Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 639: Shoot down two, sink one, and damage another.

Why retreat?

There is no need to lure the enemy deep. Just rush over with reinforcements and attack directly. They are just pirates. There is no need to use complicated tactics.

Besides, the command post is very aware of its current situation. To retreat is to give up your back. Besides, you can't retreat even if you want to.

But why did the command post issue such an order - asking him to retreat fifty kilometers? The first batch of reinforcements will arrive in the war zone in twenty minutes!

Several thoughts went through Li Zhan's head in an instant. Although he had countless questions, he did not raise any questions to the command post, nor did he resist the order. Instead, he saw the opportunity and decisively pressed down on the stick at a high angle to dive away from the battle group.

Of course, the command post knew that it was quite dangerous for Li Zhan to retreat at this time, but in order for the follow-up plan to proceed smoothly, Li Zhan had to retreat fifty kilometers and pull the pirates' F-15J to that sea area!

The navy, which rarely has actual combat missions, treats the impromptu attack on pirates in the West Pacific as its best opponent, and is determined to hone its emergency combat capabilities. Since it is a war, there cannot be no casualties. As the commander-in-chief, Wang Jiaqi knows this very well, and will not hesitate to sacrifice Li Zhan!

However, everyone has great confidence in Li Zhan. After all, the first shot has not been fired yet. With Li Zhan's strong combat effectiveness, it is not surprising that he cannot defeat the F-15J, but it is not difficult to escape.

It's just that the exercise headquarters, which transformed into a frontline headquarters, didn't know the situation at that time. The two F-15Js were already determined to shoot down Li Zhan. The two pilots hired by the pirates just couldn't adapt to Li Zhan's cunning for a while. The tactical maneuver has not yet formed a favorable attack posture.

At this time, Li Zhan suddenly accelerated and dived at a large angle, which surprised the two F-15Js again - how did that person know that there was a fleet below?

Li Zhan didn't know that his airborne radar couldn't search the sea in a dogfight. It was an old radar with limited combat performance. Li Zhan did this just to get rid of their entanglement as soon as possible and achieve the purpose of retreating fifty kilometers.

He is very aware of the performance of the F-15 series of fighters. Fighting them at high altitudes is seeking death. Only by bringing the battlefield to low altitudes or even ultra-low altitudes and limiting the range to as small a space as possible can he take advantage of being far stronger than the opponent. His driving skills can scare the opponent or even kill him.

To break away directly would be death, and some struggle would have to be fought.

Niu Jun still insisted on taking pictures during various violent maneuvers. In her opinion, this would be extremely rare first-hand air combat image data. When it came time to dive, she could no longer distinguish between the sky and the ocean, and she was completely confused, but she still persisted in her work.

The Old Flying Leopard easily exceeded the speed of sound during a steep dive with afterburner. Since it carried a supersonic auxiliary fuel tank, it did not have much impact on the fighter's supersonic flight.

However, Li Zhan has decided to throw away the two auxiliary fuel tanks that still have some fuel. He must be more flexible so that he can fight with the more flexible F-15J fighter.

At an altitude of 3,000 meters, he dropped two auxiliary fuel tanks. The fighter plane still maintained a steep dive, but he began to slow down, allowing the fighter plane to slowly become the most responsive state. He did not dare to pull up the fighter plane at supersonic speed. An attack aircraft like the Old Flying Leopard dressed in the skin of a fighter-bomber could never be compared with an air superiority fighter.

As a result, Li Zhan suddenly saw a lot of flashing navigation lights on the sea. They were warning lights on the ship's mast. They were so conspicuous in the cloudless low altitude and the dark sea.

"Fuck!" Li Zhan was sure at the first moment that it was not a merchant ship, but an armed fleet of West Pacific pirates! What was laid out was a standard battle formation!

Almost immediately, the radar warning buzzed.

It wasn't the F-15J that was chasing after him, it was the fire control radar on the pirate armed ship on the sea that locked onto him!

Li Zhan's decision was very decisive. He turned on the radio jamming function of the integrated tactical pod. He didn't have high hopes for the integrated tactical pod's radio jamming capabilities, and had to rely more on his own evasive maneuvers.

However, when there are pursuers behind, the evasive maneuvers that can be taken are very limited.

In almost just one second, Li Zhan chose to continue accelerating the dive instead of performing other evasive maneuvers. Only by speeding up and rushing to low altitude to enter the blind spot of the anti-aircraft missiles of the pirate armed fleet can we gain a chance of survival!

He could only hope that the old flying leopard could obey his control and level off smoothly when approaching the sea surface.

The pilots on the two F-15Js chasing behind made a fatal mistake. They pursued closely because they were worried that the air-to-air missiles launched would accidentally damage their own fleet, so they planned to use aircraft cannons to deal with their opponents. You must know that infrared-guided air-to-air missiles cannot distinguish which infrared sources are enemies or friends, and they cannot guarantee that their airborne radar can always lock on to the target and continue to provide indication data to the missile.

Two Sea Sparrow short-range anti-aircraft missiles were launched, heading straight towards Li Zhan, and then two more. The distance between each other is only more than three kilometers, which is the range where the Sea Sparrow has the highest hit rate. It's just that the armed pirate ships that launched these Sea Sparrow short-range air defense missiles didn't expect that the target would keep diving, getting lower and lower, and the missile would have to maneuver with a very large overload to hit the target at the predetermined click.

The result was that the first two Searams disintegrated under the huge overload, and the warhead exploded.

The second batch of two Sea Sparrow missiles had no time to lock on the target. Because the integrated tactical pod carried out radio interference, the fire control radar on the ship temporarily lost its function. Then the two Sea Sparrow missiles discovered two more obvious infrared signals. The source of the signal - the two F-15J fighter jets that were clinging to Li Zhan.

At this time, something unexpected happened - an armed pirate ship suddenly exploded on the sea. The second explosion was so violent that the fire lit up half of the sea and sky!

Li Zhan was suddenly startled. Where did the angel sister come from to say this for him?

It's the auxiliary fuel tank!

The two auxiliary fuel tanks actually hit an armed pirate ship of more than 4,000 tons at a vertical angle. The kinetic energy of the auxiliary fuel tanks thrown away at supersonic speed was so huge, plus the residual fuel inside, it was not What about unpowered aerial bombs?

The first auxiliary fuel tank hit the bridge. Under the huge impact, two cabins of the bridge were penetrated, and the fuel inside burned quickly. The second auxiliary fuel tank directly killed the more than 4,000-ton armed pirate ship - it actually penetrated the front deck and hit the ammunition compartment under the main gun on the bow!

The ammunition compartment storing hundreds of rounds of 76 mm caliber naval gun shells exploded. The huge explosion opened the front deck. The Otto Melara 76 mm caliber naval gun was thrown high, and then hit hard. It hit the water. The huge shock wave even tore the hulls on both sides, and the sea water poured in ferociously, announcing the death of this "First Snow" class general-purpose pirate ship.

Li Zhan didn't have time to think about it. At this time, he used all the means of deceleration. He stared at the airspeed indicator and altimeter, shouting in his heart to slow down, slow down, slow down. Only when the air speed dropped to the ideal value could he pull the stick and resume level flight. Otherwise, Lao Feibao is very likely to disintegrate!

The number on the altimeter dropped rapidly. Li Zhan did a quick mental calculation. After confirming that it was too late, he decisively pulled the lever and pedaled the rudder to perform level flight control.


Li Zhan shouted, and suddenly heard two huge explosions behind him. In the rearview mirror, he saw two groups of fire suddenly exploded behind him. What the hell was going on? Why did the two F-15J fighters behind them explode? It’s over! In fact, when the pilots of the two F-15Js saw their own missiles coming towards them, they were also filled with questions. What was going on? As a result, they were blown away before they could even think about it.

Which angel sister said this for Li Zhan?

Two unexpected changes happened within just a few seconds, but Li Zhan's crisis did not come into contact. He escaped the attack in an extremely dangerous way, but he was not out of the dangerous situation yet.

No. 81198 JH-7 made a heart-wrenching sound during his control. The fuselage structure was groaning. Air flow visible to the naked eye appeared in the position of the flaps. The air resistance suddenly increased and the fighter's kinetic energy was competing with each other. The fuselage The structure screams in pain in such a tragic environment!

The height continued to drop, one hundred meters, fifty meters, thirty meters, and it was about to hit the sea.

Li Zhan yelled: "Fat Leopard, get up quickly!"

He resolutely fired forward with the cannon, hoping that the backward force generated when the cannon was fired would help the fighter slow down and provide some upward force, even if it was extremely weak!

The coincidence happened again.

In front of him was a "Murasame" class general-purpose pirate ship. The "Seahawk" carrier-based helicopter had previously taken off for anti-submarine search. After sounding the alarm, the "Seahawk" carrier-based helicopter was ordered to return and was on the landing route.

The 23mm aircraft cannon shell fired by Li Zhan hit the "Sea Eagle" carrier-based helicopter that had landed slowly above the stern flight deck...

The "Sea Eagle" carrier-based helicopter quickly lost control after being hit, and then rushed towards the hangar at an angle. The high-speed rotating rotor cut off the Sea Sparrow short-range air defense missile system and illumination radar above the hangar, and the fuselage loader A large hole was created directly in the warehouse, and more than a dozen ground staff waiting for support inside were instantly killed and injured.

Li Zhan has no time to pay attention to these!

He found that the old flying leopard was resolutely descending. The altitude had dropped to thirty meters, and the depression angle was hovering below zero. Life and death were on the line. Li Zhan gritted his teeth and retracted the throttle decisively. The fighter plane suddenly faltered. Li Zhan pulled the stick back hard. When he saw that the elevation angle finally returned to a positive number, he was so excited that he almost jumped out of the cockpit. Quickly, Full throttle and afterburner!

The old Flying Leopard's fuselage made an even louder, heart-wrenching sound, and finally raised its head. The sudden and powerful wake hit the sea surface and stirred up a large cloud of water mist!

The engine nozzle is only one meter away from sea level!

Li Zhan and Niu Jun narrowly escaped death. Lao Feibao did not let them down at the last moment. He stopped falling one second before hitting the sea and resumed his climb rate!

Because it was too close to the "Murasame"-class general-purpose pirate ship in front, although Li Zhan had already tried hard to pull the lever and push the rudder, the distance was too close. When the old flying leopard slid sideways at a large angle, the belly of the aircraft scraped the highest point on the mast. The antenna shook, and the fighter plane shook.

Li Zhan did not dare to climb. Instead, after fully controlling the fighter plane, he quickly descended the altitude again. With his powerful ultra-low-altitude flying ability, he flew at a high-speed sea skimming altitude of five meters. Only this altitude can ensure safety, even at close range. Anti-cannon, it is also very difficult to intercept him.

You must know that Li Zhan broke into the pirates' armed fleet at this time!

Then he quickly checked the various systems of the fighter and found that everything was normal, but he clearly felt that the structure of the fuselage was a little loose. Taking a deep breath, Li Zhan asked Niu Jun, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay! I took pictures of everything! It's a super blockbuster!"

"Sister, we almost had an honor and you still have the heart to take pictures."

"My mission is to shoot! That's right, senior brother, you shot down two enemy planes, sank a pirate ship and damaged another. How did you do it? You didn't bring any other ammunition?" Niu Junbai Puzzled, he asked.

Li Zhan smiled bitterly and said, "Would you believe it if I said it was all a coincidence?"

"If you don't believe it, how could there be so many coincidences? Let's take a moment to tell you." Niu Jun's doubts are strong. She is the most aware bystander. Except for not knowing what weapons Li Zhan used to do this, there are other things. She saw it all.

How could there be such a coincidence?

Li Zhan sighed and said, "It was the same when we were participating in the drill in the Mediterranean. It was really an unintentional move. I can only say, how should I put it, they must be unlucky..."

After saying that, he shook his head helplessly and quickly called the command post, "Command post! Found a pirate armed fleet of more than a dozen ships, including four 7,000-ton pirate ships, in my waters!"

"Angry Old Leopard, are you still alive? How are you doing?" The command post that had been silent for a long time suddenly became active. When Li Zhan dived at a large angle, they thought that Li Zhan had been shot down, but Li Zhan had no time to talk to the command at that time. Contact us!

Li Zhan reported, "I am in their fleet, flying across the sea at a height of five meters and heading west at high speed to escape. Over!"

"Five meters sea skimming think you are an anti-ship missile!" The commander was horrified and admired. He immediately said, "The angry old leopard will return immediately. The support team will pick you up in ten minutes!"

Li Zhan put forward a different opinion, "Are you carrying anti-ship missiles? I suggest attacking the pirate armed fleet immediately!"

"The unit that is responding to you has no time to replenish ammunition. They are responsible for trapping another group of two enemy planes to respond to your return!" the commander said. The ones sent over were the J-8Ds that had taken off in an emergency and were rushing here at supersonic speed to pick up Li. war.

Li Zhan knew the situation on the battlefield best. He thought quickly and made a suggestion, "At the command post, I am confident that we will escape the threat of the pirate fleet. We can ask the response team to block another batch of two enemy planes. I will meet later Withdraw 50 kilometers and be on standby to provide target relay guidance for subsequent attack teams!"

He confirmed that the fighter plane was fine, the integrated tactical pod was fine, the fuel was sufficient, and it was still capable of fighting. At this time, our own fleet is still more than 300 kilometers away. At this distance, no anti-ship weapons can hit the pirate fleet.

Can only be carried out by air detachments carrying air-to-ship missiles.

The air unit launches YJ-83 air-launched anti-ship missiles at high altitudes to achieve a maximum range of more than 250 kilometers, but the hit rate at this range is very low because the aircraft's airborne radar cannot provide target indication. .

Can only rely on relay guidance.

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