Tan were confused, some became Soe people, and some became Marseille people.

Sergei and Johnson were naturally unwilling to accept such a result, and began to create public opinion and criticize Marseille and Yang San.

However, because of the bomber incident, the top military officials of the United States were furious. Three of the most advanced bombers were destroyed, and one was captured. How big a loss was this?

Therefore, the military court arrested several top officials of the African base, including Sergei. This matter could no longer be resolved peacefully.

The top military officials found Yang Da and ordered him to return the bomber to the base.

After thinking it over again and again, Yang Da returned the plane. There was no other way. He really couldn't afford to offend them.

He could only grit his teeth and accumulate strength, waiting for a day when he would not be afraid of any force.

However, although he suffered losses, he had so many more territories and people. After a few years of operation, he would have everything.

After understanding this truth, Yang Da was no longer angry and worked hard to govern.

The next step was to develop the economy in an all-round way. As long as he had money, he could do anything. Isn't it just weapons of mass destruction?

Throw money at it. If you can't buy it, study it yourself. One day, when they face themselves, they won't have the courage to be so tough.

Yang San was even more so. The national strength of Somalia could not be compared with Marseille for the time being, let alone compared with other big countries.

But he is not afraid, he has a capable queen who is good at everything. Given time, he will surpass Marseille first, and then catch up with more developed countries.

With such a superior geographical location, he can make a lot of money just by developing international trade. When the financial resources accumulate to a certain level, Yang San will not be afraid of anyone.

But Johnson disappeared in the end. Although there are various legends, he has completely disappeared...


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