Twenty days later.

Outside Ye Cheng's chip production workshop.

A large truck was parked here, and ninety workers in the factory came to unload the goods together.

And what is pulled on these trucks is the last batch of goods needed for the production of chips.

Originally, it would take twenty-five days to arrive, but Ye Cheng urged, and he was willing to pay more, so it was naturally accelerated by five days.


Wafer refers to the silicon wafer used to make silicon semiconductor circuits, and its raw material is silicon.

High-purity polysilicon is dissolved and mixed with silicon crystal seeds, and then slowly pulled out to form cylindrical single crystal silicon. After the silicon ingot is ground, polished, and sliced, it forms a silicon wafer, that is, a wafer.

A qualified wafer requires a purity of 9 or more, that is, a purity of 99.9999999% or more is required to be considered qualified. Only such a wafer can be called electronic grade and can be used to produce chips.

Of course, the price per piece is also quite expensive.

The price of a 12-inch wafer is about 200 US dollars. With the area of ​​Qilin9k chip more than 110 square millimeters, about 700 wafers can be cut out on average. About 450 pieces.

Of course, other raw materials are needed in the production process, and these raw materials are also not cheap. Such a 12-inch wafer is completely cut, and the cost price is about 17,000 US dollars.

Of course, this is pure raw material cost. If Ye Cheng goes to OEM for other companies, then of course he will charge extra fees, at least a few dollars more per chip, right?

So why does Bay Semiconductor make money? It produces billions of chips a year all over the world, and it accounts for most of the market.

At this time, Ye Cheng, standing under these trucks, watched the boxes of goods being moved into the workshop, and he couldn't help but feel emotional.

Although technology is productive, it is also expensive.

Soon, everything was moved into the special warehouse in the workshop. After all, these materials are basically special materials, and they also have requirements for the storage environment.

For example, photoresist is the most complicated consumable for lithography machines, and this kind of thing is sensitive to light, so the place where it is stored has strict requirements on light.

However, the workshop built for him by the system already includes all the functions, so he doesn't have to worry about these things.

Soon, these vans finished their tasks and left here, while Ye Cheng and all the workers and Zhong Xin walked into the workshop.

The dust removal room first removes dust, then puts on dust-free clothes, and finally enters the interior of the workshop.

Coming here again, looking at the surrounding environment, Ye Cheng inexplicably felt as if he was in a scientific research base in an American science fiction blockbuster.

Then he shook his head. This is the infiltration of American movies into culture. When he sees high-tech, he thinks it belongs to the American country.

Of course, this is not to say that the culture of ancient costumes and ancient buildings is not good, but that we must also build a kind of technological self-confidence from another aspect.

However, what needs to be admitted is that due to the late start of Huaguo, various restrictions from the West, and the penetration of Western talents in Huaguo, Huaguo's technology is still weaker than that of the West.

The West refers to the whole world except China.

Ye Cheng suddenly recovered from these wild thoughts.

Take another look around.

Now, all these things are his, which is the pearl of human wisdom, and he is a native of Huaguo, which means that Huaguo has mastered these technologies.

In a way, this is the innovation of Huaguo's technology.

His eyes fixed: "So, let me start a new chapter for Huaguo Technology."

Turning to ask Zhong Xin: "When will it be put into production?"

"Tomorrow will do." Zhong Xin said: "Now that all the labor force has been trained, we can maximize our productivity on the first day."

Ye Cheng nodded, the corners of his mouth curled up.

This batch of raw materials is enough for him to produce about 6 million 5g radio frequency chips, and then he can recover more than 200 million US dollars.

Then more than 200 million U.S. dollars can continue to buy raw materials, and then money will come in a steady stream.

Of course, at that time, I believe that banks all over the country allowed him to apply for loans, even interest-free loans.

I believe the government will support a representative of technology companies like him.

With a smile on his face, he gave his own order: "Okay! Everyone, get ready immediately and start production on time tomorrow!"

"Yes!" The ninety labor force brought by the system responded in unison.


The United States Xiaotong, Christian sat in his office, frowning.

"Zhiqi company can delay so much? It's almost a month, right? Those mobile phone companies haven't held court with Zhiqi company yet?"

"No way, in any country, the time for court sessions can be delayed." The secretary also said helplessly.

"What time is our court date?"

"December seven."

"Can't you drag it on?"

"The court in Huaguo didn't delay, and even said that if we ask for a postponement, the court will start one month earlier."

Christian stared: "They are procedurally unjust!"

The secretary spread his hands: "It's very procedural and fair for them to let us delay for three months. You also know that Huaguo likes to protect domestic companies."

Christian patted the table, "If the two lawsuits are dragged to the same court, then we will have a second trial together. We will definitely lose the second trial. Zhang Mou from Bay Semiconductor will definitely continue to produce chips for Zhiqi, and we will fall short by then. !"

The secretary said with a smile: "President, don't worry, according to the laws of Huaguo, their trial procedure adopts a simplified procedure, and the trial must be held within three months, and it is estimated that they will delay it for less than three months, at most two months." The court is open, and when the judgment is due, just apply to the government for enforcement immediately."

Hearing the secretary's explanation, Christian felt relieved, but still said: "But no matter what, tell those mobile phone companies to hurry up and urge their court."

"Okay, I know."

The secretary nodded, turned and walked out of the office.

However, after a while, the secretary came back in a hurry and said anxiously to Christian: "President, it's not good!"

Christian was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

"I just received the news that one of the largest real estate companies in Huaguo, Ye Guo, the chairman of the Ye Group, claimed that the boss of Zhiqi Technology Company is his child, and Zhiqi Technology Company used to be his company. If Zhiqi Technology If the company loses the lawsuit, he will bear the corresponding compensation.”



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