[Huawei m40 fully provides 5G models? 】

All of a sudden, netizens in the mobile phone circle began to post their own questions one after another.

[Didn't you say that because of the lack of 5G radio frequency chips, you can only sell 4G? 】

[Could it be that Huawei has developed a 5G radio frequency chip by itself? 】

[Just kidding, how can it be developed so easily? 】

[This is fake news! fake-news! 】


Most netizens still don't believe this news, thinking that it's just a traffic deception post published by a certain marketing account.

As long as you search the Internet, you can see claims everywhere that "Hua Guo has developed a 5nm chip, and the West can't sit still", "Hua Guo's lithography machine technology has broken through 7nm!" ’ It’s normal for netizens not to believe all kinds of fake news.

However, at this time, a big V in a certain digital circle posted a Weibo.

[Recent news about Huawei m40 series mobile phones fully providing 5G models has attracted the attention of many friends, and some fans have privately asked me if this news is true. Today I will give you a unified answer here. This news is actually true. . 】

[I asked a friend who works in Huawei, and I got a shocking news. There is a company in China that has broken through the Western patent blockade and developed 5G radio frequency chip technology completely independently. There is no need to worry about foreign interference, so Huawei has already Purchased a batch of 5G radio frequency chips from the company, which will be used in the subsequent m40 series mobile phones, including the tablet series, and 5G tablets will also be released for sale. 】

After this blog post was sent out, it immediately attracted many replies.

[Fuck, is it true? Independently developed a 5G radio frequency chip? 】

[Which company is so awesome? 】

【really! If it is really developed, why didn't the company stand up and make a statement? 】

[It must be false. It’s not that I underestimate our Huaguo. It’s because with Huaguo’s current level, it’s impossible for any company to independently develop this technology. 】

[I thought the blogger was always fair and objective, but now he is shameless because of the traffic, so he cancels it. 】


Despite the blogger's statement, few believe it.

It's just that, as the topic heats up gradually, and it even spreads gradually, more and more people start to join the discussion, which gradually attracts the attention of domestic manufacturers.

Remy Corporation.

Sitting in his office, Rebs suddenly learned of the news.

"What? Huawei bought a 5G RF chip? Which company dares to sell it? Aren't you afraid of being banned?" He couldn't believe it. Which company dared to sell Huawei chips at the risk of the world?

Do you still want to hang out?

And it was Lu Wei who told him the news.

"The news is true. That company is really not afraid of being banned. Their technology is completely independently developed. I checked the patent website, and the patent number is all there." Lu Wei said.

Rebus couldn't help frowning. The high-end flagship mobile phone R50 series released by Warwick is only a 4G mobile phone, but it has attracted almost half of the mobile phone circle. As a friend, colleagues must be enemies. Of course, he is happy to see it .

But now, they actually bought 5G radio frequency chips?

"What's the name of that company?"

"It's called Zhiqi Technology Company. It's an old company. It seems that we bought their 4G radio frequency chips five or six years ago, but they fell behind and almost went bankrupt." Lu Wei replied, "As a result Unexpectedly, they have developed a 5G radio frequency chip now, I am afraid that they have invested a lot."

"Bullshit, can this thing be produced by investing in research and development? Didn't they use Western technology?" Rebus still didn't want to believe it.

"No, not at all." Lu Wei shook his head: "Oh, by the way, this company called Zhang Feng before and asked us if we want to buy their RF chips, but Zhang Feng thought they were liars and hung up directly. Telephone."

Rebs frowned: "How much do they sell?"

"I don't know, Zhang Feng just hung up without asking in detail, but I learned from the people at Warwick that their unit price is 35 dollars a piece."

Although their peers have always maintained mutual defense, some news cannot be hidden.

"Fuck, $35?" Rebs couldn't help but swear, "Are they still making money?"

The 5G radio frequency chip they bought was provided by a domestic company that has obtained a patent authorization, and the price of a single chip is more than 50 US dollars!

$35 for this one?

People rob money, you give money, right?

Lu Wei was a little ashamed: "Although I don't know the specific reason, but the cost of a single chip of that company seems to be less than 30 US dollars, and they sell it for 35 US dollars, probably to expand the market."

Rebus immediately stood up, his eyes widened: "Buy, buy, buy!"

"Don't worry about it, contact me immediately, we want to buy it too!"

Their cost-effective strategy, the profit margin of a mobile phone on hardware is pitifully small. At the beginning, Rebs claimed that the comprehensive after-tax profit of a mobile phone on hardware was less than 5%.

If they can buy 5G radio frequency chips that can only be bought for more than fifty dollars at a price of thirty-five dollars, it means that their profit margin for each mobile phone will be more than ten dollars, which is almost equivalent to one hundred soft sister coins!

With the sales volume of Remy mobile phones surpassing that of fruit, ranking second in the world, what does one hundred soft sister coins mean, let alone talk about it.

Lu Wei nodded. It was also for this reason that he told Rebs the news today.

But before he left, he still did not forget to ask: "What about Warwick?"

"If Huawei provides 5G for the R50, I don't need to say it? I don't care about the rest. Anyway, when Huawei Qilin9K is gone, the high dragon chip provided by Snapdragon will not be equipped with 5G RF modules, and they will still not be able to release 5G mobile phones. "

"I see." Lu Wei nodded, turned and left.

Rebus sat back in his seat, thinking about it with his head down.

"100% domestic 5G radio frequency chip? This company has something. We have to see if it can be acquired. If it can't be acquired, the technicians have to dig it in. We can't let other companies take the lead. But Huawei didn't do it?"

Thinking in his heart, Rebs picked up his phone and made a call.


"Boss Ye, Blue Green Factory also called."

In the office, Ye Cheng looked at Wang Shen who opened the door again and walked in, and nodded.

It has been three days since the contract was signed with Warwick, and as if it was an agreement, mobile phone manufacturers such as Remy, Blue Green Factory, Noble, and Real Me all called today.

"Well, let's give it a unified time. In the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, discuss cooperation matters with them."


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