Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 662 It’s time to say goodbye again, goodbye, senior sister

In the small conference room in the office building of Shen Huoyi Factory, there were more than a dozen researchers working on the two projects sitting scattered around. Yu Niandong and Yi Xiaoyi were both there. Yu Niandong came to coordinate the technology sharing work, and Yi Xiaoyi was already the main member of the new generation scientific research team of Shen Huoyi Factory.

Li Zhan first read the latest improvement plan for the J-16, handed it to Zhu Qingying next to him, raised his chin, looked at Yu Niandong, then looked at Yi Xiaoyi, the specific technical person in charge of Shen Huoyi Factory, and asked, " So now you two factories have reached an agreement to use the avionics technology of the fourth-generation aircraft in the No. 16 project?"

"It is a research and development consortium headed by our two factories, and the relevant research institutes have also signed the agreement." Yu Niandong nodded.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "I personally agree. During the test flight, my overall feeling is that the No. 16 aircraft has made greater progress than the Su-30, especially in terms of avionics technology, but in the long run, the No. 16 aircraft There are still doubts about the advanced level of the avionics technology of the USS. My opinion is that we would rather extend the service time and use mature advanced technologies as much as possible."

Yi Xiaoyi said, "It is precisely because of this consideration that the army cannot accept the situation of falling behind immediately after service. We, the manufacturer, are not willing to deliver a fighter aircraft to the army that will fall behind in the near future. With the coordination of superiors, brothers The factory is willing to share the avionics technology of fourth-generation aircraft, which solves our biggest problem."

After talking for more than ten minutes, Zhu Qingying finished reading the plan. When she put down the plan, everyone consciously stopped talking and turned their attention to her. She was not overlooked because of her non-active duty military status.

Zhu Qingying looked like a different person, very serious. She said, "The No. 16 aircraft will be equipment for the navy and air force in the future. The characteristics of the navy and aviation force need to be taken into consideration, but I do not recommend a balance."

"What do you mean?" Yi Xiaoyi asked.

Zhu Qingying said, "I suggest developing two models, the Air Force type and the Navy shore-based type. The common rate of parts can be appropriately reduced and more targeted. Then we can develop purpose-classified models based on the two basic types, such as the Air Force type. , developed electronic warfare aircraft and fighter-bombers.”

"I understand what you mean." Yi Xiaoyi nodded and said while quickly writing it down.

Zhu Qingying looked at Li Zhan and said, "Hainan Airlines, please tell me."

Nodding slightly, Li Zhan said, "Shen Hoi Factory is very experienced in naval fighters. I won't talk about the rest. I mainly make two suggestions. The first is long range and larger fuel capacity. This will be beneficial to the future. The naval aviation force is very important at this time, and the second point is to develop a command aircraft that can conduct air command and carry a pod to achieve relay communications and target guidance."

"Understood." Yi Xiaoyi recorded it again.

What Li Zhan and Zhu Qingying talked about were experiences gained at the price of blood, and every word was extremely precious. Zhu Qingying has never worked in the Hainan Airlines Force, and she has a deeper understanding of the Air Force Force.

After clear suggestions were made on the big aspects, everyone began to have intense discussions on the details. The specific installation location and size of the rearview mirror must be discussed seriously and fully. With his rich flying experience, Li Zhan is well aware of all aspects of fighter aircraft. The basic model of the J-16 was a practical test flight completed in his hands.

There is no level distinction in such technical seminars. We do not discuss imaginary topics, but only flesh-and-blood dry information. Although Zhu Qingying has never flown a J-16, her flying hours have reached more than 4,000 hours, which is more than twice that of Li Zhan. In terms of flying experience, she is richer than Li Zhan, except of course experience in dealing with dangerous situations.

It took three days in a row to finalize the latest improvement plan for the J-16. The R\u0026D team still has a lot of work to do. Only after the engineering plan is formed can manufacturing begin. However, Li Zhan cannot intervene in these.

Immediately after discussing the improvement plan of the J-15, it should be pointed out that although more than ten J-15s have been handed over to the troops, this fighter has never been finalized, which is unique in the history of military aircraft development.

The J-15 has a bigger problem.

At the seminar, Li Zhan said, "In general, the biggest problem of the J-15 is the engine. The thrust of the current engine is not enough, and there is a big gap compared with the international advanced level. The other one is the poor quality Engine durability in weather conditions.”

Yi Xiaoyi said, "Mr. Li, the new engine is in the final stage of research. The Power Research Institute has made it clear that it can be tested on the machine this year. At this stage, it will not be far from installation."

"The second problem is also very serious." Li Zhan looked very serious. The scene of Zhang Xueyang encountering a flight control failure when he blocked the landing appeared in front of his eyes. He tapped his fingers on the table and said, "The J-15's flight control system must be replaced. The old flight control system failure has caused many serious accidents, and this problem is far more fatal than unsatisfactory engine thrust."

These words made the technicians at Shen Huoyi Factory feel ashamed. They wanted to refute, but they really had no confidence. After Zhang Xueyang encountered a flight control failure, Shen Huoyi Factory was severely criticized by the superior authority and required to solve the hidden danger as soon as possible.

However, scientific and technological research has certain rules, which cannot be changed by administrative orders. There is no other way. Shen Huoyi Factory and related research institutes can only work hard and use whatever resources they need, regardless of the cost.

If the problem of the flight control system is not solved for a day, the J-15 will not be finalized. Failure to finalize means that it cannot be delivered to the troops. The factory can only continue to invest funds, which is very stressful. The dozen J-15s delivered earlier were produced with advance payments from the army, but it is impossible for the army to continuously allocate funds while the fighter jets are not yet finalized.

Yi Xiaoyi knew that when he talked about the J-15 project, he would definitely be severely criticized by Li Zhan. Although he was mentally prepared, when he saw Li Zhan's cold eyes, he was still very panicked and said bravely, " Mr. Li, we have decided to invest in solving the problem of the flight control system regardless of the cost, and with the help of our brother factories, we will start over and come up with a J-15 flight control system with completely independent intellectual property rights."

At this time, Yu Niandong, who rarely spoke in the J-15 project, smiled and helped, "Mr. Li, Yi Gong is right. We have concentrated all our efforts together and also used the avionics technology of the fourth-generation aircraft for derivatives." , or it will take a lot of time to come up with a reliable and advanced J-15 flight control system."

Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "I often tell my soldiers that once they take off, they have one foot on the door of death. Every pilot who takes off must be mentally prepared to sacrifice at any time. We are not afraid of sacrifice. But I hope the comrades in the military industry can make our sacrifice more valuable!"

Very heavy topic, very heavy pressure.

No one wants to sacrifice, but there is no point in thinking. The cause of Zhang Xueyang's accident was a fault in the flight control system, and the manufacturer was entirely responsible. They must fully accept this.

Li Zhan did not continue to put pressure on them. He took out a thick copy of his flight experience and handed it over, saying, "My experience of using the J-15 is all here. There are data, feelings, suggestions, opinions, praise and criticism. , and also has specific suggestions for improvement.”

"Great!" Yi Xiaoyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Li Zhan would not just put pressure on them. Yi Xiaoyi knew very well the value of the materials written by Li Zhan. No matter what kind of plane Li Zhan flew like that, all the hidden dangers and problems would be exposed, even more powerful than the ace test pilot.

Li Zhan has done actual test flights of the J-16 and submitted a detailed test flight report at the beginning, so this time he did not write specifically about the flight experience of the J-16. As for the J-15, he has too much to write about. .

For the J-15 project, Li Zhan and Zhu Qingying stayed at the Shenhuoyi Factory for more than half a month.

In April, the four-month tour of visits and research finally came to an end. At this time, the baby in Ying Wanjun's belly was already more than five months old.

Zhu Qingying and Li Zhan flew a business jet and landed at the Fertile Land Naval Flying Training Base. After the plane stopped, Zhu Qingying took off her seatbelt and breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Li Zhan, "I will send you here."

Li Zhan, who was about to get up, paused for a moment, sat down again, looked at Zhu Qingying and said, "Senior sister, stay here for a few days, I will show you around."

Zhu Qingying looked at Li Zhan and smiled softly, "Li Zhan, we may not meet again in the future."

The feeling in my heart was finally verified. In fact, when he set off from Fuzichang Station more than four months ago, Li Zhan felt something was wrong with his senior sister. Although he was indeed ordered to visit various military industrial units together, Li Zhan always felt that his senior sister had become sentimental, talkative and bad-tempered, and she felt like a completely different person.

It's finally here.

"I can neither ask you where you are going nor ask you to stay. I am really sad." Li Zhan said with a deep sigh.

Zhu Qingying said softly, "Once upon a time, it was difficult to change the situation. We have experienced many things that others cannot experience. What do you think the future will be like? Wonderful, boring, or like a walking dead. A soldier will eventually shed his armor and return to the field." You are still young, but I am no longer young.”

Li Zhan remained silent.

Over the past many years, Zhu Qingying would disappear, sometimes for several months, sometimes for a year or two, but no matter how long it took, she would always appear. I'm afraid I'll never see him again this time.

"Oh, parting feels so uncomfortable." Li Zhan shook his head and said.

Zhu Qingying reached out and gently touched Li Zhan's face and said, "It means you are still young. When you reach my age, you will have a different feeling when you encounter the same thing. Go ahead and live a good life. Although not We’ll see each other again, but I want to know how you’re doing easily, you know.”


Li Zhan stood up and left the cockpit without looking back.

The cabin door slowly closed, and the business jet taxied to the take-off position, quickly began to taxi, lifted the wheels lightly and climbed, and quickly disappeared on the far side of the sky. Zhu Qingying wiped away her tears and flew westward.

Li Zhan stood there without moving for a long time. He slowly raised his right arm and saluted in the direction where the senior sister left, completely sending away the last trace of the old army.

He knew it was time for him to leave.

In the next month, the Flying Shark Force no longer arranged for Li Zhan to fly, and Li Zhan concentrated on writing training materials. He reasonably integrated all the experience and methods and compiled carrier-based fighter pilot training materials and training syllabus. This was his final contribution to the Flying Shark Force.

As early as more than a month ago, Dai Wenming and Li Zhan had a phone call. The Air Force had reached an agreement with Haisi. Since the training of the Flying Shark Force was on track, the Air Force needed Li Zhan to return to the Air Force to participate in the test flight of the fourth-generation aircraft. The test flight of the fourth-generation aircraft has entered a critical stage, and Li Zhan is very important to this work.

Although he was extremely reluctant to leave, Haisi still considered the matter from an overall perspective and agreed to return Li Zhan to the Air Force. At the same time, he reached an agreement with the Air Force that the Navy could conduct a short-term secondment when Li Zhan was needed. Of course, the prerequisite It is the first to ensure the test flight mission of the fourth-generation aircraft.

All the comrades are here.

Zhang Xueyang, Han Hongjun, Cheng Da, Niu Yaoyang, Cao Zuofei and all the officers and soldiers of the Flying Shark Unit who had been discharged from the hospital. In order to see Li Zhan off, even the pilots who were training on the aircraft carrier flew back to participate. Mr. Zhang, who has retired, attended the farewell party dressed in fine clothes. Lao Chentou, Morenan and other senior leaders of the Flying Sharks were also present.

Revolutionary soldiers are like bricks, they can be moved wherever they are needed. Everyone understands the truth. Partings happen every day, and many times there is no time to say goodbye. This is understandable to everyone. But Li Zhan, who is regarded as the spiritual pillar, is leaving, and everyone is in a very uncomfortable mood.

The farewell party was also a commendation party. Haisi decided to give Li Zhanji a first-class merit in recognition of his outstanding contributions during his service in the naval force. Li Zhan won his tenth first-class merit.

He delivered a brief speech, looked at hundreds of sailing athletes, and said in a calm voice: "Comrades, in the past just over a year, we have created a new era of the People's Navy together, and we have witnessed history together. I I am very touched and honored to stand with you. We are about to usher in a great era, and you who stand at the forefront will eventually be remembered by history. All our efforts are for those who come after us to better utilize the combat effectiveness of our troops. Push it up. Everything we do will be of great significance. It is our mission to resist the enemy thousands of miles away. I will continue to work hard with everyone in the new position! I hope you will continue to climb the peak and continuously contribute to the construction The powerful People’s Navy will contribute its strength! Finally, I wish everyone a safe takeoff and landing!”

When it came time to say goodbye one by one, no matter how old or what rank, one was counted as one. When saying goodbye, he hugged Li Zhan and cried bitterly. The upright Chinese man cried like a child. That scene made Mr. Zhang and other leaders burst into tears. .

During the final farewell, Li Zhan saluted his comrades and told everyone loudly: "I am proud to fight alongside you! See you soon, brothers!"

Volume 5 completed

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