United States, Snapdragon Corporation.

As a giant in the field of wireless technology, Snapdragon has made great contributions to the mobile Internet ecosystem, and it is for this reason that this company has appeared in all aspects of electronic equipment.

And 5G radio frequency technology, as one of the most important technologies in the 5G era, is also indispensable for Snapdragon.

At this time, in the office of the president of Snapdragon, the president Christian stood in front of the French windows, looking at the cityscape of California.

There was a smile on his face.

In other words, he has always had a smile on his face in the past two years.

There is no way, with the help of the government, their Xiaotong company has once again penetrated to an unprecedented level in Huaguo's electronics industry, which also means that the world's largest market has almost let Xiaotong company go.

Especially Huawei, a Huaguo technology company that once made their company have to wait for it, today also gave way to the market they once occupied, and they also had to give in. Even mobile phone Soc chips have to buy their Gaolong chips up.

The former Qilin chip has fallen so far, and in addition to the fruit's A-series chips, only their Gaolong chips are left in the mobile phone chips.

As for chips of other brands, in his eyes, they are not chips at all, so don't worry about them.

And it is precisely for these reasons that the stock price of their company has been rising continuously since two years ago, and it has almost tripled today, and the guys on the board of directors have less annoying words since then, making his life a joy. It was extremely comfortable.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

He regained his senses from the city scenery, and said in his mouth: "Continue to sanction, the harder the sanction, the better."

Then he sat back on his desk and said at the same time, "Please come in."

The door opened, and he saw his assistant rushing in with an anxious look on his face.

He frowned and said, "Why are you in such a hurry, frizzy."

"I'm sorry, President." The assistant quickly apologized, and then said: "President, just now there is news from Huaguo that a company in Huaguo has developed a 5G radio frequency chip, and all the mobile phone manufacturers in Huaguo are going to buy theirs. RF chip."

Christian said angrily and amusedly: "That's it? There's no need to worry about it. Every 5G RF chip produced in the world must pay our company a patent fee of more than ten dollars. You don't care what RF chips they produce. "

The assistant said with a look of embarrassment on his face: "But... But that company's technology was independently researched and did not use our patent."

Christian was taken aback, then waved his hand: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, want to bypass our Snapdragon patent? Just rely on Huaguo's scientific research level? Their semiconductor talents are all in our company's research center."

"President, it's true!" Seeing that his boss was so confident, the assistant quickly called up a document and handed it to Christian for him to read.

Christian frowned. Seeing the assistant's serious look, his heart, which was originally very contemptuous, couldn't help being puzzled at this moment.

Could it be true?

He took the information and looked at it, but after looking at it, his brows gradually furrowed.

"Completely independent? Didn't use any patents? Even...supplied to Warwick?!"

Warwick's words immediately aroused Christian's attention.

As colleagues with Huawei, and both of them are several international giants, it can be said that the two companies do not like each other.

Some people say that Xiaotong does not want Huawei to fall. This is simply a joke. If there is a chance to completely bankrupt Huawei, they will definitely be the first to do it. It is a pity that Huawei has the support of the Chinese government. Severe sanctions have been reached, but it is still impossible to reach the level of bankruptcy.

However, Huawei, which is already a little weaker now, is also a good result for Xiaotong.

However, now someone actually told him that someone was going to violate their sanctions and supply Warwick?

Christian would never allow this kind of thing.

After a long time, he said, "Have you done a serious comparison? Did they really not use our patent at all?"

The assistant nodded: "Not really."

"What about Sansang? And Ericsson? And related patents from other companies, they are useless?" Christian still couldn't believe it.

The assistant hesitated for a moment: "I'm not sure about this, I need to contact those companies and confirm with them."

Christian was silent for a while, and then said: "Contact immediately. No matter what, the Huaguo company must not be allowed to survive."

Originally, everyone mastered part of the patented technology, and then synthesized it together to make money together. As a result, now, your company can completely master all the technologies. This is simply breaking the rules of the game.

Especially since this is a Chinese company.

Christian frowned deeply, thinking about what else he could do next.

At this time, his assistant thought for a while, and asked cautiously: "The chips of that company are found by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., should we contact the congressmen and ask them to add that company to the sanctions list? Then ban Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd." Give them the contract?"

Christian said angrily: "Are you kidding me? Do you think this is a casual sanction?"

Then he waved his hand: "Go out first, I'll think about it by myself."

"Okay President." The assistant nodded and left the office.

Christian fell into thinking, and he remembered what his assistant said just now, banning Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

He rubbed his chin. Although it is not possible to sanction directly through policies, it seems that he can think of a way to stop Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in another way?


Modu, the headquarters of the Ye Group.

Ye's Group is one of the largest real estate companies in the south of China, and the average land price in the south is the highest in the country. Therefore, it is not too far behind to say that the Ye's Group is a domestic real estate giant.

At this time, Ye Guo, the chairman of the Ye Group, was sitting in his office with disbelief on his face.

"My son's company has won an order worth 8 billion? Are you kidding me!"

A few days ago, he thought that his son was going to give up struggling and honestly come back to inherit the family property, but what happened?

An order of 8 billion, so much money, even their group has to weigh it.

The person who told him the news was the general manager of the group, named Zheng Gong, and he said with a smile: "Oh, Xiao Cheng is so promising, why don't you be happy?"

"Happy?" Ye Guo didn't know what to say.

Earning 8 billion is certainly something to be happy about.

But, doesn't this mean that Ye Cheng can't come back to take over the company?

He stood up, walked around the room, and finally picked up his mobile phone: "No, I have to call him."

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